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What is the Best Scripting Language to Learn

Updated on April 27, 2013

What is a Scripting Language

Scripting languages are often used as a frontend programming for computer-client interaction in the web. Scripting languages can be embeded with HTML together to have an interactive web pages. Its primary role is to add functionality to the HTML pages. Scripting languages can be a client-side or server-side scripting languages or the one which do not need a compiler in order to run. There are many existing scripting languages, in fact almost 400+ scripting languages are being used worldwide. But of course, among them there are popular and most common used by web developers just like JavaScript, PHP, Ruby and Python.

Scripting Language Versus Programming Language

What is the difference between a scripting language and a programming language? Can a programming language be also a scripting language and vice versa? These types of questions are quite confusing. What is really a scripting language and what is a programming language? The main difference of a programming language to a scripting language is that a programming language is run in being compiled in a computer processor and not just interpreted, aside from that a programming language is mainly object oriented. But, there are scripting languages that can be considered as programming languages because they are object-oriented too and quite powerful too like that of other programming languages. The best example for this are PHP, Ruby and Python. Nowadays, the difference of a programming and scripting language are so bugged actually to answer. Because, each of them has their own strength to the point that a language is difficult to identify whether it is a scripting language or a programming language. But the usual concept of pointing out whether a language is a programming or scripting language is the following:

1. If a language strong capability is more on web developing then that is a Scripting language.

2. If a language strong capability is more on developing desktop application then that is a Programming language.

3. If the language is strong both in web developing and developing desktop applications then it is considered as both a Programming and a Scripting language.

List of Popular Scripting Languages in Google SE

Like other propular programming languages, there are also many scripting languages search in the web. Students who are taking related computer courses especially degrees like Information Technology and Computer Science from different colleges and universities in the world are being taught of the basics implementation of different scripting languages. The language teach in universities might vary depends on what syllabus the institution is using, but because we can now determine the most popular scripting languages search in web especially in Google SE, we will have an idea on what scripting languages are mostly taught around the world. That is because, often than not, the biggest percentage of people searching Google related to scripting languages are confused students learning more on the basic implementation, and professionals that are practicing their skills in their fields. Below is the list of popular scripting languages based on the number of hits that Google received per month.

Top 8 Most Popular Scripting Languages Search in Google

Scripting Languages Name
Google Hits Per Month
1. PHP
2. JavaScript
3. Python
4. Ruby
5. Perl
6. Bash
7. ActionScrip

Hits are based on Google Adword Keyword Tool

Best Scripting Languages to Learn

If you are into web developing, it is important to know what scripting languages are worth learning. One principle of web designing is to design web pages that promotes high interaction between the page and the end-users by incorporating all kinds of media. What does your page can offer and what users can do on your web pages are good question that will strengthen the foundation in making a worthy and successful web pages. In order to do so, learning one scripting language is not enough. Displaying one or more interactive applications for the users means integrating 2 or more scripting languages to have a best webpage.

Top 5 Best Scripting Languages to Learn for Beginners

1. PHP

2. JavaScript

3. Ruby

4. Python

5. Perl

You can choose any scripting languages above to learn if you are not starting to learn yet. As for me, I am learning PHP and JavaScript, wish to learn Ruby and Python too. Pick 2 or more scripting languages of your choice but do not leave JavaScript behind, because it is really worth learning especially when you are into web designing!

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