This might seem strange. I took 30 Ritalin, Please Read. Please

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  1. profile image52
    Justalastwishposted 14 years ago

    I just want to know something beautiful in your life that has kept you alive,
    Something beautiful that keeps you alive.
    Something Beautiful that makes life worth living.
    I don't think i'm going to survive.
    Please give my last wish a purpose.
    I want to know a beautiful moment in your life.
    Any details or storys, short or long
    mean all the same to me.
    I don't know what else to do.
    Just something Beautiful.

    1. earnestshub profile image81
      earnestshubposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      I just came back from the doctor. Twin girls about 3 or 4 were playing in the waiting room, their conversation was full of love and support for each other, just like my two granddaughters do some times. I almost had tears in my eyes hearing their fairy light laughter!
      Life can be so harsh, but wait for the next moment, it may be wonderful.
      All my best wishes, that is a lot of Ritalin, better you seek medical help, then come and let me tell you some more wonderful things, but related to your life, not mine OK?

    2. IzzyM profile image87
      IzzyMposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      Please call the emergency services. Life is too precious to just throw away.

    3. NewYorker profile image59
      NewYorkerposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      Drink as much water as you can, see if you can throw up.

      Call 911 immediately, ask them to send an ambulance because you need your stomach pumped due to a massive Ritalin overdose, and ask them to have a police car escorting the ambulance since Ritalin is, basically, just pure amphetamine and you may be in a highly dangerous situation.

      If, you feel sleepy or drowsy, DO NOT GO TO SLEEP. If you go to sleep on such a massive overdose, there are way too high chances you may never wake up again.

      How many mg.'s are those tablets you took?

      1. relache profile image72
        relacheposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        Ritalin is an amphetamine, not a sedative.  They don't make you fall asleep, they make you have a heart attack.

      2. sunforged profile image69
        sunforgedposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        they said that prior to what u quoted. it is an odd follow statement though

    4. AEvans profile image72
      AEvansposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      What has kept me alive is life itself, yes we have gone through some rough waters and there are times to when I felt like throwing in the towel but what keeps me alive is my family, my hope, my life and my dreams. Looking at a flower is beauty, giving our dogs a hug makes me realize that they need us and protecting a child makes life worth living. Never give up that is what people always seem to want someone to do. smile

      Please get help smile

    5. Friendlyword profile image61
      Friendlywordposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      I just logged on a little while ago...Are you still here?
      HELLO...  HELLO!!!

  2. NewYorker profile image59
    NewYorkerposted 14 years ago

    You took 30 tables of Ritalin?

    I'm a doctor, I can guide you through this if this is the scenario. Reply as soon as you can.

  3. IzzyM profile image87
    IzzyMposted 14 years ago to us! Please.

  4. RedElf profile image88
    RedElfposted 14 years ago

    I see from your profile that you signed up 13 minutes ago. Was that before or after you took the Ritalin?

  5. Wealthmadehealthy profile image59
    Wealthmadehealthyposted 14 years ago

    Life is a gift...please please answer the Doctor in this hub or call 911....You have too much to give the world...All of us in hubland will become family we are to all hubbers...please call 911  or answer the Doc in the replies.....we all want to hear from you again...We all love you...God loves you....Jesus loves you.....please call 911....please just a wish from me....

  6. sunforged profile image69
    sunforgedposted 14 years ago

    milk and mustard mixed will induce projectile vomiting

  7. donotfear profile image82
    donotfearposted 14 years ago

    I am a Mental Health crisis assessor. My calling is to intervene when something like this happens. It is also my job. Call 9-1-1 immediately. Please listen to me NOW. Death/suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem.  I promise you it won't always hurt this bad. You will heal, you will survive, you are not alone. I have been exactly where you are my friend. I have wanted to die.  You are valuable!!!!!!!

    My sweet 4 yr old grandson just came to me and said, "Nonny, will you fix this for me?"  That child is a gift. You are a gift. You are special. Please contact us here. WE CARE about what happens to you. I take this very seriously. This is what I do. Let yourself release the someone now.

