I had a friend years ago who named their Llasa "Useless." Cute name, but not appropriate for this dog. This little thing was far smarter than both her owner and me. After a painful break-up in my 20's, I unexpectedly took over the care of a pup and named him Solo to represent how I felt at the time.
I currently own an Italian Greyhound whose name should be Monster or Spite Pooper. This smart little thing refuses to poop if he sees any sign at all that I'm going to leave the house - if I open my closet door, if I fix coffee, if I turn on the bathroom heater - all will lead my little darling to hold it until I leave. At home, no problem, as he gets kenneled for the few hours that I'm away. But, if I happen to be at my boyfriend's when I leave where there is no kennel, then, of course, nice little presents for us upon our return.
His name is, however, Winston. Cute story: When I went to get him from the rescue center, my sister-in-law was with me. She was holding him on the way home as we were talking about a name. I thought it should be something regal or Old World or with some sound of importance or foreign since he is an "Italian" greyhound. She suggested Winston. I said, "Oh, so his whole name would be Winston Churchill?" And she said, "No, actually, I was looking at that empty pack of cigarettes in your floorboard." Winston Ultra Lights and I have been fast friends for the past five years.
Any interesting stories behind your pet's name? Would love to hear them.
Cupcake, The puppy was a christmas present for the kids when they were little and since the tip of the puppies' tail was white like the frosting on the cupcakes they named her cupcake so yep ... I have a dog named cupcake
Coffee Bean! That's my dogs name! I love coffee!
Ha ha coffee bean is awesome my pup is called Mojo
Never had a dog. Had a turkey though and we called him "Dinner".
Appropriate for this time of year- funny what memories these questions bring up.
A good friend of mine had a pet turkey. That was the craziest thing I've ever seen. His name was Tommy. Tommy followed him around everywhere. We were there for an outdoor 4th of July bbq and Tommy would come up to you and want you to pet him. Every time his owner would laugh, Tommy would gobble. It was so cute. Thanks for reminding me of that fond memory.
Yes, Paradise, everyone remembers (the) Alamo.
Aww I like Tucker too!
I knew someone that had two pugs, a white one and a black one and they were named "Coors" and "Light"
It was definitely cute.. my dad's puppy is a boston terrier (terror) named Tux.. it's cute because of the breed's colouring he really looks like a tuxedo.
My favorite is 'Phaideaux' from a novel, i think it was Charteris.
Chico Doodley. My grandfather named our beloved childhood pet. What did the name mean? We never found out. But I have never forgotten our precious little dog.
Amadeus was playing on radio whilst driving to SPCA, however he fell asleep on me so I took him home. Muggle arrived amidst Harry Potter madness, Kuee was a play on words, I got him when discharged from QE2 hospital, and he had a diamond on his back. Ngeru is the word for cat in the language of New Zealands indigenous people the Maori, Masque had a mask over her brow and nose, so short for Masquarade. Ngeru is now called DP, due to the fact she goes wild same time every night and her pupils are so dilated there is no iris evident. DP= Dilated Pupils I love finding new names for my friends pets also. I did ave a wierd friend who called his dogs Tampax and Scrotum, with two cats Tess and Tikles, put them together, and another friend called her two cats Benson & Hedges (NZ ciggies)
My first Rottweiler was named Karma as my children loved the Boy George song of the same name, Karma Carmelia. It is funny how a dog eventually is it's name. we miss Karma greatly and are soon to be picking up our new Rottie.
Actually my new Westie does not care what I call her as long as I do not call her late for dinner
I had a friend who named his dog Bruce,i laughed for ages,i love it when someone gives there dog a proper human name like chris,frank,garry.
My toy poodle is named "Button" because he was "cute as a button". His nickname is "Butt-Butt" because as the grandchild learned to talk that was the best she could do.
My dog is named Marley:) He is definite;y as mischievious as the one in the movie, but not NEARLY the size!
My dog's name is Fluffy, we call him Fluffer Nutter : )
Also, I met a bulldog named Pancake once.
My pet dogs name is Lucky - because she has two brown patches one on each of her eyes -
When I went to buy a pup she stood out because she had two almost identical brown patches - so that was it I was in love and hooked -
So that's how my new found best friend got the her name of Lucky - as in Lucky for her she had 2 brown eye patches - turned out to be very Lucky for me - she is a really a super great clever Jack Russell
My dog was a rescue when he was only about a year old. He is a red headed chow-chow named Berry Kim. Berry, because he looks like a straaawwwberry, and Kim, because he is a Chinese fighting dog! He also responds to "dumb-dumb" and "red-headed-menace" . We love our "Berry-kins"..
