Remember You are not Alone
Very often in our lives, we have felt isolated and separate from the world.
At these moments, we experience ourselves totally abandoned by everyone and everything.
Feelings of Isolation ? Not anymore.
Heart fully and absolutely honestly, this hub was been written and published as a means for people to discover some comfort and relief when undergoing heartbreaking moments of depression and isolation.
If you are in this hub, possibly you looking for a Spiritual Advice and Remedy.
Whether you are feeling absolutely alone and totally isolated from the rest of the world, there is always a warm shelter, a gesture of Love and appreciation around you.
Remember that we are spiritual beings experiencing a physical reality that creates illusions including the feeling of non-wholeness and disruption from the Divine Source and Cosmic Consciousness.
When knowing the Truth, then detrimental feelings of isolation and abandonment disappear.
Before proceeding to the main essence of this HUB, I would advise you to read my complimentary HUBS:
1.Writing and purification of Self
*Write - Purify Yourself - Evolve
2.Ten tips for a healthy lifestyle
*Ten tips to total transformation your life
in a spiritual, mental and physical way
3.Woman and pursuit of happiness
*(This one applies to anyone )
Article written and published
by author Katerina Kostaki
From series "The Light of the Dawn
A Leap of Faith
Have you ever asked for Spiritual Treatment, when feeling isolated?
Share with us why you have or not having asked for Spiritual Treatment, Counseling Mentoring or other Remedies.
No fears, no insecurities.
Only heartfelt thoughts !
Mankind and Conventional Reality
Have you ever read my 25 things about me? In this short bio-lensographic hub, 25 short stories of mine re-present my slow motion advancement to this- still moving forwards and upwards - stage.
What happens to me looks like a "copy and pasteaa" Reality imaginery for many people upon this Planet.
An idea is cultivated over centuries in our minds that Mankind who God created in His own image continues growing and developing holding the thought that it is on his own, isolated in a cold, dark Space, where only Space Matter lies and...the Unknown!
Misleading as well as Fear became part of Humans' Reality.
Unfortunately humans in a great percentage have not perceived what is precisely happening with their own life, for a human entity that resides in a three dimension can not comprehend factors acting beyond tangible and Conventional Reality.
This is precisely what humans have been conditioned to comprehend and act alike.
Tales from the Loop - A non-conventional and non-conspiratorial book!
One of the books that really enhanced my uplifted consciousness and supported me on my evolutionary Path was David's Icke book "Tales from the Loop" .
If you feel that this World is not what you've told it is ,let your intuition speak.
Ego and Spiritual nourishment
Human life is conditioned by a constant and complicated planning. We see, we hear, we comprehend whatever we are conditioned to do and as conditioned beings that's the exact way we function.
Humans are constantly opposite to a conceited ego that requests and desires all the time.
This is the source from which needs and requirements derive and all of them constitute the foundation of an eternal conditioning.
By observing our needs we miss to nourish our Soul.
The Spiritual Nourishment is mostly non existent for the majority of humans who neglect what they really should nourish while they give priority to material needs.
Life and Non-satisfaction
How long is this case going to last?
Sometime, dear friends, you feel empty and unsatisfied. Needs is replaced by other needs and the remaining needs by others.
By the end a nefarious circle prevails.
"The nefarious circle of non- satisfaction"
What is the reason that makes people feel isolated?
If you liked the first Duel Debate (have you already replied it yet?), let's try this one!I would love to read your viewpoints as well.
Perhaps by opening our hearts we provide this world with invaluable energy and Higher Vibrations.
Is Money and Glory means to Happiness and the Path of Spiritual Growth?
Recommended Audiobook - by Shakti Gawain and Deepak Chopra
Detrimental thoughts and World Status
If your reply to the debate is Yes, then you must contemplate how many corruptible wars have taken place in the past few years.
How many victims we have counted up to date, because of explosive violence and abuse.
How much hunger and infelicity has expanded over people, whether they belong to non developed, under developed, and developed world.
More and more people begin to worry about conditions of life acquiring ecological identity and Cosmic Consciousness.
Man is molded by Creator for a supreme cause.
"Living as an entity under a filled with stars sky, seeking that you sense as intuition, as a voice deriving from your heart, for soul is unchained from whatever pulls it down, while what she is craving for is advancement towards Divine ".
Spiritual Wisdom by Katerina Kostaki
Would you like me to share with you another great-great Truth?
Who ever starts walking along this path rapidly comprehends that he does no longer desire to give up.
Advancement becomes an imperative need.
Who could ever believe that we are absolutely alone, along this way towards Higher Good, compromising with inner research?
Just consider yourself as a tiny, infinitely small mark, a little cell of an enormous Cosmic Ocean flooded by Intellectual Love.
Our Creator always embraces His children with affection and Love and accompanied by Forces of Light unlocks the Gates to Spiritual Advancement enlightening the path with Celestial Light.
Forces of Light are omnipresent, always close to us every moment and we should -no doubt- make our positive choices and thoughts.
Our thoughts when luminary will attract their equivalent, the Light of Truth!
© 2012 Katerina Kostaki