Blog Up and Running Thank you all

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  1. TIMETRAVELER2 profile image75
    TIMETRAVELER2posted 8 years ago

    Yesterday, all of a sudden, both my Skimlinks and Adsense started working on my new blog.  I think the reason may have come in a response a hubber gave me.  I use Chrome, and needed the extension for the  Google Publisher Toolbar, which I had no idea I needed.  So, for all of you who are struggling with Blogger ads who are having problems installing, check your settings to see if you are connected or need to download it.

    Finally, finally...I can get my life back!

    I want to sincerely thank everybody who tried to help me.  It meant a great deal to me.

  2. Sam Montana profile image77
    Sam Montanaposted 8 years ago

    That's great news. I never knew about the Google Chrome toolbar and Adsense. I haven't use Chrome in years. I wonder if there are other advantages to using the toolbar and Blogger.

    1. TIMETRAVELER2 profile image75
      TIMETRAVELER2posted 8 years agoin reply to this

      I'm not sure that did the trick, but right after I enabled the Google Publishers Toolbar, the ads started appearing.  I am so excited that I could just s__t!!

      1. sallybea profile image83
        sallybeaposted 8 years agoin reply to this

        I looked for your blog but could not find it online.  What is it called?   It would be really nice if we had a link on our profile pages to our blogs.

        1. Marisa Wright profile image85
          Marisa Wrightposted 8 years agoin reply to this

          We do, Sally.  If you're looking at someone's profile, the link to their blog is the little "Home" symbol in the top right hand corner. 

          You can add yours by editing your profile and entering your blog URL in the "Website" section.  A blog is a website.

          1. sallybea profile image83
            sallybeaposted 8 years agoin reply to this

            Yes, I did know that but TimeTraveller2 only has Google + and Pinterest as far as I am aware.  I have my website there.  Confess I did not think about a blog necessarily being a website:)

            1. Marisa Wright profile image85
              Marisa Wrightposted 8 years agoin reply to this

              Once upon a time, a blog was a site where you could write an online diary.  Nowadays, the line between what is a blog and what is a website is so blurred, it can be impossible to tell the difference.

              Most people no longer use a blog to write a diary, instead they're writing regular posts about a particular topic.  Those posts could just as easily be written as pages on a website.  Some sites make a distinction between their website (where they provide solid information) and their blog (where they share news and chat) - others don't.

              I have two blogs and my posts don't even have dates on them any more, because they're irrelevant - the topics are evergreen, so old posts are just as relevant as new ones.  I don't even have a menu showing archives by date - that's useless to most people.

        2. makingamark profile image69
          makingamarkposted 8 years agoin reply to this

          All you need to do is use the site which is most popular and which clearly references the other places where you can be found.

        3. TIMETRAVELER2 profile image75
          TIMETRAVELER2posted 8 years agoin reply to this

          rving4newbies dot com

          1. sallybea profile image83
            sallybeaposted 8 years agoin reply to this

            Thank you, I see you have added it to your profile page now. 
            Well done on your blog, it looks good.  Not sure if anyone else would agree with me but I found the red and blue text difficult to read, more so than when I read just plain black text.

            1. TIMETRAVELER2 profile image75
              TIMETRAVELER2posted 8 years agoin reply to this

              Since the blog is about RVing, I thought a red, white and blue color scheme would look good, but if others agree with you, I guess I'll have to change it.  I'm not real good with the technicalities involved in formatting a blog and always fear that I'll mess something up if I make a change. 

              Actually it started out with black print, I don't even know how it changed!

              Thanks for the tip.

              1. sallybea profile image83
                sallybeaposted 8 years agoin reply to this

                You are welcome, I enjoyed reading it.  I think it is a great achievement.  I don't know many people around here who have worked quite as hard as you have over the years.

                1. TIMETRAVELER2 profile image75
                  TIMETRAVELER2posted 8 years agoin reply to this

                  Thanks, Sally.  I really appreciate that someone pays attention to my work.  I spend a great deal of time doing it, but I also know that I learn a lot.  If you could see what I was writing when I first started here and compared it to what I'm producing now, you wouldn't believe the same person did the work!

                  The blog is a big challenge for me.  I tried one once before but did not know how to monetize it.  Now I know more, so I'm hoping it will turn into a second source of income. 

