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The Frog Prince

Joined 13 years ago from Arlington, TX

  • 446
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  • 446
  • 7

    How Did We Get To This Point?

    9 years ago

    When does a lie not matter? How many lies will equal the truth? The acceptance of lies as the truth is the true mental illness, not the telling of the truth itself. So lets be politically correct?

  • When Is Lying Okay?

    When Is Lying Okay?

    9 years ago

    Over the decades I've heard various rationalizations from people thinking it's okay to tell a lie here, and a lie there, as long as no one is harmed by the untruth. Then there are those who are pathological liars, a prime example being Barack...

  • Shiny Objects And Pulling The Wool

    Shiny Objects And Pulling The Wool

    10 years ago

    Shiny objects belong on Christmas trees this time of year but as the Democrats had their heads handed to them on November 4th they want us to look every where but at them as they lick their wounds.

  • As The Smoke And Dust Settle...

    As The Smoke And Dust Settle...

    10 years ago

    Lets take a look at Captain Obvious in action in the Democratically controlled US Senate and examine the why of having to turn out more of the professional pick pockets we call politicians.

  • The Reformation Of Voting Rights

    The Reformation Of Voting Rights

    10 years ago

    Have we reached the point of a free lunch for all? If so, who is going to pay the tab and who is allowed to make the rules of the game. Reforming both the tax system and voting system may be in line.

  • Telling The Political Truth

    Telling The Political Truth

    10 years ago

    We've experienced 6 years of lies and deceit by this administration. So how much more can you stomach. On November 4th we'll have reached a critical turning point concerning our freedom and liberty.

  • 92,269,000 Is A Huge Number

    92,269,000 Is A Huge Number

    10 years ago

    Had enough smoke and mirrors coming from the Obama administration? If you're unemployed and have been for a while are you feeling warm and fuzzy about the unemployment rate falling? Read this then.

  • But What They Meant To Say Isn't What They Said?

    But What They Meant To Say Isn't What They Said?

    10 years ago

    Do you care about the direction your country is going? Are you tired of getting the same old same old just warmed over? In 60 days the course of our nation will be redefined. Lets take America back.

  • The Junior Varsity (JV) Versus Obama

    The Junior Varsity (JV) Versus Obama

    10 years ago

    We seem to have reached a tipping point with even the Lame Stream Media concerning Barack Hussein Obama and his haplessness in performing his duties. To Obama life is about an endless golf game.

  • No Vacations He Said...

    No Vacations He Said...

    10 years ago

    When is a vacation one too many? When in a crisis do you pack up and head for the hills? Are you true to your word? Do you expect our President to be true to his. Watch this and think about it.

  • The Fatal Obama Midas Touch

    The Fatal Obama Midas Touch

    10 years ago

    What should one do when everything they touch turns to mush rather than gold? May I suggest that they resign because their incompetence becomes glaring to the world. King Midas in reverse.

  • Why Bills Don't Get Passed?

    Why Bills Don't Get Passed?

    10 years ago

    Outlined here are the 352 reasons, not specifically but by just sheer numbers, of why the US Senate needs many new faces so that this country can go forward. The obstructionist needs to go.

  • Gruber Gate And A Speak-O

    Gruber Gate And A Speak-O

    10 years ago

    We have a new one coming over the horizon being called Gruber Gate. Haven't heard of it? The details are here for the reading. A new word is also being coined where a typo is called a speak-o now.

  • A Lesson About Reading Legislation

    A Lesson About Reading Legislation

    10 years ago

    As Obamacare comes home to roost the wise sages who never bothered to read it before passing it have more excuses than Obama about what they intended to be said. Live with it liberal Democrats.

  • By Whose Measurement?

    By Whose Measurement?

    10 years ago

    How many times has Obama told the nation that "we're better off now than when he assumed office?" I've lost count but is he trying to convince himself or the citizens of this nation?

  • Remember Peggy Joseph?

    Remember Peggy Joseph?