How about Ping - every time the microwave pinged, the dog appeared !!
My dog's name is Copper because his fur is red and goldish-like copper!
I named my dog Karma cause she's a little bitch.
My dog is named Lola. Got her when I was 5. I liked Lola and Charlie back then, so I named her Lola. The name means "strong woman", and she sure has demonstrated that.
Yes your right its not appropriate for this dog but by the way, Dog is faithful animal
Ours was named Oliver after her mom Olive who we rescued and had pups, it ended up fitting as he looked just like her and is very intelligent just like his mom.
Penny. Great for reddish orange dogs, or puppies with copper colored ears. (Also it's my dog's name)
someone called their dog. Stay.... it got a little messy, when they called. come Stay... the poor dog was always confused
A friend named their dog (Pronounced DEE O Gee) spelt DOG
I've heard that one also. My buddy named his dog 'Frank,' after his dad who had died a year before. I see some importance now, in the name, seeing that a dog's supposed to be around for comfort, care, and to just be a buddy.
LOL...my stepbrother's dog also has that distinguished name.
My ex had a dog that didn't bark at all when he brought her home from the shelter, so he named her "Dingo." When it was discovered that not only could she bark, but did so with much enthusiasm and regularity, her name was shortened to "Ding." After I came on the scene and got to know her, her name morphed yet again to truly reflect her personality..."Dingbat."
No good names for dogs I know come to mind but my friend did name his cat DOG - pronounced the same way. Thought that was cute.
That is an uncanny (or should I say canine) coincidence. My aunt who lives in Utah gave her dog the same name!
Ha ha, i know someone who named there dog D-O-G also!!
I spoke to this young boy who named his dog Chance. It was his second dog after losing his first one, and he told me "I named him Chance because he was my second chance at love". I thought that was adorable.....
Another acquaintance named her dog Kitten, and her cat Dog.....strange but true....;p;
Awww... I had a Golden Retriever named Chance. It read Mister Chance on his AKC Registration...
But I heard the name "Brady" used once (for a Golden Retriever), when I was walking through my neighborhood... I liked the name... It fit the dog rather well.
My first dog's pedigree name was Teresa Princess of Drury Lane.
I called her Tessie and had her till I was fourteen.
A cocker Spaniel bitch, she was smart and well trained.
My dog's name is Buffy...when we first got her we thought that we were going to be getting the runt of the litter, which we did only there were two a boy and a girl. We thoght we got the boy so I wanted to name him Scamp from the second Lady and the tramp movie...then we noticed that he was actually a she so we named her Angel, Scamp's girlfriend in the movie. But she is far from an angel. she bites and runs around like a maniac...she is hilarious to watch. so mom said we should name her Buffy since she likes to bite and has drawn blood. so Buffy it is lol
We have had two Rhodesian Ridgeback's. They are known for the ridge of hair that runs down their spine that grows in the opposite direction. So, we aptly named our first one Ridge.
The second Rhodesian Ridgeback came at a time when we were arguing with some Northern (Yankee) friends of ours about what you call a knit cap that you wear on your head in the winter. Down here in the south, we call them toboggans. Up north, they only know toboggans as a sled. This playful argument had gone on for months. When we bought our dog I threatened to name him Toboggan just to annoy them. I ended up naming him Toby, short for toboggan.
A Doberman Pinscher named Satan.
Actually, it was his owner who deserved the name.
I once knew a cop in Sonoma, CA that had a doberman by that name.
i knew a doberman named roxy. she was my best friend when i was 3. she really looked after me. she would growl if anyone tried to wake me up from my nap. i miss her bunches.
My brother in law, who use to train guard dogs, named his German Shepherd K-10.
My brother and his daughter purchased this dog several years ago. I'm not sure of the breed type. When they came home with it, the dog was so small and its coat was so bright white, they decided to name the dog, Snowflake.
Ralwus I gotta know, is Jano a bully? Does he beat up on cats and dogs?
All the Parrots I know are very pushy people!