    1. mistyhorizon2003 profile image88
      mistyhorizon2003posted 14 years agoin reply to this

      Hi There, I wrote a hub called "Do You Really Want to Commit Suicide?", which explains in some detail why you might want to reconsider seriously, (and I have been in the position I felt like that myself). I really hope you read it. You will find it in the list of hubs written by me if you click on my profile picture, (it goes without saying you should call the ambulance first and read this when you are well again though).

      @"donotfear", your input in the comments section of my suicide hub would be very beneficial with your experience if you have the time. Thanks.

  8. Rayalternately profile image60
    Rayalternatelyposted 14 years ago

    fresh cut grass.
    the laughter of a child.
    fresh air by the sea... please ring an ambulance

  9. donotfear profile image82
    donotfearposted 14 years ago

    Something Beautiful.
    By Annette / donotfear

    You are something beautiful
    a starlight in the sky.
    Your pain is over flowing into the depths of your
    You will see tomorrow in another light
    instead of only the night.
    See the grass blowing in the wind? See how it speaks to your soul?
    Feel the bark on a tree trunk
    a miracle in itself.
    Hold an infant baby and experience joy unspeakable.
    Smell the baby's little head and draw it deeply in.
    You will survive, you are alive, you are beautiful.

  10. IzzyM profile image87
    IzzyMposted 14 years ago

    Hey Doc, how long before these tablets take effect? Think he/she can still read this?

    1. NewYorker profile image59
      NewYorkerposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      Takes from 15 - 40 minutes of an average.

  11. NewYorker profile image59
    NewYorkerposted 14 years ago

    Okay, You might be fallen asleep, you might be dead, you might've already called an ambulance and are on your way to the nearest hospital.

    I'm a psychiatrist and I'm going to give you some advice.

    You're suicidal, and you need psychological assistance as soon as possible. Everything may seem dark and unbearable now, but soon enough, things will be better. You have a hormone in your body which makes you forget stuff like this, even though I don't know what it is that's making you suicidal.

    Let me tell you something, and I'm going to break the harsh truth on you there, committing a suicide is the most selfish act a person can commit, because you're hurting more people than you can ever imagine. Everyone who loves you and cares about you will be miserable if you kill yourself. Committing a suicide will not make anything better - for anyone. Do you really think it's worth it? Do you think your mother wants to bury her own child? Do you think your father wants to speak at your funeral?

    This is the most selfish act you can ever do - suicide.

    Think about how many people you'd be hurting, because no matter how dark and gray things may look, there's always someone who's willing to give out a helping hand, and there's always someone who loves and cares about you, whether you believe it or not.

    Now, reach for that phone, dial 911, have your stomach pumped and seek mental health.

    1. bulletproofchris profile image60
      bulletproofchrisposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      thank u for posting this message, its something i wish was said to my aunt before she took her life, and something my family and i deal with every day. it is selfish, suicide. we can only hope this person realizes the infinite pain it will bring to the ones they love most.

      1. NewYorker profile image59
        NewYorkerposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        I'm sorry for your loss, this is something people don't realize. People don't wonder a lot what they're doing to others. Especially those dealing with heartache or depression. They're the center of the attention, but they don't realize it. What you need to do is to be there for someone who's in this much pain, get the person to open up and keep them away from hurting themselves and others, both mentally and physically.

    2. mistyhorizon2003 profile image88
      mistyhorizon2003posted 14 years agoin reply to this

      More words of great Wisdom New Yorker, would you too consider going to my hub on suicide as "donotfear" has just done and adding your input. I have one poster right now who seems to have a particular problem 'getting' the same message as you have just posted here, (to the point of being quite rude). He might listen to a few more words from experts saying much what I have said based on my own past experiences. Thanks.

      1. NewYorker profile image59
        NewYorkerposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        I'd be happy to.

        1. mistyhorizon2003 profile image88
          mistyhorizon2003posted 14 years agoin reply to this

          Thank you, I really appreciate it smile

          1. Daniel Carter profile image63
            Daniel Carterposted 14 years agoin reply to this

            I don't know if helps at all, misty, but I left a comment as well. I know all too well how this all feels.

            But the journey is still worth it, as we know.

            1. mistyhorizon2003 profile image88
              mistyhorizon2003posted 14 years agoin reply to this

              Thanks Daniel, I just read it, and it is a great comment that will surely help many people reading that hub. I really appreciate you commenting, as between all of the comments we may save one (or hopefully more) lives as a result.

