Abusive Behavior

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  1. The Frog Prince profile image71
    The Frog Princeposted 13 years ago

    Being new here, I find that the forum is an excellent means to convey the message.  The other thing I have noticed is what I call the presence of "trolls."  I'm noticing here that their means of retaliation for not liking someone else's opinion, point of view  or comment is to down vote it. 

    I suggest you implement a block feature on your forum that will allow a Hubber to block another user from voting or making comments on their particular threads. It would have to be the writer of the article him/herself who institutes the block.  It would not prevent anyone from having the ability to read what you wrote or see your profile.

    What I have experienced right after I posted my last two articles is the base line score of 50, almost immediately declining to 49. I would bet dollars to donuts I know exactly who is voting down the Hub and it is because they don't like my point of view.  That should be prevented and the author should have, at his/her disposal, the tool to prevent such abuse.

    The Frog Prince

    1. Lisa HW profile image63
      Lisa HWposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      I'm not sure you'd win that dollars/donuts bet.  My Hubs always start around 50.  From there they either go to 49 or 51 for a very, very, brief time; before they start to climb away from that 50-plus-or-minus-1 area.  Maybe that's a first reader, or few readers, voting them down; but, while some climb higher than others, they generally climb way beyond the 50's in a fairly short time.  (Some gradually drop back into the 60's or 50's after they've been up for months.  The ones that do drop that way have usually been foolish Hubs I wrote because they "seemed like a good idea at the time" (in other words, not the greatest Hubs); or else they were duplicate content (which has been allowed until recently).   In other words, dropping to 49 is just what a lot of them do for a few hours.

      1. The Frog Prince profile image71
        The Frog Princeposted 13 years agoin reply to this

        Lisa, maybe it was only a coincidence that it happened my last two posts.  I'm monitoring that aspect of it.  It never happened to my first 7 that I posted.  I do understand the scoring system and my Hubs get good scores.

        If you reread my comment you might glean what I propose to do about abusive users.  It shouldn't be tolerated.  You, as the writer, shouldn't have to be subjected to the actions of a malicious user. 

        Thanks for the reply.

        The Frog

  2. skyfire profile image78
    skyfireposted 13 years ago

    Score goes down because of many factors - internal links, outgoing links etc. It's not because of flagging from members and as for moderator flagging, they'll unpublish article instead of voting it down.

    As for this suggestion -

    I agree.

    1. The Frog Prince profile image71
      The Frog Princeposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      I get your points but I also am aware from doing my research that down voting affects the score.  Check it out.  Most of it I have been witnessing seems rather malicious.

      The Frog

  3. WryLilt profile image89
    WryLiltposted 13 years ago

    Welcome to Hubpages.

    My best advice to any newcomer to the forums is - avoid the religious and political forums unless you have a thick skin.

    One of our resident awesome hubbers, Edweirdo, even made a simple plugin that allows you to view only the forums you wish (so you can turn off the ones with the annoying people in.) Check out his profile for more info: http://hubpages.com/profile/Edweirdo

    As for the decline in hub score - this has nothing to do with voting. You'll find that when you first publish an article, the hubscore will often sink by up to 5 points. It can take up to a week to start seriously climbing and sometimes months to get above 75 or 80.

    The staff have said that the vote buttons on hubs have no or negligible effect on hubscore.

    And remember - hubscore has nothing to do with getting earnings or views.

    1. The Frog Prince profile image71
      The Frog Princeposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      That would be a problem since I am a political writer.  I do have a thick skin my friend but don't condone, nor tolerate, malicious conduct by users. 

      Thanks for the reply.

      The Frog

  4. Uninvited Writer profile image79
    Uninvited Writerposted 13 years ago

    It has been proven time and time again that down votes do not affect your score. If someone is constantly voting down one person's hub it will be noticed by HubPages admin.

    There is also the fact that it is taking Google longer to find articles and the scores will go down before they start going up. Fluctuating scores have more to do with traffic than anything else.

    People aren't going to go out of their way to vote you down just because they disagree with what you say. Don't think so much of yourself.


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