CMS Validation

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  1. blerim profile image61
    blerimposted 16 years ago

    I have been using CMS Made Simple which isn't too bad, but it is a bit cumbersome and my clients have complained about the image uploading component.

    Does anyone know of a really basic CMS or do you have to write your own?

  2. Paul Edmondson profile imageSTAFF
    Paul Edmondsonposted 16 years ago

    Have you looked at Drupal?  I don't have much experience with it, but I hear good things.  Sounds like it could be overkill for what you need.

  3. C.M. Vanderlinden profile image63
    C.M. Vanderlindenposted 16 years ago

    I'll second Paul---Drupal is a very good one to try. There are tons of useful features in there, but you can of course customize it to use only the components you need. Definitely worth taking a look at.

  4. blerim profile image61
    blerimposted 16 years ago

    Yes I thought about that but I heard that the interface is slow to respond to user input. Have you had that problem?

  5. profile image52
    creativefposted 16 years ago

    Hey why not go for wordpress as your CMS
    it does everything and it's a lot easier to get
    to grips with the learning curve is a lot less
    than drupal or joomla, movable type.

    Blog and CMS combine I say you can't go
    wrong with that and it has loads of plugins
    to enhance it functionality.


  6. bccs profile image60
    bccsposted 16 years ago

    What about trying Joomla..or wordpress.. Drupal is also good.

    1. profile image52
      creativefposted 16 years agoin reply to this

      Out of all the CMS you mention wordpress is by far the simpliest one to learn and
      setup, you could be up and running in minutes.


  7. blerim profile image61
    blerimposted 16 years ago

    Yes I agree that wordpress is very easy to learn but the page upload is very slow because it uses plugins that are add-on programs written by third parties that work with WordPress.

  8. Joni Solis profile image60
    Joni Solisposted 16 years ago

    >wordpress is very easy to learn but the page upload is very slow because it uses plugins

    I have wordpress with about 20 or so plugins and I never noticed the pages loading too slow.

    You can add a WordPress plugin that lets you set what plugins run on what posts. It is called HeadSpace and it is found on urbangiraffe . com.

    SEO and wordpress...
    HeadSpace will also makes tag suggestions automatically. These suggestions are based upon previous tags and the contents of the post including the title. If you add new tags these will be made available in future suggestions.

  9. Alexis Froehlich profile image61
    Alexis Froehlichposted 16 years ago

    I agree Joni, Wordpress is great, especially when you add the plugins
    It's become less blog-like every day with all the additions, pages you can add, etc. By far the easiest.

    If you need a CMS that Wordpress just doesn't quite offer, I suggest Joomla. It falls under the creative commons liscence. It's got a back office that's pretty easy to use... and I'm impatient and don't like to read long manuals

    Drupal is great but not as user friendly in the back office - if you don't know phpcode, I'd stick with Joomla, plus, Joomla's becoming more mainstream these days.
    You can always hire a coder to transfer an html site to joomla for you - they range from $40-$100+

    hope this helps!

  10. crazycat profile image38
    crazycatposted 16 years ago

    But others usually say it's better to start with Wordpress because it's the easiest among the three. Of course, Joomla and Drupal are good.

  11. jim4jo profile image61
    jim4joposted 16 years ago

    Never had any problems with slow loading wordpress - what type of hosting are you using for your site? If your on a shared server and it's full of high traffic sites this could be causing slow response times.
    I have found both Joomla and Mambo to be excellent CMS options, both are highly supported with the amount of components and extensions growing daily - and the majority are free!
    I could recommend an excellent Joomla specialised hosting company - but I'm not allowed to, so will just wish you good luck in finding a solution to your problems.

    1. pauldeeds profile imageSTAFF
      pauldeedsposted 16 years agoin reply to this

      You can certainly recommend a site, and even link to it.  Just be sure you're not posting unsolicited links, and that you've established yourself as contributor to the HubPages community before you do so.  We can tell the difference between spam and genuine advice.

  12. blerim profile image61
    blerimposted 16 years ago

    Yes I agree Joomla is very effective but it seems to screw up when I try to change the meta tags for all the pages. It puts the meta keywords under the meta description tag and thats a major issue Ive had in the past with Joomla so at the moment I am a little skeptical about it but I do agree its getting very popular.


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