What products can you use to make your hair grow back faster?

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  1. Zaiden Jace profile image65
    Zaiden Jaceposted 14 years ago

    What products can you use to make your hair grow back faster?

    My cousin put too many chemicals in her hair and a lot of her hair fell out. What can she use to make it grow back in faster?

  2. Just Ask Susan profile image93
    Just Ask Susanposted 14 years ago

    Have never tried any products myself but Rogaine has a lot of information on the web.

  3. profile image50
    herbalmedicinesposted 14 years ago

    I have started a hub on stop hair loss and start hair regrowth. Please visit for more information: http://hubpages.com/hub/Review-of-My-Un … -Treatment

    I hope this review will help you!!

  4. Mayaanjali profile image67
    Mayaanjaliposted 14 years ago

    Regular head massage with a herbal hair oil.
    Shampoo with a pH balanced shampoo and conditioner-very important.
    Good exercise so that you sweat and increase your metabolism.

  5. profile image49
    tifftim818posted 14 years ago

    There's no scientifically proven way to make your hair grow faster. But, there is a lot of research on what causes hair loss. And the less hair you lose, the more hair you have growing to your length of choice, right? While some of the causes of hair loss can't be helped, there are several things you can do to encourage your hair grow to its full potential.

  6. profile image50
    gadget101posted 14 years ago

    I am 37 and have had long hair my whole life.  I've grown my hair to my knees twice after having cut it to where my bra line is on my back.  I have found that Hair, Skin, and Nail Vitamins really help your hair grow faster and stronger.  Rubbing a raw yellow onion on your scalp once or twice a week and letting it sit for about 15 minutes before washing it out also makes your hair grow faster and has known to stimulate growth on the scalp where their hasn't been any for years.  Another helpful solution I use is a mixture of 1 cup vinegar and 6 cups water.  I rinse my hair and scalp with this once or twice a week, especially after rubbing onion on my head, and I noticed that after each rinse my hair is softer and more managable.
    My grandfather lost his hair after battling cancer.  His remedie that made his hair grow back even thicker than ever before was a mixure of witchhazel and iodine which he massaged into his scalp a couple times a week.
    As for beauty products that promise to increase your hairs growth and strengthen your hair, I have found nothing that works as well as those that I have mentioned above and the cost is next to nothing compared to the price you are going to pay for products with a whole lot of chemicals.
    Here is another great tip.  If your hair is dry and brittle you can take olive oil and heat it a bit and then rub it on your hair (not your scalp) and leave it on for an hour or so once a week and you'll find that your hair will eventually become hydrated once again and won't break off as much when combing or brushing through it.
    I hope you try one or more of my remedies above before purchasing chemical ladden products.  They have always worked for me and I have never had an allergic reation to any of them, and the cost is pennies compared to over the counter solutions.
    Good Luck!

  7. matherese profile image59
    mathereseposted 14 years ago

    Aloe vera products are really good Shampoo and conditionner from the aloe vera company are very good at helping the hair to grow

  8. thinninghairwhq profile image60
    thinninghairwhqposted 14 years ago

    My friend of mine who works as hair dresser recommend Nioxin for Thinning Hair.

  9. Lisa Corkery profile image59
    Lisa Corkeryposted 13 years ago

    I wrote a hub about how I grew out my hair...I hope it can help you too!

    http://lisacorkery.hubpages.com/hub/Its … t-The-Hair

  10. Gina Welds-Hulse profile image87
    Gina Welds-Hulseposted 8 years ago

    I can speak from experience on this. I lost lots of my hair due to lupus.  What worked for me was a lovely blend of essential oils that I know help with hair regrowth.
    The main one is rosemary. I also make an infused oil with rosemary and olive oil.
    I wrote an article about lupus and essential oils and my journey that might be helpful.


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