                  I'm doing this because I worry about the mother site here at RV  down the road. Wanted to set something up "just in case".

                  1. sallybea profile image83
                    sallybeaposted 8 years agoin reply to this

                    I know how you feel. I have my own site too but in spite of it being monetized, it makes very little.  I know I need to do more work on it but it  is sometimes hard to give both sites the attention they need.

              2. Sam Montana profile image77
                Sam Montanaposted 8 years agoin reply to this

                Nice looking blog. How did you get the Amazon link ads like that. Did you go in to HTML and do that?

                1. TIMETRAVELER2 profile image75
                  TIMETRAVELER2posted 8 years agoin reply to this

                  I used the "save image as" thing and saved the images on my desktop.  Then I copied and pasted them onto the page I was writing.  After that, I typed in the name of the product, highlighted it, hit the link button and went to amazon on a separate search page to find the URL, which I then pasted into the link box.

                  I positioned them on the left or center depending whether they were part of an article or part of a products page.

                  Once you figure it out, it doesn't take long.  I suggest keeping two browsers open to make it easier because you can copy from one and paste the info on the other.

                  1. Sam Montana profile image77
                    Sam Montanaposted 8 years agoin reply to this

                    Okay. Are those Amazon links associated with your Amazon Associates account and you get a commission if there is a here on HP?

          2. makingamark profile image69
            makingamarkposted 8 years agoin reply to this

            You're missing out on a lot of traffic by not using the title for each post or page - and then including the meta data which responds well to search.

            You've also got some major issues re links not working properly.

            1. TIMETRAVELER2 profile image75
              TIMETRAVELER2posted 8 years agoin reply to this

              I thought I was using a title for each post!  I don't know what the meta data thing is...can you explain?  The links are not working because, even though Skimlinks said they were, I just found out from you guys and then this morning from Skimlinks that they're not.  I'm working on that.  Installing that program has been an ongoing nightmare for me as their directions stink and I'm no guru.  Will appreciate guidance on this stuff...need to get this squared away so I can start producing blogs.  I put a few on for now, but have tons I can add.  Don't want to do that, though, until I get this right.  God this is HARD!

              1. makingamark profile image69
                makingamarkposted 8 years agoin reply to this

                You're using Blogger - although you seem to be using one of the very old templates.

                You've also got headings on some posts and pages and not others.

                Here's a checklist of things you need to do to make blog post titles work for you.

                1. Start a new post
                2. The window to the left of "publish" button should have 'post title' in it - that's where you put the title. (It's also to the right of the word 'post' at the top above the window for the text. I suspect your titles are just headings in the text. They don't count.
                3. Go to Settings / Other
                5. Go to Site Feed.  Mark "Enable Title Links and Enclosure Links" YES - that then gives you a unique URL for every one of your blog posts
                6. When you are in a Post complete the 'Search Description" in the right hand column. That provides the meta description which then comes up in a Google query. This way you write your own. Otherwise it takes the first sentence.

                Personally I would lose white text on a black background. That alienates anybody with vision problems. Just stick to plain and simple. It works.

                1. TIMETRAVELER2 profile image75
                  TIMETRAVELER2posted 8 years agoin reply to this

                  I don't know how I wound up with an old Blogger template except that I started a different blog there a few years back and they kept it, even though I removed all of it from the site.

                  Did you mean white print on black background or the reverse?  I can't imagine that would be easier to read.  Is it reallly?

                  I have spent this entire day trying to get the titles, etc. correct.  Could you take a peek now and tell me if you think I still have problems/

                  Also, Marisa has been trying to help me with Skimlinks.  They tell me it's installed correctly on their end, but I cannot see it on my end.  If you know anything about installing this thing, please advise me.

                  I tried following their online directions and got nowhere.  The man I spoke with today told me just the opposite of the listed directions.  I don't think my ads are going through Skimlinks at the moment, so I won't get's a big old mess!

                2. TIMETRAVELER2 profile image75
                  TIMETRAVELER2posted 8 years agoin reply to this

                  I'm using black text on a white background.  Is the blog not showing that way?

                  1. makingamark profile image69
                    makingamarkposted 8 years agoin reply to this

                    Sorry - I was mixed up - I was looking at somebody else's site at the same time!


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