if animals could speak would they object to the names we give them

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  1. bonny2010 profile image59
    bonny2010posted 14 years ago

    I have always had a thing about names for my pets, I like them to be unusual and to fix the animals also I am superstitious about naming an animal after the deceased, each time I did (only a couple of times) I lost that animal. Below are some of the names of some of my pets. Feel free to add to them.
    Ratdog, mojo,muck, thing,tink,ya ya,slop, goose,baldy bob,junglejim,ding, kittles, gollygosh,cripes, dirty dan, beckyboo,rufus the lionheart,macduff,littledash,babygirl,two horses called nip and tuck,willy wonkle, bear, kink, cherub,Ars-ole (the crow),

    1. de'Arab profile image53
      de'Arabposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      i believe that pet names should have meaning, for instance I have two cats one named "meow" and the other named "pussy".

      1. profile image0
        mtsi1098posted 14 years agoin reply to this

        they could be characters in a James Bond movie smile  I have two parakeetes (cocoa and peanut - we call them Mr and Mrs Reeses)

  2. Mamelody profile image60
    Mamelodyposted 14 years ago

    Yeah probably.. I've got two dogs, one is Elvis (after Elivis Presley) and Douglas (after Michael Douglas)

    I also have a chicken, Sir Edward (after Prince Edward as he really does look like him!) and my cat Avril. They would sure have words with me on that! smile

  3. profile image60
    logic,commonsenseposted 14 years ago

    Ya mean like 'supper'! smile

    1. Pearldiver profile image67
      Pearldiverposted 14 years agoin reply to this


  4. grannygoodearth profile image60
    grannygoodearthposted 14 years ago

    I've known a few horses that would probably trample their owners if they were able to comprehend the names they were stuck with!

    There was a "Wind" that was a lovely, white, Barbie doll looking horse and I'm sure he was given that romantic name because of his looks. But as he grew older he seemed to develop some gastrointestinal quirks...let's put it this way, he was a gassy boy who lived up to his name!

    1. profile image0
      khmohsinposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      hahahha nice big_smile

    2. profile image0
      Ghost32posted 14 years agoin reply to this


      This reminded me of the very first bareback bronc I ever drew as a rodeo contestant.  I was fifteen, terrified half out of my wits, and faking it like crazy 'cause I craved the glory.  The horse was a smallish mare named Spark Plug, and I overheard another cowboy describe her as a "dink"--meaning she couldn't buck worth a hoot.

      This secretly relieved me nearly to the point of relieving myself, since a dink didn't sound all that scary.  As it happened, I rode her fine--some of the saddle horses we rode without concern on the ranch were tougher to "conquer" than she was--but she had (as you put it) a bit of a gastrointestinal quirk:  With every jump as she crossed the rodeo arena, earnestly but ineffectually attempting to unseat a teenaged cowboy, she also passed gas loudly...and ALSO squirted great jets of urine at the same time.  Never seen another bronc do that, before or since.

      Of course I had to agree with other cowboys who watched this take place and promptly observed that she should not be called "Spark Plug" but rather..."WETFIRE".

      Can't top  that with a pet name story, so we'll pause here for a commercial break!  lol

      1. wychic profile image84
        wychicposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        Makes me think of one of the meanest broncs I ever saw in the ring...named Ladybug. My thoughts are that he really could comprehend his name a bit, and was pissed off about it...

        I've had way too many pets to name, though I'm sure a few wouldn't like them at all. My horse Spook lived up to his name extremely well, but not because he spooks...but because he was very good at disappearing whenever he suspected I might be looking to put him to work.

        Other than that...I had a kitten named Jinx, and about three days after I got her the vet observed that it was a poor choice of names. From that day forward, he got to know her very well with her various mishaps, up until the day she died under fairly gruesome circumstances...I'll admit, I could have done better with that one's name.

  5. Flightkeeper profile image65
    Flightkeeperposted 14 years ago

    Good story Ghost! Did any of that wetfire happen to get on you while you were riding her? wink

  6. profile image0
    Ghost32posted 14 years ago

    Nah, I wasn't at that end...thankfully.

    Later, though, a saddle bronc named Gray Wolf did buck me off and kick me upside the right hip.  But a year later, when I was a bit more experienced and the flying dragons in my belly were toned down to tiger swallowtail butterflies, I drew him again, rode him, won the District High School Saddle Bronc Championship, and realized he wasn't so tough after all--IF you were any good in the saddle.

    In reality, then, he should've been named Gray Dog.  He was a dink.  lol

    FOUR years later, I won the bull riding at my home town of Drummond, Montana, on a fine little critter that was actually a Mexican fighting bull.  Despite the winning ride (if you rode that one, you usually ended up in the money--he was flashy), I exited over his rump.  Didn't get kicked (whew!) but did get "decorated" top to bottom with greenish, almost-liquid, barnyard "stuff".

    Better believe I didn't care one bit! lol

    1. Flightkeeper profile image65
      Flightkeeperposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      I guess it was the bull's way of "crowning" you the winner! big_smile

      1. profile image0
        Ghost32posted 14 years agoin reply to this

        big_smile  More like "anointing", but yeah.  big_smile

        1. earnestshub profile image79
          earnestshubposted 14 years agoin reply to this

          I'm just surprised at the number of limbs you still have ghost! The country is a rough life for a kid, but hell ya live a lot! lol

  7. spiderspun profile image59
    spiderspunposted 14 years ago

    The dog's name is like his crown. When he hears you says it he is so happy, the ears go back, tail waggles and in his head he saying my name he called my special name that my special person gave me.
    Look at your doggy next time you say his name is a nice way, his eyes will melt you

  8. profile image0
    B.C. BOUTIQUEposted 14 years ago

    some of my pets would hate me, and I think a few would not for their names...its hard to tell...

  9. profile image0
    Stevennix2001posted 14 years ago

    i don't think my dog would care as he's too dumb and old.  lol.  however, i still love him though.  although he'd probably talk my head off every night as i try to sleep since he's always waking me up in the middle of the freaking night.  lol.

  10. earnestshub profile image79
    earnestshubposted 14 years ago

    I dunno, you would have to see them. Eric the parrot I am OK with.
    What else would you call an Eclectus?
    The goldfish is called "Snooty" for reasons best known to the 12 yo, Lexy the spaid bitch is just too sneaky and love dependant to be called "Lexy", Charlie the champagne Burmese is well named of course. I don't like the kitten, so I have forgotten it's name. Yofi the male zshitzu is a rotten little dog who I adore, so I can't see him answering to anything else, he's a zshitzu he is in his view the size of a block of flats and rules the world in his own mind like "brain"  A legend in his own lunchtime that one!The black cat escape artist is called something so bad I refuse to remember it. She is unstable, eats grass, and spends all day trying to get outside, which is too high a risk cos she has no road sense at all.That's some of em! lol


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