Earn and Walrus:
Did'ja hear about the fowl mouthed parrot that was bought by a lady who was told by the pet shop owner about it's cussin' and swearin'?
The lady was havin' a party and the damned parrot was cussin' everybody out. Every other word was a cuss word!
She told her guests she'd be right back. She grabbed the obnoxious parrot by the neck, took it into the kitchen. She opened the door to the freezer and threw it in!
A few hours after the party, she remembered the parrot was in the freezer!
She ran to the kitchen opened the freezer door and there he stood covered with ice and shaking like hell! He looked at her and chattered thru a half frozen beak: "Mmmadam, I ppppprromise I'll nnnnever ssswear aaaagain!!!"
Ccccan I aaask yyou a qw qw question?"
The lady apologized and said yes. What's the question?
The parrot chattered: "whhhat dddid the ch ch ch chickens dddo?"
This may get a little convoluted, but: As a boy, one of my favorite books was My Friend The Dog by Albert Payson Terhune, a true lover of collies. The book was a collection of his short stories, and in one, the star was not a collie...but a wolf.
The wolf became close friends with a fugitive who set up camp in remote woods. One day the authorities arrived to arrest the man...the wolf attacked the lawmen and was shot to death, which gave the man a chance to escape. Except as I recall, he didn't, but was arrested while holding the dead wolf in his arms, crying.
He had named the wolf: "Collie".
Jado rules, yes, even out of doors. He is a real celebrity here and gets up on the house at times and carries on like a clown. Over 200 hundred words and he only bites me. But mostly he's gentle but will get on the floor and chase my four dogs away from me. LOL thanks for asking
Aplogies to Jado for getting his name wrong. Eric only play bites too thank goodness, the bird is half bloody beak!
I have known a lot of birds and always knew they are smart. In the last few years scientists are discovering how smart and it is amazing really. Thanks for letting me know about Jado, he is a fine looking chap!
Thanks earnest, he is well loved by many. He gets tons of attention and is mostly free. What is Eric?
I do not know his history, you maybe know where he is from?
He is not out of place here. this guy eats as much as a dog!
"Wotan", a god that appears in a German opera written by Richard Wagner in the mid-1800's
Well, I can tell he is an adult right off. Kinda ruffled a bit, but looks healthy enough. They are very loving and intelligent. Eric is a handsome feller too. Enjoy him forever earnest, God how I love my Jado. He is like having five year old mentally challenged child, but so loving.
He was having a hard time with the little ones (gkids)at the time, he is smoother now. He is 11 year old. Lots of colors.
OK, that explains it. Jado loves the children. He is going on 9 now. See ya later friend and tell yer Eric Jado and I said hey fair dinkum.
I have had a dog named Sandy - for her color, named another "puppy" but didn't fit when he grew older - my granddaughters dog is "Sprinkles" cute nervous little dog, so it fits her.
Named my dog Ralph. for 2 reasons. One, my father was a huge Colorado Bronco's fan, thier masoct when I was kid, was Ralph.
2, dogs puke a lot.
My friend had a dog called deefor, I thought that was pretty cool.
My Dad's friend has a dog called DEFER
Which if you say outloud sounds like D FOR
So it's D FOR DOG
I have a Jack Russel named Chester. It was going to be chestnut but it was too cute for him. He is now known as Chester the molester because of what he does to soft toys if he's given the chance
Logan.... A dear person to me has a dog called Logan.. It's kinda cute.
My husband really wants to name a dog "Dammit" because it would be funny to say "stay Dammit" or "come Dammit."
We did have huskies that we named Cheyenne and Apache. My husband is Navajo and he liked the idea of owning a Cheyenne and an Apache...so silly.
On the show JAG, one character gave his dog the name Dammit. When he was asked why, he said he tried different ways to get him off of the couch, and got so frustrated that he screamed, "Dammit!" and the dog jumped down, so that was his name.
AVA ADORE.. I have a dog and an AKC Kennel registered with the name, so it can not be used again..I was afraid to share it , but since I legally own the name, well..Im not so scared now..
I think its beautiful, simply beautiful
The second dog I adopted, named Roxanne, was mistreated by her former owner. She was already 2 years old and I didn't want to confuse her by giving her a completely different name. But I didn't want to keep her old name given to her by her irresponsible former owner.
