Does social networking improve or destroy your social life?

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  1. Imogen French profile image91
    Imogen Frenchposted 11 years ago

    Does social networking improve or destroy your social life?

    While the use of such sites as Facebook and Twitter make it easier for us to get in touch with people, we are now spending a lot more time staring at little screens instead of interacting with the real world around us. Do you feel your social life is better or worse for it?

  2. aj's profile image59
    aj'sposted 11 years ago

    Nice question Imogen. You're right, people now spend more time staring at screens instead of calling up friends and hang out with them.
    I personally feel that my social life would be much better without social networking. Not that using such things are bad, but some times it just feels to crawl our life too much and traps us between walls with the screen in front of us....

    1. Imogen French profile image91
      Imogen Frenchposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      I feel that a lot of people do let social media take over their lives a little too much. I am guilty of it myself! We have to make a conscious effort not to give it too much power. smile

    2. Lor's Stories profile image59
      Lor's Storiesposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Some are on it 24/7
      Looking for trouble and stupid postings. I don't think it's healthy.
      I go on the Internet for research. I think we need to start writing letters again.

  3. Sherry Hewins profile image87
    Sherry Hewinsposted 11 years ago

    I don't think it's affected my social life much either way. I am in online contact with some people I would never have seen or heard from again, but I still see and associate with the same people I did before I started using social media.

    1. Imogen French profile image91
      Imogen Frenchposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      it sounds like you have got the right balance, Sherry. Social media can be a useful tool, and so long as we resist the temptation to give it too much power over our lives it shouldn't cause any problems.

  4. Thief12 profile image71
    Thief12posted 11 years ago

    I think that's up to each person. Like Sherry says, social media opens the door to communicate with people that you might not have met any other way. Plus, it makes it easier for us to communicate with friends and relatives that are on another country.

    That said, when people allow it to take control of their lives, to the point that they can't be 15 minutes away from their computer or smartphones to check their Facebook feed, then there's a problem. But that's up to everybody. It's the same with television, video games, etc. Balance is the key.

    1. Imogen French profile image91
      Imogen Frenchposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      I agree, balance is the important thing

    2. ossmedia profile image58
      ossmediaposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Totally agree with you. Just want to ask everyone here Are you using social media sites as they are meant for ?  I think  only 20 % people are taking full benefit of social media sites which they meant for while others had just occupied the space.

  5. coolenconnections profile image70
    coolenconnectionsposted 11 years ago

    I met my boyfriend on Twitter so in some ways social media has greatly improved my social life smile  I am also currently living far from family and close friends and social media has played a big part in keeping me from missing them too much.

    1. Thief12 profile image71
      Thief12posted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Same here. Met my wife through the Internet, and we've been together for almost 8 years, married 6 1/2.

    2. Imogen French profile image91
      Imogen Frenchposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      I'm glad you have had a positive result from social media. I agree, it is very useful when family and friends are far away.

  6. Lor's Stories profile image59
    Lor's Storiesposted 11 years ago

    When I heard about Boston I wanted to see if my friends were okay.
    Or if a cousin of mine is okay.
    But some people have been rude, nasty, and down right mean to me.
    I had some relative of a friend of mine tell me I was ugly. And everyone saw it.
    She didn't even know me.
    I think people who friend you and then de- friend you for no reason are jerks.
    They get mad if your kids are cute, they get mad if you don't believe what they do.
    My one pet peeve on FB is this:
    Please don't show me your surgical scars. That is so private. And please don't announce every detail of your illness.
    I was operated on last July for a near- fatal problem. I was so focused on the surgery and family that I never told anyone what was going on.
    Some things need to be kept quiet until all is clear.
    I am the kind of person who can either take it or leave it.
    My life is complicated enough.
    But yes it can destroy lives.
    It hasn't really been beneficial. Except for certain things.

    1. Imogen French profile image91
      Imogen Frenchposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Oh dear, it sounds like you've had some bad experiences. It certainly pays to be very selective about who you let into your life through sites such as Facebook. Wishing you better luck in the future smile

    2. Lor's Stories profile image59
      Lor's Storiesposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      People never really change:( sad to say. And these are people I grew up with. Hmmm wonder who has the problem?