  12. Wealthmadehealthy profile image59
    Wealthmadehealthyposted 14 years ago

    Sweetie, if  you can still read this, please, call 911...we do all care.....hubpages is a wonderful community full of caring people....I have no family...none...this is my family in here...

    Call 911  Call 911  Call 911  Call 911  Call 911 

    Jesus Loves You and so do we even tho we know you not,,,the Greatest Commandment is that of love all humans...

    Call 911

  13. Wealthmadehealthy profile image59
    Wealthmadehealthyposted 14 years ago

    All of you in here, please pray with me now that the hospital is called...that this person is given some type of this point, all we are able to do is Jesus Name..pray... pray for her to have the last sense to call someone....I am praying so hard over here.....

    1. IzzyM profile image87
      IzzyMposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      Well I'm hoping against hope that the hubpages staff have traced this person's address and sent an ambulance.

      1. Wealthmadehealthy profile image59
        Wealthmadehealthyposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        wrote them for a trace as soon as i made my first reply.  Just pray that help got there in time....I also joined her fan club so when she gets back that she will know we care...we can all help her...

  14. profile image0
    Brenda Durhamposted 14 years ago

    Praying with you, Wealthmadehealthy.

  15. Ohma profile image61
    Ohmaposted 14 years ago

    Maybe if there is a moderator around they could check and find out who this person is and get some help that way.

  16. donotfear profile image82
    donotfearposted 14 years ago

    Count me in the intercessory prayer bunch!

    1. NewYorker profile image59
      NewYorkerposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      I don't believe in God, but I'm with y'all on the praying.

      1. donotfear profile image82
        donotfearposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        Thank you fellow MH clinician!

        1. mistyhorizon2003 profile image88
          mistyhorizon2003posted 14 years agoin reply to this

          Thanks donotfear for posting on my suicide hub. Excellent post that I am sure will help smile

          1. NewYorker profile image59
            NewYorkerposted 14 years agoin reply to this

            I don't know if I already sent the comment or not, but I did it again just now, and if I sent it twice, just delete one.

    2. donotfear profile image82
      donotfearposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      I feel so helpless that I can't reach her/him! Usually when I get a crisis call the person has already been rescued & is in the E.R. and medically stable. This is too much....

      1. NewYorker profile image59
        NewYorkerposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        I know this feeling, really sucks when you know someone is in this much pain but there's nothing you can do about it.

  17. IzzyM profile image87
    IzzyMposted 14 years ago

    I reported the link as soon as I read it, asking the staff to help, but I don't know if there is a moderator on or not, I assume there is because they are quick enough to act when there is a flame war, but I don't know for sure. If there was, they could trace the person's IP or something, if they didn't sign up with a proper name and address.

  18. whiteorchids profile image59
    whiteorchidsposted 14 years ago

    I truly hope that you are not trying to commit suicide that would be horrible! If you are pulling someone's leg that would be rude and you should be ashamed of yourself. If you are serious get immediate help!

  19. profile image0
    Crazdwriterposted 14 years ago

    wow I came on here and I found something sad and frightening. My prayers are combined with my postive thoughts and sending them to the OP. I hope he or she is okay

  20. Daniel Carter profile image63
    Daniel Carterposted 14 years ago

    Something beautiful...
    Right now.
    Because I survived the first 20 yrs of my life as an abused child.
    Because I failed in two marriages, and lost everything I ever owned twice.
    I lost my children also.
    My family turned against me.

    But I stopped being a victim.
    I became curious if tomorrow would be better.
    I became curious if I would ever know what it is to be happy and alive and well.
    I became curious and started seeing myself as being okay, healthy and strong.

    I learned that right now is the only place to make a life better.
    I continue to choose right now to do *one thing*, just one, to make my life better.

    Right now is beautiful. Right now can also be beautiful for you.

  21. Wealthmadehealthy profile image59
    Wealthmadehealthyposted 14 years ago

    We Are all doing something in here....hopefully we have given the hope and will to live as there are more people out there than just in your personal life....I praise God for all the caring people in hubpages.....and if she was on here long enough, she would have realized that there are caring people other than whatever she is facing.......I know in my heart that help was called....I will not lose that Faith....God loves us all and does not want to see His Children fall this low....this my Bible tells me so....I am still praying....thank you all for joining in my prayer....

