Sort of Confused About My Best Hub

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  1. Cuselax profile image61
    Cuselaxposted 13 years ago

    I have used Hub pages recreationaly and so far my best hub page is really just an old essay i wrote about ants.  It has got two positive comments and has the most views.  I was wondering if any experts could tell me why. … le-Species

    1. jacobkuttyta profile image44
      jacobkuttytaposted 13 years agoin reply to this


      HubPages have developed two ranking methods, which like the herbs and spices Colonel Sanders uses on his chicken, are shrouded in secrecy.

      Algorithms are kept secret for a couple of reasons. 1) a company like HubPages doesn’t want anyone else benefitting from their creativity and cleverness, a lot of time, talent and money is invested into developing an online ranking system that works, and 2) if all the parameters are known it makes it far too easy for the system to be gamed. Scammers and schemers are devious enough to work out how to game a system but not clever enough to do the right thing. So for the benefit of the honest folk, hub staff don’t reveal any of their trade secrets.

      That’s not to say that they haven’t admitted to activities such as duplication has a negative impact and outside traffic has a positive. They have given plenty of clues as to what the right things are, and what wrong things should be avoided.

      Not every hub has the ingredients to be a perfect 100 HubScore. If that’s all you seek for all your hubs then going to be bitterly disappointed. There are benefits and more exposure for high scoring hubs. But the yang to the yin is that a low score will penalize the wrong-doers.

      Once you start Hubbing you’ll notice that there are two very important scores that you should be aware of. These are HubScore and HubberScore (also known as HubRank and the Author Score).

      All hubs start at 50 HubScore. This will fluctuate (yes, it will rise up even if it has not been published, but there’s activity happening on the hub (from you) so hence the score moving) but if the content published is duplicate (taken from another site, even if you are the original author) it will incur a HubScore penalty. This might push it under 40. Dipping under this threshold will cause all outbound links to made nofollow. Search Engines are instructed to ‘not follow’ through the link to check out the page it is going to. Spammers don’t like that.

      All your hubs over 40 won’t suffer the same fate, unless…

      …you have a track record of producing low quality hubs (not just the ones with duplicate content, but also ones that are practically empty) then it will start to affect your HubberScore.

      If your HubberScore drops under 75 then ALL your hubs will be nofollow (including those which are over 40).

      This works as a great deterrant to spammers thinking about signing up and abusing the reputation that HubPages has worked so hard to establish. It also punishes the spammers who signed up anyway.

      Here are a few things that are taken into account when calculating HubScore:

              * The amount of traffic your Hub receives, including traffic from HubPages as well as other outside sources
              * The length of your Hub
              * The uniqueness of the content within your Hub (copied content typically scores lower than more unique content)
              * The number of thumbs-up votes from unique users
              * The number of comments
              * The overall value of you as a member of the HubPages community (determined by your HubRank and your Status)

      For more information about HubScore (including source links) check out the following Hubs: How Hubscore Works and What is Hubber Score?

    2. Marisa Wright profile image87
      Marisa Wrightposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      Cuselax, you've only been here 7 weeks so I'm guessing most of your views are from other Hubbers.  That means the "popularity" of your Hub is probably a fluke - one Hubber stumbled across it and left a comment, which appeared in Hubtivity, so other Hubbers noticed it and checked it out.  Or they saw one of your posts in the forums, went to check your profile and the Ants Hub happened to be near the top of the list.

      Others have mentioned scores as if you think they're important - you don't mention them yourself, so I'm assuming not.  They're not important, really - just nice for the ego.

      By the way, you should tell us something about yourself on your profile.

  2. Cagsil profile image70
    Cagsilposted 13 years ago

    You are questioning your success? hmm

    Maybe there is a good explanation for it, however, I'm not sure if you are going to find an ant "expert" on HubPages? hmm

    Btw- Welcome to HubPages! smile

    P.S. I haven't a clue. Not an ant "expert" of any sort.

  3. lrohner profile image68
    lrohnerposted 13 years ago

    I'm not sure I have an answer to your question. But if your ant hub is getting the most attention, then I would assume that either you chose the right keywords or your other hubs aren't as good. Views only tell a part of the story. Are people sticking around to read your ant hub, or do they get there and leave straightaway? Has it made you any money?

  4. WryLilt profile image87
    WryLiltposted 13 years ago

    To find out why it's popular, check on the hub "stats" and "keywords." What searches are sending people to visit your hub?

    I personally completely ignore my hub/profilescre. They don't have any effect on earnings or traffic.

  5. Cuselax profile image61
    Cuselaxposted 13 years ago

    thanks everybody for the tips.

  6. Sullen91 profile image71
    Sullen91posted 13 years ago

    I ran a quasi statistical analysis, comparing your five most recent hubs to your best hub. I found that the correlation between word count and hubscore is ~0.91

    That's a very strong, positive linear relationship. 80% of the variability in your hubscore is related to word length, from among those 6 hubs (five most recent + best).

    These numbers could be very skewed, since your best hub is an outlier as far as word count goes, but my opinion is that for most people, there's roughly a 0.50 correlation between word count and hubscore, meaning 1/4 of the hubscore is accounted for by the quantity of words.

    1. WryLilt profile image87
      WryLiltposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      Your math might actually mean something if hub scores meant something. However hubscores have no control over your earnings or traffic.


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