What was the MOST CONTROVERSIAL hub you have written? Were the comments you rec

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  1. gmwilliams profile image85
    gmwilliamsposted 9 years ago

    What was the MOST CONTROVERSIAL hub you have written?  Were the comments you received

    mostly positive or negative?


  2. jlpark profile image78
    jlparkposted 9 years ago

    How My Same-Sex Marriage Affects Yours

    Most of the comments came from two people and were...somewhat negative, or at least challenging. It seemed to be that they felt my marriage affected theirs greatly - aside from the fact I do not know them, never have, and never will, and my marriage affects them in the same way theirs affects mine - it doesn't.

    They liked to say that if SS marriages were legal they dampened the meaning of their OS marriage....that lesbians were just friends having sex...(isn't that a part of a marriage - being friends? If your marriage is solely about sex....it's sad...but it doesn't affect me in any way).

    The two of them have since left (or been banned for other reasons) HP but I suspect one may be back under a similar name. And hey - good for them, I never asked that they leave. Their comments made me think, and helped me have a well thought out argument to support my stance on this. So it had a positive impact even though they were negative.

    The rest - more people, less comments - were mostly positive.

  3. Zelkiiro profile image87
    Zelkiiroposted 9 years ago

    My most controversial hub is also my most-viewed. This disturbs me, as my hubs are all reviews, and you wouldn't think reviews would stir up a lot of controversy, but there it is.

    But the hub in question is my review of Hajime no Ippo: New Challenger, the second TV series based on the popular manga Hajime no Ippo. It was a rushed, lazy, garish, poorly-handled mess that made a mockery of the original material. Clearly, though, a lot of people disagreed with me.

    I just found it so bizarre that my review of the 2nd TV series got so much attention and received so many comments when my absolutely glowing, super-positive reviews of the 1st and 3rd TV series and the movie got basically nothing. What the hell, guys?!

  4. Say Yes To Life profile image78
    Say Yes To Lifeposted 9 years ago

    I don't believe any of my hubs are controversial.  My most viewed one is "The Lowdown on Energy Drinks"; so often, people portray them in a negative light, but I describe the ways they can be beneficial, and emphasize that they can be used in moderation and don't have to be harmful.  I guess that makes it controversial in a way.
    I also wrote a four part hub on the world's 10 most practiced religions, titled, "What Takes More Courage Than Rebellion?  Considering Another Point of View".  Some people don't like to read beyond the first one, which is about the Abrahamic Religions.  I state on the first one that there is no need to be afraid; if there is no Cosmic Santa Claus, it is unlikely there's a Cosmic Hitler.  But I guess some people have a problem believing that.
    That's as controversial as I get....

  5. M. T. Dremer profile image85
    M. T. Dremerposted 9 years ago

    I wrote a hub about America's Fear of Sex and Nudity, and it was probably my most controversial. First and foremost, it had the google ads blocked because of the words I used (nothing obscene). And the comments, while mostly agreeable, prompted some people to suggest I was asking for more explicit sex and nudity in multimedia. (The core of the article was the lopsided censorship of sex versus violence).


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