    10 years ago

    Remember Peggy Joseph of "Obama's gonna buy my gas and pay my mortgage" fame? She's a subject in a new documentary about Utopia about to be released this Friday. Take a read.

  • Enough Of The Fiegned Outrage Already

    Enough Of The Fiegned Outrage Already

    10 years ago

    The left never tires of fomenting lies in the attempt to advance their agenda. Their feigned outrage is as transparent as seeing right through Barack Obama. That's easy now.

  • The Same Amnesty Lie Told Over And Over

    The Same Amnesty Lie Told Over And Over

    10 years ago

    It's the age old truism that if you keep repeating the same lie over and over too many people will begin to believe it. Easy for a pathological liar to do because eventually they convince themselves.

  • Hate To Say I Told You So...

    Hate To Say I Told You So...

    10 years ago

    Have you really given the thought you need to give about what you expect from our federal government and those we elect to represent us? Where has the train come off the track and why?

  • The

    The "Sterling" Example

    10 years ago

    Be careful what you say in the privacy of your own home seem to be the watchwords of the day. Here is a "sterling" example of what can happen to you if you don't and get involved with a gold digger.

  • Not A Magical Number

    Not A Magical Number

    10 years ago

    What happens when the number of takers surpasses the number of givers with no relief in sight? First look at the problem then contrast that against our politician's answers. Spend more? Really?

  • What Has America Become While We Weren't Paying Attention?

    What Has America Become While We Weren't Paying Attention?

    10 years ago

    We were once a proud country where hard work was rewarded rather than penalized. What happened to a person's ability to speak their mind without being hounded by political correctness? Time to think.

  • Eating Their Young

    Eating Their Young

    10 years ago

    I'm watching as the Democrats start eating their young because of Barack Hussein Obama. All the blunders and blusters that have occurred seem to continue to occur. The latest snack is from Bob Kerry.

  • Fodder For The Obama Salivators

    Fodder For The Obama Salivators

    10 years ago

    Math isn't this administration's strong skill though fabrication is. For months not one person around Obama could tell anyone what the numbers were. So how did all of the sudden they get so precise?

  • It Takes A Carter To Get A Reagan

    It Takes A Carter To Get A Reagan

    10 years ago

    The world is on fire and Obama continues to fiddle away doing things that makes Putin and his Russian pals call him a prankster. We need another real leader and soon.

  • Your Doctor? Not His Fault?

    Your Doctor? Not His Fault?

    10 years ago

    It's not Obama's fault if you lose your doctor even though he unequivocally told us all that Obamacare would not cause that to happen. Seems they can't seem to make up their mind at who to finger.

  • President

    President "Transparency" Obama

    10 years ago

    President Transparency was giddily swept into office with the promise of how he was going to change the way things were done in Washington and make it the most transparent ever. Opposite happened.

  • 26

    "Trust Me" He Says?

    10 years ago

    Obama is asking the public to trust him again. He asked when the NSA scandal blew up in his face - nothing changed. Then Obamacare lies got the spotlight - nothing changed but delays of mandates. So?

  • More Congressional Fruit Cake

    More Congressional Fruit Cake

    10 years ago

    It seems to be that LalaLand is expanding by leaps and bounds as we approach the November elections. Since when is the notion of enforcing our nation's laws a novel idea? We pay them to do just that.

  • Senator Impossible...

    Senator Impossible...

    10 years ago

    Talk about wasting time with a Senate talk-a-thon of no consequence. We now have one New Jersey Senator who drove from New Jersey to Hawaii. He said it, not me. Time for a real change this time.

  • In Service To Your Country

    In Service To Your Country

    10 years ago

    Very touching that an 8 year old understands what many of the adults of this nation seem to either miss or ignore.

  • Flashbacks On Obama And His Stupidity

    Flashbacks On Obama And His Stupidity

    10 years ago

    President "Bluster" Obama is being played again on the world stage. We got saddled with Obama and the rest of the world wonders how we could have been so stupid I'm sure. Talk the talk is what we get.

  • Time For A Name Change?

