Sounds too simple as work out? But the proof of the pie is in tasting it!!!This is a fairly simple routine but according to Chinese alternative medicine, it is supposed to channelize the qi or chi energy Disease creeps in when there are energy blocks. Pingshuay removes energy blocks
The concentration of a solution can be expressed in a number of ways. One of the most used ways of expressing concentration is Molarity.
In lock down the body's daily activity is not as high as it has adjusted to a new normal. Faced with this reality, there is need for a dietary change that increase the fiber content of the foods we consume along with fresh natural vitamins. Lock down salads have emerged as a spurt of creativity!
The ultimate spinach delite is a treat without much calories if you are on a diet. The salad has the right amount of crunch and is quite filling. Light on spice and a good blend of free radical scavengers in the form of pomegranate and spinach -it is a treat by itself!
In lockdown, your diet needs modification. With your activity reduced in the confines of your home you need to consume lower calorific foods with high fiber, vitamins and minerals. Salads
Discarding food and milk containers made from HDPE into the trash can can be lethal to the fauna around you. Yes, HDPE has brought in convenience and safety for humans and boosted the food and milk industry but we have a role of responsible behavior to play.
The art of Rangoli making in a Sanskar Bharati Rangoli extends beyond just creating geometric patterns. The symbols are intricately arranged in a pattern to infuse auspisciousness. The rangolis are symbols created on a background of color.
Although this is a simple lab experiment, the learning of formation of coordination complexes, calculation of the enthalpy change and the color changes on formation of the complexes gives the students a hands on experience in coordination chemistry
The determination of caffeine in tea leaves is a simple experimental process that is carried out as a simple laboratory experiment. The project hones the skills of a student in the extraction and determination of caffeine content from tea leaves both commercial as well as homegrown.
Group 2 cations form salts due to the enthalpy of hydration. The enthalpy of hydration more than compensates for the high ionization enthalpies required in the formation of the cations.
Biodiesel is an environmentally friendly option available to third world countries where agriculture is a major source of livelihood. We attempt to prepare biodiesel as part of our K12 project.
Reading books, biographies and autobiographies of different God men and spiritually realized souls I noticed that I had read all about their glories without having had the chance to meet these illustrious beings. Was I to accept the glories of...
This K-12 project, helps the student observe the esterification reaction reiterating the esterification reaction.
Mumbai schools -private or municipal always have a 'Golawala' close to the nearby entrance attracting all the young school children with his ovoid of ice shavings mounted on a stick. He hurriedly pours colorful syrup to make his gola look like an ice castle with psychdellic color swirling each...
Laboratory Synthesis of Bakelite Chemistry Projects at the K11 and K12 level have to be meaningful. They must support if not reiterate the theoretical aspects of rote classroom learning. Preparation of polymers, namely Bakelite is a simple...
Trovants or growing stones are found in Romania at two locations in Vâlcea County- the first is a sand quarry before the entry in Costeşti village while the second location, which is a more spectacular one, is along Gresarea.
The tulsi herb An indian woman prays to Goddess Tulsi The tulsi plant grown in front of houses for protection and veneration Tulsi or the holy basil is regarded with immense divinty in India.The plant is said to symbolize Goddess Laxmi. The...
In the process of osmosis, solvent moves from a region of lower salt concentration to a solution of higher concentration via a semi-permeable membrane. This process of osmosis when observed in plant tissue is important to botanists. A turgid...
Sugar is an important diet constituent which causes stress related ailments such as obesity and diabetes. Stress which is the curse of modernization, lowers the glycogen content of the body.