How come even thin women appear to have cottage cheese legs?

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  1. rutley profile image64
    rutleyposted 12 years ago

    How come even thin women appear to have cottage cheese legs?

  2. profile image0
    JThomp42posted 12 years ago

    It is called cellulite. There is nothing known to prevent. It is hereditary.

    1. profile image0
      JThomp42posted 12 years agoin reply to this … cellulite/ 
      Although some cellulite can be reduced. It is impossible to totally rid yourself of it.

  3. Mom Kat profile image74
    Mom Katposted 12 years ago

    It is called cellulite, JThomp42 is correct on that, however, it is preventable and reversible.
    The main reason more women are experiencing this is the same reason more men are walking around with more fat too. 
    When you eat more calories than you burn on a daily basis your body stores it as fat.  Some of this fat for women goes to places where it is turned into cellulite.  (a type of fat)  for others it could be "brown fat", belly fat, back fat, breast fat.... heredity and genetics plays a roll in where your body tends to put it, not that you are destined to have an excess of it.

    Drinking the right amount of water, eating a healthy, nutritious diet, and exercising on a regular basis to keep your body running at it's optimal and intended state of being are all great ways to prevent or reverse this effect.

    We, as an entire collective, have fallen into a way of existing filled with poor/bad habits and negative mindsets which only perpetuate the problem.

  4. fpherj48 profile image60
    fpherj48posted 12 years ago

    Rutley.......Cellulite......pronounced (cell-u-leet)  is exclusive to women.(because of estrogen)...the "ole bag o' walnuts"  on your thighs and often, buttocks.......
    JThomp seems to believe it is hereditary....but only to the degree that our concentration of fat CELLS can be highest in those particular areas of the body......which is the first place that excess fat travels to. Jthomp is correct that "it" is always there....but that means the "fat CELLS" are there.....capable of storing FAT....
    Cellulite is most certainly reversible...with diet and exercise ....the same as any fat is capable of reducing....although it is a bit more stubborn, due, once again, to the high concentration of fat cells......but it can be gotten rid of if you're determined.....which means a steady maintenance program or it immediately returns when fat is once again accumulated.
    Good news for those who wish to and can afford LIPOSUCTION......When this fat (fat pockets to be precise) are literally sucked out.....the cells go with the fat....never to return.
       Bottom line?  If you opt for liposuction, you can still gain weight and have excess fat, but the fat will go "elsewhere" on the body where there are still fat cells........and while the areas you had lipo will get a bit fatter, it will no longer have the "walnut" or CELLULITE effect.......There you have it......Truth and Fact!

    1. teaches12345 profile image76
      teaches12345posted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Great answer.  I am glad to hear that cellulite is reversible with dedicated work and attitude.

    2. tillsontitan profile image80
      tillsontitanposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Sounds like too much work for me, guess I'm stuck with puckered legs wink

  5. profile image0
    Old Empresarioposted 12 years ago

    Doctors say that the globs of fat (cellulite) lodged in the fibers of women's thighs are very difficult to get rid of. There are some massage techniques that might do the trick. I will say that I have not seen avid runners with cellulite, though I think it looks strange for a woman to not have it to some extent.

  6. kj force profile image60
    kj forceposted 12 years ago

    Contrary to speculation, cellulite ( cottage cheese ) is not just  pockets of fat, but a skin condition that is just below the appears lumpy and just   excercising does not make it go away, however walking will help circulation thus helping the body to flush out toxins that build up in the tissue.....massaging is really the only way to reduce the appearance. Apple Cider vinegar and a good loofah sponge works well in the can also massage with olive oil & oatmeal 3-4 times a week.. wash with a moisturizing body wash and rinse....( soap can dry the skin )..try it for a month and you will notice a big must drink and stay hydrated,( coconut water is an excellent hydrater ) which in turn will help to eliminate the toxins that build up in the body....this is an inexpensive do NOT get cellulite due to the difference in the structure of the muscle in legs,  diagonal weaved whereas women's are perpendicular...


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