  22. mistyhorizon2003 profile image88
    mistyhorizon2003posted 14 years ago

    When you get as emotionally low as you believe possible, and life seems to have thrown every stone at you it can ,and you feel you can't sink any lower, then the only way is back up again, there is no-where else to go!!!

  23. profile image0
    JeanMeriamposted 14 years ago

    Something beautiful?

    You are so valuable and your life so precious that we all want to save you and have you continue along this life journey with us. We want you to see the beauty that is all around. We want you to have a beautiful and joyous life and share our strength with you to help you through this time.

    No matter how ugly life seems when you ask to see the beauty, God will show you the beauty. When you decide “I just want to be h

    1. profile image0
      JeanMeriamposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      when you decide “I just want to be happy” you will get everything you need to find that.

  24. Cagsil profile image71
    Cagsilposted 14 years ago

    Has anyone considered it could be a joke? or a prank? one would be that demented to pull a prank of this nature? Hmmmm.....?

    I can think of some really twisted people.

    Why would someone sign up for hubpages, then go to a forum and post such a message?

    If real, I would suggest someone contact HubPages and inform them that there is a possible suicide happening? Has anyone already done this? Possibly already too late?

    If not, then this person isn't likely dead, because of the claimed action is false? However, this person will have destroyed their credibility within HubPages before they get started. So, that doesn't make any sense

    So, should this be real and not a prank, then we've been a witness to a person who wasted their life, for whatever reason.

    If not real, then let the thread die and be done. smile

    1. NewYorker profile image59
      NewYorkerposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      I immediately thought this might be a prank that someone sick and tormented enough decided to pull on us good hubbers, but you're never to careful. This might be real - you never know. You're never too careful.

    2. donotfear profile image82
      donotfearposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      You know Cags, that is a possibility. BUT, what if it's not? That's the stickler. I see it in my job. A lot of times a cry for attention but every threat of suicide has to be taken seriously. Good point, though.

    3. mistyhorizon2003 profile image88
      mistyhorizon2003posted 14 years agoin reply to this

      Hi Cags, I am certain everyone has had the thought "what if this is a hoax", but how to be sure is another matter. Can you imagine how awful we would all feel if somehow we assumed this was a hoax, and someone died as a result! I am sure you can, and therefore realise that we can't afford to assume it is a hoax, just in case! At least two hubbers reported this post to the Hub Team immediately in the hope they could trace the IP address and send an ambulance, (let's face it, if it is a hoax that will be an excellent way of it being found out and the hoaxer will be in big trouble, if it isn't a hoax, well, a life may be saved).

      I do remember about 18 months ago a fellow Hubber Ashwin lost his girlfriend (she died). He posted to say what had happened, but faced a barrage of skepticism from at least one or two people who said he had posted so rapidly that it was likely to be a hoax, and that he probably wasn't even the same person on his profile picture. This was terribly cruel, and he was telling the truth, and is still a fellow hubber.

      We just can't afford to take the chance that this could well be real, and if it is a hoax then the person should be ashamed of themselves, but we can be proud we did the right thing. The Police will sort them out if it is a hoax, as wasting Police time is usually pretty well frowned upon.

    4. profile image0
      JeanMeriamposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      I thought a few things. It could be a prank. I also thought that it would have to be someone part of the hub community already or else why choose here. Time will tell.

    5. Daniel Carter profile image63
      Daniel Carterposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      I had a teen aged student over 20 years ago who cried wolf one too many times. She was going to "do it" this time. No one believed her. Five days later, she was dead.

      Point is, we don't know if it's a joke or not, but if it is, we are certainly NOT the fools here.

      Just my bit of experience.

      1. Friendlyword profile image61
        Friendlywordposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        I just checked the Drug Index.  The first side affect of the overdose of Ritalin is Vomiting. You cant keep it in your stomach.

        1. Daniel Carter profile image63
          Daniel Carterposted 14 years agoin reply to this

          Lucky for that person.
          However, I personally don't think that makes the cry for help go away, whether as a joke or in actuality.