    Time For A Name Change?

    10 years ago

    Maybe God died and left Obama in charge? I think a name change to Boo Hoo Obama is fitting. he's now whining about people "contesting his policies." Does he not realize what an epic failure he is?

  • My Imperfect Universe

    My Imperfect Universe

    10 years ago

    The universe isn't perfect. At least mine isn't. How easy is it to ask forgiveness when it is needed? How easy is it to place blame when there was no slight?

  • More Than A Smidgen Of Truth Here Too

    More Than A Smidgen Of Truth Here Too

    10 years ago

    More Smidgens appearing over the horizon with the pen and phone crowd only this time we have members of Congress in collusion with Lawless Obama. Maybe it's time for impeachment of some impediments.

  • So What Is A

    So What Is A "Smidgen"

    10 years ago

    Not a smidgen here or a smidgen there. Obama's definition is obviously the Chicago definition that the rest of the nation is unaware of. Or maybe just ignoring the fact that Obama is a pathological?

  • Recycling The Message Over And Over Again

    Recycling The Message Over And Over Again

    10 years ago

    How long will Obama ramble on to a Congress he has supposedly written off with the stroke of his pen? All you really need to do is review all his other SOTU addresses and you won't need to see it.

  • Obamaland - Truth - Welfare -  Illegals

    Obamaland - Truth - Welfare - Illegals

    10 years ago

    Expect to hear about "comprehensive immigration reform" in the SOTU address. Code name for amnesty and buying more votes for a political party's sake. That whole concept is utter nonsense.

  • False Hope, Empty Promises

    False Hope, Empty Promises

    10 years ago

    So all the false hope and failed promises were delivered, bought into and failure ensued where does our proud nation go from here? Do we right the ship of state as it heads toward the rocks or not?

  • Trust Who?  Obama Doesn't Get It!

    Trust Who? Obama Doesn't Get It!

    11 years ago

    This past week was NOT a good week for Barack Obama to step in front of his teleprompter and wax eloquent again while saying absolutely nothing. His message was essentially "trust him." Really?

  • The Pen Fighter Is A Tough Hombre!

    The Pen Fighter Is A Tough Hombre!

    11 years ago

    Moving ever closer to having to remove a tyrant from office named Barack Hussein Obama. He wants to now rule by the pen and the phone rather than follow the US Constitution. Our country is in peril.

  • Promise Zones?

    Promise Zones?

    11 years ago

    The Promiser-in-Chief is making empty promises again. The War on Poverty has been lost so lets open up a new money wasting front for strictly political reason. Throwing good money after bad? Why?

  • A 16 Trillion Dollar Anniversary

    A 16 Trillion Dollar Anniversary

    11 years ago

    Another war lost on Obama's watch. This one is the "War on Poverty" is 50 years old today. It has gotten worse during his tenure not better. He rails away at others as usual without accepting blame.

  • Global (Fake Science) Warming

    Global (Fake Science) Warming

    11 years ago

    The hoax continues as a ship full of fools gets trapped in thick ice in the middle of the Antarctic. The Lame Stream Media is silent on the fact that this group of misfits were warmers.

  • President

    President "I Know Nothing!"

    11 years ago

    As we close out 2013 lets examine how inattentive this nation's chief executive officer seems to be up to this point. He and Sergeant Schultz seem to be brother's-in-arms. I know nothing!

  • What Difference Does It Make?  Part Of The Lingo Now?

    What Difference Does It Make? Part Of The Lingo Now?

    11 years ago

    Now we know Obamacare will eventually become "glorious." Then there is the "what difference will it make" if we don't repeal Obamacare now crowd. You don't use a sledge hammer to drive a nail do you?

  • Being An Obamacare Victim?

    Being An Obamacare Victim?

    11 years ago

    Obama likes to portray himself as the victim of public misunderstanding. In fact the real victim is the American public who has had the worst idea ever placed on our shoulders. Call it Obamacare.

  • Oh Boy Oh Boy!  It's Pajama Boy!

