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How Love and Compassion works in our Life

Updated on October 27, 2024
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Katerina Kostaki is a Greek visionary author, poet, healer and speaker.Owner of the ACADEMY OF INNER LIGHT Network.

The Light at the edge of the tunnel

Undergoing the well known "Dark night of the Souls", I've been writing my thoughts on a single paper.

Like someone who's been looking for a dwell of illumination in a long distant tunnel.

In the vast depth of this tunnel there's a Light and someone is calling you .

No it's not a real tunnel.Yes it's a dream of mine .

One of the thousands dreams that hopefully came true.

It was a dream-herald before my Spiritual Awakening taking place on 2004 (or earlier...who knows?).

I posted this dream in my fantasy novel without knowing if there will be any Light at the edge of the mind-tunnel.

*Image "Spirit of Compassion" by Bilby (Own work) [CC-BY-3.0], via Wikimedia Commons

Article from

"The Light of the Dawn" series

Copyright Katerina Kostaki

Spiritual author-poetess

Have you ever experienced the so-called "The dark night of the Soul"?

Spirit of Compassion :I love the intro image,so I am re-posting it (full resolution)

Spirit of Compassion :I love the intro image,so I am re-posting it (full resolution)
Spirit of Compassion :I love the intro image,so I am re-posting it (full resolution)

If you read the "Remember you are not alone" hub, the following two first sentences were already posted in this lens.

Very often in our lives, we have felt isolated and separate from the world, the following two first sentences were already posted in this lens.

At these moments, we experience ourselves totally abandoned by everyone and everything.

Osho Compassion - The Ultimate Flowering of Love (Osho: Insights for a New Way of Living)

Compassion includes an original, 120-minute talk by Osho on DVD. This visual component enables the reader to experience the direct wisdom and humor of Osho straight from the source.

OSHO Compassion: The Ultimate Flowering of Love (Osho: Insights for a New Way of Living)
OSHO Compassion: The Ultimate Flowering of Love (Osho: Insights for a New Way of Living)
In this tenth volume of the popular Insights for a New Way of Living series, Osho examines the nature of compassion from a radically different perspective. He points out that "passion" lies at the root of the word, and then proceeds to challenge assumptions about what compassion really is. Many so-called acts of compassion, he says, are tainted by a subtle sense of self-importance and desire for recognition. Others are based in the desire not really to help others but to force them to change. Using stories from the lives of Jesus and Buddha and the world of Zen, Osho shows how the path to authentic compassion arises from within, beginning with a deep acceptance and love of oneself. Only then, says Osho, does compassion flower into a healing force, rooted in the unconditional acceptance of the other as he or she is.

The face of sadness

Ahead lies only silence, and sadness makes a profound presence like a storm invading the horizon spreading its gloomy wings and covering our «sky», our spiritual horizon.

These moments are a dominant life pattern for most of us, whilst a few light rays visit us rarely and last for such a short time!!

We have experienced the feeling of isolation, we have encountered it within our dreams and in our course along this reality.

On our personal conflicts, the loud and monotonous dialogue of the Mind, the inner and outer criticism, in our futile quests and negative emotions accumulation, in our individual and professional goals that are becoming our personal prison, little by little.

This Dominant Division, separation, disconnection has shut off our spiritual links, the channels with something so sacred and familiar as well.

*Image Normad prayer by probably Kazimierz Nowak or an unknown author ( [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons

The Dark Night of the Soul, Spiritual Canticle of the Soul and the Bridegroom Christ, The Living Flame of Love - THE COLLECTED WORKS OF ST. JOHN OF THE CROSS, V