  25. defenestratethis profile image60
    defenestratethisposted 14 years ago

    Heres something beautiful: Five years ago I contracted a massive infection to the valves of my heart. This infection was the result of chronic IV heroin use. I had to undergo open heart surgery, as well as surgery to my spine and minor surgery to my left leg, since the infection had spread to those areas also. I spent 5 months in the hospital, and during that time I lost everything, home, job, belongings..the works. But the most painful loss was that of my dog. They had to send him to the Humane Society...all because of my selfishness. Well, I cleaned up my act, and have been clean and sober for 4 1/2 years now,Ive got a good job..and heres the beautiful part: Two days ago, I decided it was time to get a new dog, so I responded to an ad in the paper for a free, adult male chihuahua ( I dont know why, but I love chihuahuas). I got the address and drove to the womans house. She had me wait in her living room with a bunch of puppies while she went to get my dog. She came out from her patio holding the dog, and I couldnt believe what I was seeing. IT WAS MY OLD DOG, DESI !! The one I thought was long gone from when I was hospitalised!! The lady had adopted him, but was moving to another state, and couldnt care for him anymore. Hes so smart, that he recognized me right away, and we were both overcome with joy at our was almost surreal...and this whole experience has taught me one thing above everything else. That is: There Is Always Hope. You may think you have lost your joy permanantly, but nothing is permanant, absolutely nothing. You can recover your joy, and love your life like never before. Hell, if an old heroin addict filled with despair can recover, so can you.

    1. mistyhorizon2003 profile image88
      mistyhorizon2003posted 14 years agoin reply to this

      WOW, what a fabulous heartwarming story. This brought tears to my eyes. I could feel your joy and the feeling of a reward well earned. I am so happy for you, and thanks for posting this.

    2. profile image0
      JeanMeriamposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      That’s amazing.

  26. goldenpath profile image67
    goldenpathposted 14 years ago

    In the name of the Father and the Son and by all that is good and wholesome in this world may this blessed individual find peace and reconciliation in this life.  May good judgement be imposed upon this person's mind to seek help immediately.  I pray that the arms of that Higher Power and Understanding be employed in the act of embracing this child.  This world as well as this platform is full of people ready to help and we humbly invoke the powers of heaven to inspire us to do what we can to aid this person back to health and healing in the soul.

    1. donotfear profile image82
      donotfearposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      Wow goldenpath. This is awesome.

  27. profile image0
    lyricsingrayposted 14 years ago

    everyone here has said to call for help and been supportive.  I hope you do. Why would you open a thread to announce this after just joining then disappear to leave us not knowing if you are dead or alive?

    I hope you make it and seek professional help for your suffering.

    donotfear said it perfectly its a permanent solution for a temporary problem.

    This thread is not one I feel should continue for our HubPages community and the people in it.

  28. mistyhorizon2003 profile image88
    mistyhorizon2003posted 14 years ago

    Hi New Yorker, thanks for the post on my suicide hub, it is wonderful, and between you, donotfear and Daniel I am sure your comments will make a great difference in helping suicidal people.

    Thanks again smile

  29. goldenpath profile image67
    goldenpathposted 14 years ago

    Might I ask all who read this to please either get on your knees before retiring for the day or at least sit and ponder a while and make a special covenant or promise to either your God or yourself that you will be open to certain promptings of compassion and aid in the coming days.  Not for personal recognition or gain but rather to uplift and help another in need.  They are all around us.  The author of this thread has not posted since and that is their choice.  Still, whether serious or not it is a testament that deep strains of the heart and mind are at work.  Outside of personal prayers and advocacy we cannot do more for this person until they let us know.  However, in the meantime for this person's benefit and all like him or her we can stretch our arms out further and impart of our substance and advice to brighten the day of those who traverse in darkness.  Most of us have been there a time or two and it is a sacred duty and responsibility to lift another.  The power is in our hands.  We are to stretch forth at least half way so that the downtrodden may meet your hand from the other half.  Together we may clasp hands to new understanding and hope for the future.

    1. Friendlyword profile image61
      Friendlywordposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      SLAP!  SLAP!...WAKE UP PEOPLE! It took about a half hour for me join Hubpages.  How long did it take you?  Would you waste that amount of time with thirty pills in your stomach? This guy is rolling back and forth on the floor laughing at every compassionate, concerned comment you make!