    Oh Boy Oh Boy! It's Pajama Boy!

    11 years ago

    Go ahead and put on your onesie, grab of cup of hot coco and volunteer to gab it up about the merits of Obamacare. Become one of the legions of Pajama Boys that Obama needs for his dream to come true.

  • How Not To Amuse Business Executives

    How Not To Amuse Business Executives

    11 years ago

    Obama learned a lesson, or maybe he didn't, on how NOT to hold a business meeting with some of this nation's leading technical executives. The subject was the NSA and our privacy Obama, not the ACA.

  • A Well Deserved Award For Obama

    A Well Deserved Award For Obama

    11 years ago

    It seems that the "most transparent administration" in history, led by Barack Obama, has received the prestigious award for "Lie Of The Year." Couldn't have happened to a better liar than Obama.

  • Harry?  Is Anybody There Harry?

    Harry? Is Anybody There Harry?

    11 years ago

    Harry Reid is a little uncomfortable that his own policy under Obamacare, that was rammed down our chops, are rising by $4,500. He's a multi-millionaire and can afford it. What about the little guy?

  • His Lips Started Moving Again...

    His Lips Started Moving Again...

    11 years ago

    Funny how Obama plays "Sergeant Schultz" until he gets caught in his next lie. Then some form of plausible denial is forwarded by this administration that he was never told or asked? Really?

  • The Greatest Of Pretenders

    The Greatest Of Pretenders

    11 years ago

    The problem is that Obama is a legend in his own mind. He rates himself as the most accomplished President ever and then tries to convince people that is so. That might work with the Hollywood crowd.

  • Re-Rolling The Lemon

    Re-Rolling The Lemon

    11 years ago

    Obama is out on the stump in southern California still trying to sell Obamacare despite the coming catastrophe, The website is just the tip of the lemon so to speak. It's about to hit your wallet.

  • Run Baby Run Right Back Home

    Run Baby Run Right Back Home

    11 years ago

    Democratic incumbents seem to be running scared and running away from the disaster they themselves created. They would prefer those they are sticking it to to just forget and forgive. No way!

  • 11

    "A Very Eloquent Hat Stand"

    11 years ago

    In the midst of full court press distraction Obama has, for the second time, made GQ's "Least Influential People's" list. A truly deserving accolade. Obama has made himself as popular as bad breath.

  • Oh No! Not PBJ's Too?

    Oh No! Not PBJ's Too?

    11 years ago

    Political correctness has been running rampant and now this. Our sacred Peanut Butter & Jelly sandwiches are now "racist." What are our teaching our children taught while we're not paying attention?

  • Why Go To Work? Sit Home, Smoke Weed And Chill Out...

    Why Go To Work? Sit Home, Smoke Weed And Chill Out...

    11 years ago

    Instead of health care reform why didn't Obama tackle welfare reform? I think the answer is obvious. We've developed a system with no checks rife with fraud, wasste and abuse. Time for reforming?

  • Same Game - The Blame Game

    Same Game - The Blame Game

    11 years ago

    Obama's fickle finger of blame is at work again. He can't blame Bush for his Obamacare fiasco. Now he's down to blaming Republicans for his debacle. That is to be a case of being a partisan nut job.

  • President

    President "Glitch" Fumbles Is At It Again

    11 years ago

    The gaffes, glitches and fumbles continue. Did you know that already 100 million Americans have enrolled in Obamacare? Don't believe it? Well, I have definitive proof of it. Obama said so.

  • A Long List Of Liars

    A Long List Of Liars

    11 years ago

    The Dems are jumping off the USS Obama right and left (no pun intended). The Liars Club will be in full swing this campaign season as those who backed Obama's lies start telling their own. A list.

  • President Glitch Threatens To Veto?

    President Glitch Threatens To Veto?

    11 years ago

    Over the weekend more Democrats started eating their young as Obama threatens to veto the Upton bill. Interesting to see them start admitting that Obamacare is no more than smoke and mirrors.