So I came up with the name Rocket, after Roger Clemens who at the time had just beaten a pitching record. Weird name for a female dog, but it fits her perfectly. She's an extremely high-energy dog, and runs at full-speed ahead, as fast as a rocket
Was she on steriods, having sex with a minor and lying to Congress?
Don't talk bad about the greatest pitcher ever! He was a Longhorn you know?
No, if she was, I would have had my choice of names between, Bonds, McGuire, Pujols, Sosa, Howard, and the list goes on and on. We named her before the steroid story came out about Clemens. Should have named her after the best player of all time, Charlie Hustle!
The doggie love of my life was a Boykin Spaniel with 3 legs, Miss Mocha Bean Crayne. I'm big on nicknames though, so she answered to lots of things: Bean Head, Beanie, Groovie, Gir' Friend, Tootie.
My old dog's name was Suki but we rarely called her that - it was Sukes, Suki-Dukes, Suki-Dooky, Suki-Poo, my husband called her Suko-Duko. She answered to them all - especially if food was involved!
We have friends with a dog called Berkeley - when asked why, 'it's because he barks' - ('Berkeley' in England is pronounced 'Barkley' BTW )
Who told you that English people pronounce Berkeley as Barkley?
I'm English and Berkeley sounds nothing like the word "Bark" or "Barkley" in fact I thought the dog was named after a university or a bank. Haha!
I've always pronounced Berkeley as "Barkly" I lived in Bristol, not too far from Berkeley Castle, and never heard anyone say anything other than "Barkly". It's like pronouncing "clerk" as "clark".
You also hear it pronounced "Barkly" in the song "A Nightingale Sang in Berkeley Square".
My ser name is berkeley and hate it wen ppl called me barkly its soo annoyin so everytime im any where i make sure its prononced properly! Good name for a dog tho
I once knew a family that named their dogs after the Star Wars characters (Hans, Luke, Chewy). But, I think my favorite was "Darwin." The irony of it all is compelling.
A dog named Ever-buddy (sounds like everybody).
The host of the party said to her dog - "Everbuddy get off that couch!!"
Her dog..including her guests got off the couch.
I always thought it would be funny to get two dogs and name them stop it and help -
We used to have a boxer that my son named Tyson -- after Mike (blech) of course.
We then had a lab/shep mix that my son named JD. My son's name was Jonathan, but everyone called him JJ. His best friend was a kid by the name of David Jordan that everyone called DJ. So JD was an obvious choice. It fit in with the boys' names and stood for "Jonathan's dog".
Willow~~ she runs around chasing drangonflies and lizards~~
(thinks she's human, her expressions are amazing)
LOL, sounds like my Willow...she chases everything that moves, though, and has been frustrated that the paws which fit her 13lb frame are too small to catch grasshoppers between them . At first glance a lot of people think she's quite ugly, but once one gets to know her expressions and lively body language the unanimous opinion is that she's unbearably cute
Here's what she looked like a little over a month ago, fresh out of the shelter (she's gained weight since, and some discolored fur has been shed)
I adopted a dog from the shelter once....one eye named him "Uno"
When we lived in France we got a Boxer puppy.
They have this 'thing' in France (well certainly in rural France) where you are supposed to name your new pet something beginning with the designated letter for that year. The year we got our Boxer pup was the year of the letter 'N'. When we picked him from the litter there was already a Napoleon and Nougat, for example...
I don't know why but we chose Nobby!
He was a wonderful dog, a real character, but sadly Nobby is no longer with us - I miss him still
I don't know about anyone else, but the movie 'Marley and Me' really got me. I'm pretty sure I couldn't name my dog Marley now.
The Star Yorkie Kennel is the best place to find cool dogs names.
Check them out at: www.StarYorkie.com
I have some tips for Dog Names on my website RoyalPetVet, but the best names I have heard was for two labradors called Bonnie & Clyde.
Wow the best name is jojojey like my dog name
by mikicagle 8 weeks ago
What are the funniest actual names you have ever heard?What are some truly awfully funny names you have ever heard. One of my favorites is Young Boozer. The only rule for answering this question is the name has to belong to a real person, no made up names please!
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by MojoDawg 12 years ago
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What's the funniest joke you know or ever heard?We all need a little laughter in our lives. So tell a joke, the funniest you have ever heard or known. Spread the laughter wherever you go. Good luck.
by michael1mars 8 years ago
Crank That-Soulja Boy
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What's the saddest song you ever heard?
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