      And for anyone that really considers killing themself...just wait a while.  Something or someone will kill you.

      1. Sara Tonyn profile image60
        Sara Tonynposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        I tend to agree with you. But it's better to take it seriously and be made a fool than to laugh at it if it's a real cry for help.

      2. goldenpath profile image67
        goldenpathposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        I humbly respect your opinions, however, everyone is different and handles situations different.  You are employing a preconceived notion that this situation cannot possibly be for real.  I am saying that since we have not yet heard more we can reach out to all those in similar or even disimilar situations.  I would rather opt on the side that this person is in spiritual pain than to put up a wall of judgement.

        I have never said this to anyone in a post before but I must say that your comment was really not appropriate given the limited knowledge we have.

      3. Hokey profile image62
        Hokeyposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        Seems to me you have to act as if it is true. To not act and it be true would be a way worse outcome then people going out of thier way to be nice.

  30. Hokey profile image62
    Hokeyposted 14 years ago

    Man I hope this is not for real.

  31. Sara Tonyn profile image60
    Sara Tonynposted 14 years ago

    I'm still trying to figure out why a psychiatrist would break the #1 rule of psychiatry: Never be judgmental.

    That's exceptionally true when you have no idea what the circumstances are.

    Putting this person on a guilt trip by telling them they're selfish is outrageous!

    1. donotfear profile image82
      donotfearposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      If you aren't a psychiatrist then maybe you do not understand methods used when dealing with situations as these.

      1. Sara Tonyn profile image60
        Sara Tonynposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        I've worked in the mental health field for a long time. Under NO circumstances do you pass judgment on someone who's in a suicidal state.

        I have serious doubts about the medical credentials of someone calling himself a psychiatrist yet offering the "advice" he did. I could say more but I won't -- for now.

        1. NewYorker profile image59
          NewYorkerposted 14 years agoin reply to this

          I was not being judgemental, I was being realistic. This works on my patients, and if it works good on my patients, this should work here too.

          What exactly is it that you do in the mental health field?

        2. NewYorker profile image59
          NewYorkerposted 14 years agoin reply to this

          Well, anyway.

          Dr. G******, M.D. NewYork Presb. Hospital.

          Board Certified Psychiatrist

          Areas of expertise

          Personality Disorders
          Family Therapy
          Anxiety Disorders
          Borderline Behavior
          Mood Disorders

          Don't even think you can outsmart me, just because you WORK in the mental health field. I dedicate my life to this, I doubt you do as much as I do. This was not judging, this was laying harsh truths on someone.

          1. Sara Tonyn profile image60
            Sara Tonynposted 14 years agoin reply to this

            Outsmarting you wouldn't be difficult, that's obvious. But that's not what I'm interested in doing.

            I don't believe you're a doctor, plain and simple. And I really hate the idea of someone offering medical advice without being a licensed medical professional.

            So if you have proof -- i.e., your AMA number, a hospital number & extension I can contact you at -- send it to me via email. If it's valid I'll be happy to apologize right here. Or better yet, I'll write an apology to you as a hub.

            Speaking of which, I just read some of your hubs and I can't believe any of them were written by a doctor. Or even a college graduate. And they contain many,"odd" claims. The one where you state that children usually can't lie before the age of 10 left me speechless.

            Anyway, if this thread was a legitimate cry for help -- though we all seem to agree it wasn't -- your advice is so off base I believe it would be grounds for malpractice.

            So let's settle this quickly. I'll wait for your email.

            1. NewYorker profile image59
              NewYorkerposted 14 years agoin reply to this

              First of all, I think it's cute that you think your opinion actually matters this much to me.

              Second, I'm not a member of the AMA, I'm a member of the American Psychiatric Association.

              And third, I don't need to prove anything to you. There is a member on HubPages who has my workphone.

              I mean, who knows, I might actually give you a number to contact me at.

              And you think every doctor out there writes articles and papers like the Puer Papers? I'm 27. I'm not someone who's been in this for a long time. And children under the age of 10 aren't CREDIBLE when they lie. Of course they can lie, they're just not very believeable and can't hold a straight face until after 10.

