Has social media made the world we live in a less safe place?

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  1. CyclingFitness profile image85
    CyclingFitnessposted 11 years ago

    Has social media made the world we live in a less safe place?

    Has social media made parenting tougher or is society truly a more dangerous place than when many of us grew up? Are there really more paedophiles out there and increased risk of violence on suburban streets in what have previously been safe areas? 15-20 years ago for me being out on the streets as a child wasn't an issue- have things really changed so dramatically or has an increase in media outlets led to heightened fear amongst parents?

  2. Marie Flint profile image71
    Marie Flintposted 11 years ago

    Good question, Cycling.

    Personally, I don't think it is entirely the social media that's at fault. Much of the problem has to do with where we, as individuals, choose to focus our energies. If we engage in pedophilic topics and create fear and distrust within ourselves, we will undoubtedly attract what we least desire. By the same token, we shouldn't be "ostriches with our heads in the sand."

    The healthiest emotional lifestyle is to keep a balance of inner and outer work. There has to be time for quiet, contemplation, as well as group interaction and play. Constructive activities that contribute to the wholeness of the community should be given priority over movies and video games.

    Responsibility along with positive thinking are keys to health and a long life.

  3. cebutouristspot profile image68
    cebutouristspotposted 11 years ago

    Less safe place to live in - I would say no. More ways for evil element to reach people who are exploitable yes.

  4. wychic profile image83
    wychicposted 11 years ago

    I think, for the most part, the internet in general has heightened fear by making it easier to hear about all the terrible things in the world. Those crimes are not a new thing. In some ways, it can actually make it safer by making the names and faces of at-large criminals much faster. The fear is DEFINITELY more prevalent for most people -- I live in a town with an extremely low crime rate, and almost zero violent crimes. I still see people on the community groups trying to drum up hysteria, and reading gunshots into everything from firecrackers, to blown transformers, to the ice breaking up on the canal. Many people on there bemoan the loss of their safe community and keep their kids within tightly controlled areas...yet the statistics show an even lower crime rate than 10-15 years ago here.

    Certain areas really have gotten more dangerous, internet or no. My husband grew up in Detroit, in a neighborhood that was once filled with families that let their children play in the streets. Now that neighborhood is filled with vacant buildings housing all types of squatters and illegal activity, and the city can no longer afford to keep the police force in that part of the city.

    So yeah -- just like it's always been, crime rates go up and down in various areas for various reasons. While the internet improves communication regardless, I can't see it as a direct causative factor in the crimes. It does allow a lot more "dumb criminals" to be caught after they post about their activities on Facebook, though wink. Has it made parenting tougher? Maybe, but I'd be inclined to say "no" there too -- it adds another element that children need to learn to use responsibly and safely, but so does the existence of drugs, alcohol, firearms and "questionable characters" in their "real world" sphere.

  5. Lauren Amy Smith profile image59
    Lauren Amy Smithposted 11 years ago

    If anything, I think that social media and the internet in general has made the world a much safer place to be. This is because it's so much easier to track and stay in contact with people, obviously there will be bad people trying to exploit this, but that's always going to happen.


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