  7. travmaj profile image71
    travmajposted 11 years ago

    For me, it works - keeping me in touch with relatives overseas and my family when they are away. I must add I was amazed when my lap top crashed recently and I was without for several days. I suddenly realised how much I use and rely on it. More than I imagined - but wouldn't be without it
    I worry about younger members of the family who seem to be constantly attached to some form of techno communication and lack concentration. But - it's not going to go away.

    1. Imogen French profile image91
      Imogen Frenchposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Hi travmaj,
      you're right, it's not going to go away. I guess it's something we all have to learn to live with, and try to use it only for the positive things.

  8. Kayamack profile image60
    Kayamackposted 11 years ago

    I think this depends on how it is used. Many people tend to have separate accounts, one personal, another for business, any others could be used for multiple reasons. This can also become difficult because there are two separate lives to lead in terms of social and mistakes do happen.

    When it comes to networking, it is an amazing source to get things spread very quickly. A social has the potential to grow very quickly with the right care and attention and while the instructions aren't always very clear, trial and error and understanding past successes can lead to even greater ones.

    Starting small and growing is great. Those that are already established and associated with already established brands can have a great audience and following and therefore, their message may spread quicker. But as someone who is still growing, working my way into various networks has so far improved my social life, esp in terms of where I want to go in life.

    1. Imogen French profile image91
      Imogen Frenchposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Hi Kayamack, thanks for your answer. There is a difference between networking for pleasure and networking for business. and I try to keep those elements separate. It is certainly a very useful tool as an online writer smile

  9. Grab a Controller profile image61
    Grab a Controllerposted 11 years ago

    I think it just depends on the person. For me, being on sites like Facebook and Tumblr have improved my social life. I have met people who use these sites regularly and like the same things I do, and it helps me build a strong relationship with them.

  10. Enigmatic Me profile image81
    Enigmatic Meposted 11 years ago

    On a global level it is amazing. I think to be able to skype family and friends from around the world is unbelievable.

    Locally, I think  social networking alienates people, and allows for different forms of harassment and bullying especially in the younger generation. Their dependence on technology has really brought with it an inability to relate. Consider getting news of a death or of other losses through email, tweet, facebook. One can dismiss them, delete it and it goes away without having to process what this information is, how it impacts and effects you. People are losing their ability to be compassionate, loss of empathy, and a general malaise view of the world and people in it. It also brings about false belief on confidentiality. Confidentiality means those who need to ..know. With twitter and facebook you can find out anything in the world simply by sitting and waiting because, despite the fact something was said in confidence, people use facebook as one would use a dial phone.. believing only those few people will hear what was said. There is no taking something back once it hits the net. Eternity it lasts, and infamy you get.
    We need to teach our kids things we took for granted humility, honesty, civic duty, integrity. Without those tools before internet usage, you have uncaring and unfeeling youth who will eventually lash out unable to deal with all the information they take in.

    Sorry, this wasn't meant to be preachy. I use social networking for contact with friends and family. I don't feel it has taken over my life, but see there is potential for that to be the case. Get out and be social would be my advice. Use social networking if you want... but hope that it doesn't become an innate need.

    1. Imogen French profile image91
      Imogen Frenchposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Good answer - I can tell you have really thought about this issue. There is a dangerous side to social networking, and I am worried about the younder generation too, but who would want to be without it now we have it!

  11. anniebetty profile image61
    anniebettyposted 11 years ago

    I believe that social networking has altered the way we communicate to such a degree that the "rules" of social life are shifting.  I think we've all been in situations where we have an easy, fun banter going with someone on-line and then we see them out in real life, and it's awkward.

    Our ability to retain our communication skills so that we can continue to have meaningful conversations with people is vital.  It's so easy on-line to toss back and forth these little quips that we often lose the meat of a relationship.

    It's been true for millenia ... we have to nurture our relationships.  Our social life is the result of those relationships.  When we build strong, healthy community--no matter how--we will have a vibrant social life.


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