  • The Lie To Compound The Other Lies

    The Lie To Compound The Other Lies

    11 years ago

    Pinocchio doesn't have diddly squat on these Obama administration clowns. The lies continue to roll off their tongues like silk and are parroted by the Main Stream Media 9lsm). Here's the latest.

  • How To

    How To "Fix" A Train Wreck

    11 years ago

    Some things just can't be fixed. Obamacare was never a good idea and never had broad based support in this nation. No matter how much "Dear Leader" wants to will something to work it is not going to.

  • A New Normal?  Why?

    A New Normal? Why?

    11 years ago

    What is the "new normal" or better yet what is wrong with the "old normal"? Is the new normal cradle to grave Nanny statism. If the new normal is what we see in Washington DC we're in for trouble.

  • The Shiny Object Test - Part 3

    The Shiny Object Test - Part 3

    11 years ago

    Part 3 of The Shiny Object Test examines gender, race, age and other factors regarding making sense out of the senseless number being reported as unemployment reality. Actually it is far from truth.

  • The Shiny Object Test - Part 2

    The Shiny Object Test - Part 2

    11 years ago

    Obama had another shiny object but those darned Frogs screwed the pooch for him. Part 2 in the series about the real deal with unemployment minus the smoke and mirrors routine.

  • The Shiny Object Test - Part 1

    The Shiny Object Test - Part 1

    11 years ago

    Ever notice how many shiny objects Obama can pull out of his hat. When one thing tanks he has somewhere else he wants you to look. Not a leadership quality that the nation needs to see.

  • Justice For Looters And Moochers

    Justice For Looters And Moochers

    11 years ago

    Finally we may begin to see rational people start dealing with the irrational members of society who have become to believe that there is a free lunch. Hats off to the state of Louisiana.

  • Make Believe Washington - Sham Wow!

    Make Believe Washington - Sham Wow!

    11 years ago

    President Sham Wow lives in a world of make believe and his minions are there to stroke his bloated ego. He compounds lies with more lies in his fairy tale. You can keep it as long as he says so.

  • Bizzaro World Come True?

    Bizzaro World Come True?

    11 years ago

    Anti-Kick Back Law? Awe that isn't anything worth enforcing to the Obama administration. The exchanges and health insurance subsidies aren't part of the federal health care system you see.

  • A Historical Liar (POLL)

    A Historical Liar (POLL)

    11 years ago

    Will the flip of a coin decide Obama's real legacy. Heads is a forever liar. Tails is the biggest incompetent surpasssing even Jimmie Carter to ever be elected and then reelected.

  • Who's Your Grandfather?

    Who's Your Grandfather?

    11 years ago

    It was intentional. Obama and his minions crated the ACA to deliberately do away with the individual insurance market to the detriment of you. They know best what is good for you. You do not.

  • Facts?  Liberals Don't Need Them!

    Facts? Liberals Don't Need Them!

    11 years ago

    So just understand that FACTS don't matter. It is all in the spin. The fiasco we see with Obamacare has constantly shifting language associated with it. He didn't lie. He was misinformed?

  • The Stupid People Theory

    The Stupid People Theory

    11 years ago

    I have this theory about how our nation got where it is today. I'm a bit surprised that there are really that many stupid people in our nation. But they keep proving it over and over again.

  • Tax Cheat Charlie Said....

    Tax Cheat Charlie Said....

    11 years ago

    Right now the outlandish statements are free flowing in Congressional hearings. The Democrats have their backs against the wall and are spewing forth outright lies as a defense to their stupidity.

  • Listen Up Sheeple!  Daddy Obama Is Spinning It Again!

    Listen Up Sheeple! Daddy Obama Is Spinning It Again!

    11 years ago

    Where I come from "period" means "period." With so much disarray swirling around his signature legislation it appears that Obama has again lost his memory about what he said. Period.

  • The

    The "Untruth" About Obamacare

    11 years ago

    You were duped and totally misled about what we now seems to be calling ObamaShock. So it's okay for the president of this nation to tell lie after lie to your detriment? It's time to right this.

