Marketing hubpages

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  1. Lissie profile image75
    Lissieposted 16 years ago

    I have been marketing my flagship hubs and found some interesting stuff and have some questions for others.  Normally all I do to market is put the link in my sig file on a forum.  The hubs in question are travel related so obviously I changed my sig on lonelyplanet and bootsnall - the latter is very slow to get click thrus - I had 10 from LP in 24hrs (and still counting).  I also added the sig to some property investment forums that I have been active in in the past but not recently.  In this case I didn't mention the sig - just commented on a couple of posts, well one of the forums had about the same rate of click thrus as LP (and this is a specialist NZ site!) the other will get there in another day or 2 ?
    Is this like weird - or normal - or have I discovered a previously unknown link between property investing and travel?
    After a few days I started getting and clicks but I havent had anything from msn or yahoo - ever on any hub.  The hubs are indexed in these engines I checked.  Is this normal does anyone get traffic from google and not yahoo, msn - I wouldnt expect as much traffic but I would expect some - or am I just impatient - the hub's been up for a week

  2. Marisa Wright profile image87
    Marisa Wrightposted 16 years ago


    I'm guessing a lot of property investors are baby boomers.  They're thinking about funding their retirement AND planning to do more travel in their free time (wait a minute, does this sound familiar??).  So yes, I think you have found a link!

  3. retireyoung profile image61
    retireyoungposted 16 years ago

    Marissa is not going to like this smile

    .... but I just wrote a hub on how to get traffic from Google.  Google is the one you want because of its popularity as a search engine. … -in-Google

    You want people to come from a search engine because you will be helping to solve their problem.  When they have finished reading your highly informative article, they will be more likely to click on an ad, buy a book or whatever to make you money.

    Hubbers will read your article then go back to check how much their stats have gone up in the last minute.

    No matter how good your hub is, you can't rely on luck for people to find it.  Forum signatures are good, but you won't get much (or any) juice from Google.

    1. Marisa Wright profile image87
      Marisa Wrightposted 16 years agoin reply to this

      Retireyoung, did you get that Lissie isn't talking about the HubPages forums, she's talking about relevant forums (such as Lonely Planet or the property investors' one).  Those people must be looking for solutions too, or they wouldn't be on that forum in the first place.  I'd have thought they'd be just as likely to click on the ads?

  4. retireyoung profile image61
    retireyoungposted 16 years ago

    If you have low click through rates, the same as whether it is travel or property. I would guess that people are clicking through because they are curious. 

    Rather than trying to get traffic through forums, which is not a bad way to get visitors, it just won't get you far, I was trying to suggest getting ranked in Google for the search terms you are looking for.

    My theory, based on the hours I have spent reading forums and my own research is that if you have people looking for information on "how to xxxx" they have a  higher chance to buy into what you are saying and you will make more money from those visitors, than those who are just randomly surfing the web.

    1. darkside profile image67
      darksideposted 16 years agoin reply to this

      It's quite possible to do both.

      The Google indexing will result from having original content in your hubs.

      Being active at forums that you enjoy posting at is always a good thing. Not drawing attention to the sig and people clicking through of their own accord is still qualified traffic. And if you put your hubpages tracker in your URL's and those people sign up then you'll get a percentage of the pageviews.

      I have had dozens of people click through and sign up at Gather, Squidoo and even here at HubPages through my sigs at SquidU, Gather, AdsenseChat and the DigitalPoint forums.

      Lissie's tactic to NOT draw attention to the sig is commendable and one that I recommend. It can get real old real quick to be constantly telling people "look at this! look at this!". What she's doing is flying under the radar. By making on-topic posts and being a part of the community people will trust her. And in the off chance she does feel compelled to link to one of her hubs in a post it's likely the admin and moderators (and fellow members) won't mind. Because they know that Lissie is one of them, and not just some hit and run threadjacker.

      Google traffic is excellent. But so too is Yahoo.

  5. Lissie profile image75
    Lissieposted 16 years ago

    The google et al traffic is so passive though - you kinda just have to wait for it to happen - assuming you written something with a few keywords in it used header text and bold appropriately what else can you do? The reason for particularly doing extra forums on this one is to get the 10 from 10 bonus!

  6. caspar profile image60
    casparposted 16 years ago

    Apart from getting visitors from relevant forums, having a link to your hub pages in your signature will also provide backlinks, which will be detected by the search engines and should increase the "authority" of your hubpage (the more relevant sites which link to your page the more important and relevant it must be).  This should hopefully lift your page higher up the search results. This does take time though.

    My hubs on the whole get more traffic from Google than anywhere else, with a few hits from Yahoo but nothing from MSN.  I guess it just takes time to build and I'm fairly new to this.

    By the way, what do you mean by the "10 from 10 bonus"?

    1. darkside profile image67
      darksideposted 16 years agoin reply to this

      Ten unique visitors via ten other sites will get you an extra ten dollars.

  7. Angela Harris profile image66
    Angela Harrisposted 16 years ago

    I get about half the amount of traffic from Yahoo as I do Google, and less than half the traffic from MSN as I get from Yahoo. Does that make sense?

    I'm also curious about the '10 from 10' bonus.

  8. Marisa Wright profile image87
    Marisa Wrightposted 16 years ago

    BTW Retireyoung, I meant to say that I don't mind your Hub link at all smile

    That's not the kind of thing we've been complaining about.  What bugs me is opening up a thread and finding posts that are what Darkside calls a "hit and run" - not much more than "take a look at my new Hub" and the URL.


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