Meaning of Computer Technology
Computer technology covers a huge range of computer basics. It is the hardware, software, networking and peripherals of computers. Hopefully this hub will help you understand a little about each part of computer technology and give you a little better understanding about how computers work.
A computers hardware technology includes the inner workings of the computer. The hard drive (what stores your information), the central processing unit (CPU - the part of your computer that carries out instructions given by a program), and the CD/DVD readers (place where you put the discs).
These days, everyone is trying to make the hardware part of computers smaller so your home computer doesn't have to be so large. By reducing the amount of space needed to hold memory, more can fit into your home computer giving you the ability to store lots more information.
Computer software technology refers to the programs that people use that are just as important as the hardware that runs them. As the hardware advances, so must the software.
The people who write software are called programmers. Programmers write software for thousands of applications such as games, accounting, image processing and medical research.
I got an Associates of Applied Science degree in Computer Technology when I went to collage. I actually enjoyed the software portion of the schooling more than any other part. It was nice being able to take a computer apart (all the hardware out) and put it all back together but being able to write the programs (software) was the most fun for me.
I worked with Visual C++ (Visual Basics or VB is what my teacher called it). Here's just a little snip-it of what we got to do.
Computer technology also covers Internet technology, known as networking. The information superhighway often relies on servers whose main function is to process data coming in and out of a certain area. Computer technology also includes the lines this data must pass through like the phone line or broadband connection.
Since the late 20th century computers have become increasingly connected to each other. Today it is easy to transmit data around the world over the Internet. The Internet is just an outgrowth of earlier networks. Now many homes have small wireless networks in them, connecting televisions, laptops, desktop computers, game consoles and many other entertainment devices.
The peripherals of a computer are the ones you use most often. The monitors, keyboards, speakers and game controllers. These devices also need updating as the software and hardware become more demanding and as your own personal preference changes.
My husband no longer uses the regular keyboard or mouse. He went from the original wired ones to wireless ones and now on to the ergonomic ones. I have to admit I absolutely LOVE his trackball mouse! It takes a bit to get used to but once you use it, it is hard to go back to the original ones.
My other hubs
My previous hub was on The History of Computer Technology. This hub basically touches on the generations of computers and how we have gotten to where we are today as far as technology goes.
Also check out my Careers in Computer Technology hub where you can find out about the degrees in Computer Technology and what kind of careers there are out there.
The Role of Computer Technology in Education hub tells a bit about how much computers have changed in classroom environments.