  • Calling All Democrats!

    Calling All Democrats!

    11 years ago

    Many insured Americans are having their existing policies cancelled despite the lie that Obama kept telling us all. Upwards of 16 million insured Americans will lose there existing insurance coverage.

  • SNAP Riots?

    SNAP Riots?

    11 years ago

    Cuts in the SNAP program brought on by Obama and his Democratic Congress are about to occur on November 1. It is the result of the "Stimulus Program" and not anything else . Will civil unrest occur?

  • Lets Take A National Poll Harry

    Lets Take A National Poll Harry

    11 years ago

    Are you in the category of EVERYBODY?? If you are then Harry Reid says that you want to pay more taxes. That's so they can spend and waste more of your money you see. 2014 requires a new Senate

  • Hello Peggy?

    Hello Peggy?

    11 years ago

    No one is admitting culpability concerning the disastrous roll out of Obamacare. I have a possible angle of who was doing what, when and why. I believe this person is thick in the Obama weeds.

  • My Favorite Hypocrite

    My Favorite Hypocrite

    11 years ago

    Just relax! Life will be beautiful all the time. Someone wearing the little white coats grab those big nets and come haul this loony tune off to the bin where she belongs.

  • The Art Of

    The Art Of "The Incompetence Defense"

    11 years ago

    Don't you worry about a nation such as ours which apparently has no one in the driver's seat? Or at least some one who is paying attention and looking out for our best interests? Or is that just okay?

  • The Subject Is Food Stamps (AKA SNAP)

    The Subject Is Food Stamps (AKA SNAP)

    11 years ago

    OH SNAP! The cuts are coming and adjustments will have to be made without rioting in the grocery stores occurring. We can't have able bodied people soaking the system can we? Watch the video here.

  • The Healthcare Disaster Or Mars Or....

    The Healthcare Disaster Or Mars Or....

    11 years ago

    People are signing up for a one way trip to Mars faster than they are enrolling in Obamacare. For my left wing liberal audience "I told you so" when the government decided to take over the industry

  • A Can Of Whoop That Butt...

    A Can Of Whoop That Butt...

    11 years ago

    Kudos to Representative Trey Gowdy for taking this administration's henchman to the wood shed for conduct unbecoming any American, much less one in a position of authority.

  • Pass The Moron  Please...

    Pass The Moron Please...

    11 years ago

    What do you get when you cross a conservative and an intelligent person? An intelligent conservative. Even this Yale professor has connected those dots.

  • Oh?  You Haven't Caught On Yet!

    Oh? You Haven't Caught On Yet!

    11 years ago

    Time to snap out of it and pay attention now. Obama has turned Washington DC in total dysfunction since he took office. The "Great Uniuter" has become a total failure in leadership. Blame him.

  • Catching On Yet?

    Catching On Yet?

    11 years ago

    Hopefully by this time the intelligent people of this nation have caught on about the elitist priorities on Capitol Hill. Our low information voters could care less They just want their goodies.

  • A Curtain Call For Shutdown Theater

    A Curtain Call For Shutdown Theater

    11 years ago

    There was a temporary curtain call this weekend during Shutdown Theater where the nation's children became political props for the Obama administration. Mean spiritedness needs to be shutdown now.

  • President

    President "Soiled Diapers" Obama

    11 years ago

    You know what you do when a child throws a tantrum? Spank them. How about when our President throws them? Try impeach him. Obama pushes all sense of decency out the window.

  • Big Headed Politicans

    Big Headed Politicans

    11 years ago

    The people entrusted with our money, our land and everything this nation owns are not to be trusted. They think it belongs to them and that needs to be corrected now before they become convinced.

  • Shutdown?  Lets Talk Politics

    Shutdown? Lets Talk Politics

    11 years ago

    Who is in charge in Washington. It appears Harry Reid is running the show. He's the last person, besides Pelosi, I can imagine running things of importance. Has Obama been furloughed as non-essential?