              If I were not qualified to do so, I would not be giving out serious advice to possibly suicidal people.

              1. profile image0
                seasoningposted 14 years agoin reply to this

                just been reading all of this and sad you are getting grief, for trying your very best, well done.  I did not join in as i did  not feel qualified.  Sad so many people are taking their lives.  Keep up the good work

              2. Sara Tonyn profile image60
                Sara Tonynposted 14 years agoin reply to this

                Thanks! Since it obviously does.

                Sure you are.

                Do you mean you can't prove anything?

                Make it at the hospital you work at per your hub.

                At 27 you should be able to get basic medical terminology correct. What schools did you attend? You say you're board certified so you must have started college at 15, right?

                First, that's not what you wrote. Second, that's still malarky.

                Well unless you prove you're a psychiatrist, you did give out medical advice without being qualified.

                And that's what I'd like to clear up.

                By the way, did you know all your "original" articles can be found slightly reworded elsewhere on the Net? Funny thing is, it looks like they somehow managed to write your "original" work before you did.

                How wild is that, eh?

                And what's even wilder is that the mistakes in your hubs -- the incorrect info, basic terminology, etc -- look like they were corrected by those other people. (The ones that seem to have written your "original" work before you wrote it yourself.)

                It must be magic!

                Please get the email to me today and let's get things settled quickly, okay?  You have nothing to lose and everything to gain if you're truly a board certified psychiatrist.

                1. profile image0
                  EmpressFelicityposted 14 years agoin reply to this

                  If he's a qualified doctor or psychiatrist, then I'm Margaret Thatcher. lol lol

                  1. Sara Tonyn profile image60
                    Sara Tonynposted 14 years agoin reply to this

                    lol lol lol

              3. profile image0
                JeanMeriamposted 14 years agoin reply to this

                I’m sorry, but as a foster parent I’m going to have to call you on the kids under 10 lying thing. I have lived with over 30 kids under the age of ten in the last 3 years and they can lie quite well while keeping a straight face and looking very convincing. It’s a survival mechanism for most of them.

                Not to take away from the importance of the original thread, but this is just wrong.

          2. profile image0
            Ghost32posted 14 years agoin reply to this

            Bit tricky "laying harsh truths" on someone long distance via the Net, isn't it?  Slightly more chance of hitting your target if you're face to face? 

            And no, I'm not a psychiatrist, either--but have definitely seen some highly paper-qualified psychiatrists make some truly deadly mistakes with a great deal of self-assured arrogance.  Not necessarily applying that description to anyone here; just not that impressed with psychiatry, period.

  32. flread45 profile image60
    flread45posted 14 years ago

    A simple way to handle this would have been hubpages staff to call 911,as they know the person's address.
    But by now the person is probably blue...

  33. sunforged profile image69
    sunforgedposted 14 years ago

    If it helps anyone sleep...this exact same comment has been posted more than 17 times on Yahoo answers, the chance of this being in any way for real are very,very slim … p;filter=0

    Of course its best to be compassionate in the slim chance that the post was legit...but I wouldnt expect an answer or lose sleep

    1. mistyhorizon2003 profile image88
      mistyhorizon2003posted 14 years agoin reply to this

      Well found Sunforged, and what is more, when I followed your link I see all posts relating to the Ritalin story have either vanished or been deleted, although I assume Yahoo have done this after possible complaints. They appear on the links, but not once you follow them.

      Strange eh !

      1. sunforged profile image69
        sunforgedposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        yes, things like this get reported and deleted very quickly at ya! and they are very common

  34. thisisoli profile image70
    thisisoliposted 14 years ago

    I purposely ignored this post because it didn't ring true, and I am glad it has been proven.

  35. horsecrazyheidi profile image60
    horsecrazyheidiposted 14 years ago

    I will pray for you because you are making your life worst not better. People will help you all they can but, you must let them in. You are loved.

  36. IzzyM profile image87
    IzzyMposted 14 years ago

    Just because the OP posted on a dozen other sites does not mean it wasn't a genuine scenario, so I'd personally like to thank everyone who contributed to this thread.
    It was heartwarming and uplifting for all of us to see our community in action, even though there was a bit of unnecessary (IMO) feather ruffling by one or two posters.

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