Were Protons Accelerated To Reach The Speed Of Light In The Large Hadron Collide

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  1. quicksand profile image81
    quicksandposted 12 years ago

    Were Protons Accelerated To Reach The Speed Of Light In The Large Hadron Collider?

    A particle accelerated to reach the speed of light will begin to reduce in size when nearing the speed of light. According to this theory, at 90% the speed of light, the length of the particle in its direction of motion of will reduce to 50% of its original length. Thereafter its reduction in length will be logarithmic such that at 100% the speed of light, its "length" would reach zero. The protons in the Hadron Collider were accelerated to 99.999% the speed of light. In this case, the "diameter" of the protons would have shrunk to near zero. Did this happen in the Hadron Collider experiment?

  2. V4U profile image65
    V4Uposted 12 years ago

    yes, they were able to do that and as the resultant of it they were able to create black holes otherwise they couldn't have done this, though those black holes were small in size. The small size of those black holes was just due to the participation of very less number of accelerated particles and other than that it was just on the experimental basis which covered almost a negligible area as compared to original black holes.

    1. quicksand profile image81
      quicksandposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      These mini black holes existed for an infinitesimally small period of time. Thank GOD (particle) that some fears were not justified.  smile Cheers!

  3. BlissfulWriter profile image82
    BlissfulWriterposted 12 years ago

    No, nothing can actually reach the speed of light.  The particles at the Large Hadron Collider can reach 99.9999991% the speed of light when at full power. Reference: http://public.web.cern.ch/public/en/lhc/Facts-en.html

    1. quicksand profile image81
      quicksandposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Fortunately it did not disappear altogether rendering the experiment invalid! Thanks for your comment and the link. smile

  4. profile image0
    EvansPposted 12 years ago

    Interesting question! The contraction is relative to the observer. For example, if you happend to be travelling parallel to the particle (so that the particle appeared stationary to you) there would be no contraction. But stood stationary relative to the particle accelerator, relative to you the particles in the LHC will appear to contract (in accordance with the Lorentz Lenth Contraction formula). See the following link. Plug in some figures - it's actually really interesting.


    With regard to a particle having zero length at 100% of the speed of light, this is actually an impossible scenario, as Einstein's equstion E=mc^2 shows. This tells us the more energy you put into a particle (i.e. to accelerate it) the more the particle increases with mass. But, the more mass a particle has the more energy is needed to accelerate it. Therefore, to accelerate a particle to the speed of light would take an infinite amount of energy! Which is obviously impossible.

    To explain it more than this I will have to pass over to someone with a much bigger brain than me!

    1. quicksand profile image81
      quicksandposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Yeah, sure. When the velocity tends to "c" (speed of light) the mass tends to infinity. There were two options for me to include in my question. One involving the diminishing size and the other involving increase in mass. Thanks for responding smile

  5. AlexK2009 profile image78
    AlexK2009posted 12 years ago

    You answered the question yourself. They came close ot the speed of light but did not reach it. The radius of the proton as seen from the laboratory would have shrunk, though  the term radius implies a well defined particle which is not the case at the micro scale. I think technically the cross section, the radius perpendicular to the direction of travel did not shrink but I am not expert in this field so I could be wrong.

    1. quicksand profile image81
      quicksandposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Oops! I Just realized the relationship between volume and "physical length" involving the players in this experiment. Thanks for your views. smile


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