Is anyone bothered by web cams built into laptop or computer?

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  1. leroy64 profile image67
    leroy64posted 11 years ago

    Is anyone bothered by web cams built into laptop or computer?

    I was just thinking about George Orwell's book 1984 in which the television sets were used to keep tabs on the citizens.  It occurred to me that computers are being used as television, communication, work, effectively staying on constantly and having the same function as the television sets in Orwell's novel.  I don't think that there is a conspiracy here; but, the pieces are in place.

  2. rutley profile image63
    rutleyposted 11 years ago

    scary.........................................directv and our car radios too.........

  3. Tonyx35 profile image61
    Tonyx35posted 11 years ago

    Sort of. I just use 3x layered strip of black electrical tap to cover  the "Eye" when not in use.

  4. article_eric profile image61
    article_ericposted 11 years ago

    I'm not worried about big brother.  If your cam isn't in use via Skype or another chat tool, then you're safe. However external cams always offer far better quality than those that are built in.

    1. leroy64 profile image67
      leroy64posted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Thanks.  I did not realize external cams had better quality.  I don't think Big Brother is here; but.  I do find it interesting when a technology that was fantasy moves into the realm of possibility.

  5. dailytop10 profile image79
    dailytop10posted 11 years ago

    I find them handy especially if your external cam  ends up busted.

  6. duffsmom profile image62
    duffsmomposted 11 years ago

    If I give it too much thought I could probably get myself going on the subject.  I think  if I was bothered by it, I would cover the lens with a piece of dark tape.  I have a relative that doesn't like the idea of the X-box Kinect because of the camera being on whenever the unit is on - and he worries about it even if off - so he won't own one.

  7. Au fait profile image82
    Au faitposted 11 years ago

    I have heard that hackers have been able to turn the built-in webcams in computers on from locations long distances from where the computer is located and watch people.  I think it's odd people didn't realize the webcam was on because a light should light up if it's working. 

    I guess sometimes people who don't understand computers very well don't always realize what it means when that light is on.  Young children especially, might now question it or think to tell someone about the light being on.

    There was a big blowup about this a few years ago when a school made computers available to their students to take home (like borrowing a library book). 

    To keep tabs on where the computers were. the webcam was engaged by someone at the school.  Some students didn't close the lap tops when not in use and so the camera was able to 'view' things going on in the room without consent of the inhabitants of that room.  I never heard how this issue was resolved.

    Anyway, I covered the camera eye on my laptop with a piece of blue sticky note right after I got the computer since I have no plans to use it, and the sticky note has stayed in place with no trouble.  So if anyone turns my camera on they will see nothing but blue skies . . .

    1. leroy64 profile image67
      leroy64posted 11 years agoin reply to this

      I cover my web cam when I am not using it.  Personally, I like the video chat features on a computer; but, I want to remain in control of that feature.

  8. phillippeengel profile image81
    phillippeengelposted 11 years ago

    Whenever my web cam does not have that light indication on, I believe that I am surfing the web incognito - and the idea of people spying and eavesdropping me sounds so scary. I will steer away from potentially malicious websites and update my security suite regularly. If I am indeed being spied, I think they won't see anything on their screen other than a stolid-looking young man in a plain, austere room looking frantically for a job.

    1. leroy64 profile image67
      leroy64posted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Interesting.  I wonder what the point of spying through a web cam would be?

  9. lburmaster profile image72
    lburmasterposted 11 years ago

    Not really. The light is supposed to come on if the camera is in use. I constantly watch it because I'm aware it could be hacked. Especially since my ex is an electronic fanatic.

  10. safiq ali patel profile image68
    safiq ali patelposted 11 years ago

    I would prefer the in built web cam to be switched off. And yes I am often at least aware that the tv could be being used to watch me and listen to me..


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