The Collected Works of St. John of the Cross, Volume II: The Dark Night of the Soul, Spiritual Canticle of the Soul and the Bridegroom Christ, the LIV
The Collected Works of St. John of the Cross, Volume II: The Dark Night of the Soul, Spiritual Canticle of the Soul and the Bridegroom Christ, the LIV
Here, in one volume, are three of the most important works by Spanish mystic and poet SAINT JOHN OF THE CROSS (1542-1591), who played a major role in the Catholic Reformation of the 16th century and is still considered one of the most profound wordsmiths in the Spanish language. Seekers after spiritual succor will find thoughtful guidance, and lovers of beautiful language will find literary splendor, in: * The Dark Night of the Soul, John's sympathetic guide to those who would undertake the monumental task of fulfilling the soul's destiny of unity with God. Proceeding through the forest of human imperfections, John's poem and its explication are offered to ease the task of shedding the mental trappings of human existence, and to encourage fortitude in the face of suffering and the detachment of the spirit from the merely imagined self in order to fully become a blessed child of God, ready and able to embrace the glory that entails. * A Spiritual Canticle of the Soul, John's most famous work. Composed mainly while he was imprisoned for refusing to follow his superior's orders, the poem--here followed by a detailed explanation of each line and phrase--reflects the suffering and punishments he endured at that time, sufferings that would influence all of his subsequent work. This richness of imagery has led some to declare this work to be one of the finest ever written in Spanish.

Portal to Light

However in the midst of the chaos and darkness there is a single instant when we feel that there is just one step before we reach the bottom point, within the deepest point somewhere in the undetermined entire area called «Self», something shines like solid gold.

It is the portal of Truth that comes from our Creator, who has never abandoned us in the unbearable darkness that smashes our soul.

A passage to another «Portal», where unique moments appear where you feel that you are enveloped in light and there is absolutely nothing, but nothing that can seize nor impede you.

Image source

It's the connection with God that resides within us

The Portal's Light - The Portal Opens (Volume 1)

The Portal's Light: The Portal Opens
The Portal's Light: The Portal Opens
A brilliant young archaeologist discovers a device not of this world or time in Mexico. Bringing it back to Washington D.C., he accidentally unleashes a force that wipes out millions across the globe and disables power worldwide. In the aftermath, people around the planet try to recover and reclaim their lives. At the same time, the device itself opens a doorway, a portal, to its home across the galaxy. Soon, an alien force, intent on claiming the Earth as its own, begins to arrive out of the portal's light!

Free will and G-d Will

The distance from our Primary Creator is essentially negligible, because Creator resides within us.

We are the only ones who abstain when we allow our thoughts diverse us for simply as long as our thoughts are thoughts of hatred, aggression, anger, control the distance grows.

A world of illusions in which Love is banned, where we are feeling «lost in space», is a world totally self - created by our own obscure thoughts.

Think that there are still options.

Even better: these options are chosen by us!

We are about to take the leap through love and compassion.

Free will guide us out of the 3D Universe self - creation and leads us directly to God's arms, in Universal Love's embrace.


Raphael [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons

Dreaming the Divine: Techniques for Sacred Sleep

Dreaming the Divine: Techniques for Sacred Sleep
Dreaming the Divine: Techniques for Sacred Sleep
During sleep we enter an alternate state of consciousness in which we're more easily approached by our goddesses and gods. Learn a unique ritual system designed to secure dreams from your personal deities. This book also gives you an in-depth guide to remembering and recording your dreams, interpreting them, and determining whether they're of divine origin. The techniques aren't complex -- a few simple actions, an invocation, and a bed are all you need.

Love vs Chaos

It's true!

God has never gone away from you, because you are His Holy creation, and how it could ever be so, since you are His beloved child?

You are the only one who can choose to open a «Gateway» to Light, the Divine Light, using Love as the master key.

Where Love appears chaos and grief is dismissed.

Pour Love on chaos and it will be dissolved!

Love is manifested where Inner Light dominates, the Divine Spark, where our Inner Self shines.

Returning to Divine Love's embrace is the most exciting return to our Source, to our Creator, where only love and compassion exist.

The complete conversations with God

The Complete Conversations with God
The Complete Conversations with God
To mark the tenth anniversary of the publication of Conversations with God, Book 1, all three of the most essential books in Neale Donald Walsch's seminal trilogy are brought together in one beautiful volume just in time for the gift-giving season. Conversations with God, Book 1 was the start of Neale Donald Walsch's ongoing dialogue with God. The trilogy contains the most essential truths and lessons for spiritual seekers, and these books are the bestselling of all the author's works. Featuring a new foreword by the author, printed throughout in two colors, and inserted in a fully enclosed full-color box, this remarkable book will be a Christmas gift to treasure.


Love is the only truth and everything else is an illusion.

This content is accurate and true to the best of the author’s knowledge and is not meant to substitute for formal and individualized advice from a qualified professional.

© 2012 Katerina Kostaki


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