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Awesome Twitter Tips

Updated on June 22, 2013

What Is Twitter?

Twitter is an online social media website that allows you to talk with friends, learn about various topics, have fun, and get you rich. I want to show you the best ways to use Twitter as well as some tips that will help you get followers and succeed. I have my own Twitter account, and I have been tweeting like crazy ever since I used some of the newest methods around. Ever since I have been using these guidelines, my amount of Twitter followers has almost doubled.

What Can Twitter Do For You

Twitter is a great place to share information as well as to have a lot of fun. Some people like myself will use Twitter to promote their products, websites, and more. However, you can't only promote on Twitter. With the mix of promotion, funny jokes, questions, and facts, you'll have a lot of followers in no time. If you have a lot of followers, then you have a lot of credibility. For example, like him or not, Justin Beiber has over 10 million followers and is heading towards 20 million. If he promotes a product, chances are that everyone will get the product because he recommended it. If you get a good reputation on Twitter, then that can happen to you too!

HELP! My Amazon Links Are Too Big!

There's a place for that

Amazon links are too big to promote, and without a description, you won't get many customers. However, there is a place that I use called Tinyurl that shortens those links so that they can fit. You will still get paid the royalty since the link still has your ID in it. I use this method to draw in potential customers, but most of the time, I tweet about my hobbies such as baseball, yugioh cards, and more!

Don't Post All Of Your Tweets At The Same Time

It is a terrible idea to tweet multiple tweets all at the same time. You'll appear way too much in your follower's home screen, and that can make you lose some followers. Think of a tweet as a Blackbox Module. If you put too many of them too close to each other, they lose their effect. Let other people take their turn before you make another tweet. A good way to tweet is to schedule all of your tweets. If you schedule your tweets, people will come to you and follow you because you have updated content. I found hootsuite to schedule my tweets. It is a very easy service to use, and it has doubled my number of followers every day!

Get Money With Twitter

Sponsored Tweets

Sponsored Tweets is a great place to earn some money. You can show off other people's ads on your Twitter account and get a royalty for showing that ad on your Twitter page. Earn on Twitter right now with Sponsored Tweets.

Make Your Follower Come Back At A Specific Time

Is there a specific time that you want to see your follower back here? Well, I got this idea from baseball trivia. The announcer will give you a hard trivia question, and he'll give you the answer in the next inning so that you stay around. You can do that with Twitter too! For example, I looked up a fascinating fact online, and then I talked about it at 12 p.m. I gave the answer at 6 p.m., and I reminded my followers about the same question 10 minutes before the answer. Here was the question:

"Which president had 2 pet raccoons?"

Now, how would anyone know that. When a dog sees a light on the ground, it gets curious. These questions get your readers curious as well, and telling them WHEN you will give away the answer tells them that they have to BE BACK HERE at that time.

For the answer, I gave more details rather then just giving the person's name. Here was the answer:

"Calvin Coolidge, the 30th president, had 2 pet raccoons."


Some people love facts, and most people who make a living on Twitter by giving facts have thousands of followers. I created a new Twitter account so that I could tweet about all of the fascinating facts of the world.


If you want to make money on Twitter, MyLikes is the way to go. We all know that Squidoo gives everyone a slow start with the mix of lensrank and the 2 month waiting period before you get paid. However, MyLikes is completely different. You get your payments from MyLikes every Friday of every week, and I made $1.59 during my first week on MyLikes. That isn't as good as what I made on Squidoo during my first payout, but it is a start. MyLikes allows you to put their links on your Twitter account. When someone clicks on the link, you get paid. Depending on the number of Twitter followers you have, you could make a couple of cents to a couple of hundred dollars a day! You can go here to see how much money some of the best MyLikes users earn a day! These people have thousands or millions of followers, so it depends on your following. MyLikes is a great and quick way to make money on Twitter. You don't need to be approved to use these links. MyLikes instantly gives you access to some of the best links around.


Pay4Tweets is a website that allows you to set the prices for your tweet. Advertisers and other people who want to display their tweets will come to you, and they will pay you money to show their tweet. The more followers you have, the higher you can charge per tweet. I have almost 100 followers, and I am charging $1 per tweet, but some people with close to a million followers on Twitter charge $100 or more for their tweets.

I'll Put Your Tweet Up For $1 - Please Use Proper Language Though

I am up to putting anyone's tweet on my stream for a small fee, but I want to maintain a good reputation online, so I don't want to see inappropriate language. Thank you for the support.

Slow And Steady Wins The Race

In order to get a good following on Twitter, you must be slow and steady to win the race. It takes time to develop a following, but just be patient. I'm happy with having almost 100 followers while some people have millions of followers.

Follow People Based on Keywords

Squidoo lensmasters are always on Twitter promoting their lenses or just being themselves. Based on what I have seen, Squidoo lensmasters like to follow other Squidoo lensmasters, and it is something that always catches my eye. Try following other people based on keywords and see where it can take you.

2 Is Better Than 1

We have all heard this expression, especially when it is applied to "2 heads are better than 1." In Twitter, it is a good idea to have multiple accounts to get more followers. First of all, with 2 accounts, you can have each account follow the other, but this is the big one. Everyone creates a Twitter about themselves, and it is only logical. However, some people forget to write a Twitter for their business or even their website. So, I created a Twitter for my Yugioh Philosophy Blog which has gotten over 10k visitors in almost a year of service. I want to promote my blog, but attract a big crowd as well. I have Yugioh eBooks, want to sell Yugioh Cards, and even create a Yugioh membership site soon. My Yugioh Philosophy Twitter will get more followers which could end up becoming the buyers.

Another Link Shortener

If TinyUrl links still have too many characters, you can use Bitly. Bitly gives your links even less characters, and you get statistics about your links. Do you want to figure out which links are getting the most clicks? Figure out what content drives traffic to your blog or website with Bitly's services.

Follow Back

When you aren't a Twitter celebrity, you have to follow other people who follow you. Don't follow everyone who follows you, but follow a majority of them. As more people follow you and you follow more people, people will start to follow you just for the follow back. This can be thought of as a bad idea since your way to encourage people to follow you is a follow back. However, the people who follow you in search of a follow back may eventually find your content as good to read. Then they will roam your Twitter stream, click your links, retweet your tweets, and favorite them as well. I was stuck at 1,667 followers (I even remember the number) for months. When I started following people back, my follower count soared. Now I have over 5,000 followers.

Follow Other People

Unless you are a famous person who gets Twitter followers in a hurry like Seth Godin and many other people, you should start by following others. An empire starts with following others. I have over 5,000 followers, but I follow over 4,500 people. Many people follow the role model's attitude and tries to become a better person. Eventually, you will become that role model and other people will follow you as well. Following other people is a good way to get your name out in the open.

Tweet Out Quotes

Every few tweets, you should tweet a quote. People love quotes, and there are a lot of very motivational quotes that are easy to find. If you look up the keyword "Motivational Quotes," you will get a giant list of motivational quotes. I even created a Squidoo lens with a list of inspirational quotes as well. Motivational quotes get a lot of retweets, and Twitter accounts that only tweet out motivational quotes have thousands of followers.


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