  • President

    President "Glitch" Proclaims... (POLL)

    11 years ago

    How long does it take a product rollout to be successful? How many years has President "Glitch" Obama and his administration had to fine tune Obamacare? So other than incompetence it would be?

  • The End Is Nigh? Well Maybe Kinda Sorta?

    The End Is Nigh? Well Maybe Kinda Sorta?

    11 years ago

    Obama is all about doom and gloom now. Remember when he was full of hope and change? So what changed other than reality slapping him upside his head? Maybe you got conned? Admit it if you did.

  • The Sky Isn't Falling!  YET

    The Sky Isn't Falling! YET

    11 years ago

    Who let Chicken Little out of his pen again? Is the sky really going to fall or is this all just more of the political theater for our benefit? When I see blatant lies over and over again who knows!

  • Holding America Hostage

    Holding America Hostage

    11 years ago

    When, and if, there is a government shutdown examine who was trying to compromise and who wasn't. Examine who wants an unpopular law to be continually shoved down our throat and who is fighting it.

  • Say It Ain't So Big Bird!

    Say It Ain't So Big Bird!

    11 years ago

    WOW! Big Bird and other part time employees at Sesame Place had their hours cut to 28 and lost their company provided health insurance. Didn't Obama tells everyone that they can keep their insurance?

  • The Cupboard Is Bare? Part II

    The Cupboard Is Bare? Part II

    11 years ago

    Pelosi grab a step stool next time you open the federal cupboard and proclaim "nothing left to cut." Either that or have Stevie wonder take a look see for her. An analysis of what is sacred to her.

  • You're Going To Hell If...

    You're Going To Hell If...

    11 years ago

    You've been evil by wanting to cut excessive spending and make more people take care of themselves. So you're going straight to hell! Rest assured you'll meet Charlie Rangel there.

  • The Cupboard Is Bare?

    The Cupboard Is Bare?

    11 years ago

    Have you heard? The federal cupboard is bare! They just can't cut a skinny penny more you see. What that is amounts to a siren's song about to sing for more tax increases so the nonsense can continue.



    11 years ago

    Never in history has this nation seem to have any chief executive so self-absorbed with himself and his image. Now he claims "he is being messed with" about Obamacare and excessive spending. Nut job!

  • An Economic Dunderhead

    An Economic Dunderhead

    11 years ago

    "Raising our debt ceiling does not increase our debt." Which alternate universe does Obama live in. Every time we have raised it our debt increased. If not, why raise it?

  • Obama's Empty Bag Of Tricks

    Obama's Empty Bag Of Tricks

    11 years ago

    Sadly this presidency has come down to no tricks left in the bag time. How did a man who once sold hope and change become a bitter partisan with nothing else to do but that. We're now lame ducking it.

  • A Gun Or The Person Who Pulls The Trigger?

    A Gun Or The Person Who Pulls The Trigger?

    11 years ago

    Why is it always the gun that is the bad guy in any shooting rather than the idiot pulling the trigger, at least in a liberal's mind? Then supposed journalists start reporting outright fabrications?

  • Putin Wags The Dog

    Putin Wags The Dog

    11 years ago

    Obama just played Santa along with his side kick Easter Bunny Kerry. He gave away the farm and the advantage right form the get og and lets Putin transform himself from thug to peacemaker? Great video

  • Obama Broke His Promise?  Heavens No!

    Obama Broke His Promise? Heavens No!

    11 years ago

    It appears that finally even union leaders are realizing that Obama has broken his promises. The fat lady was just tuning up a while back but now is in full song as Obamascare is coming nearer.

  • Promise The World...

    Promise The World...

    11 years ago

    It's painful for the citizens of this nation to have to watch a Presidency disintegrate, sliding into the abyss of epic failure. The first year of term two isn't a pretty sight nor looks to improve.

  • The War Of Gaffes

    The War Of Gaffes

    11 years ago

    The Oval Office has been turned into the Gaffe Office by a rank community organizer who is being nothing but an embarrassing prop on the world stage at this juncture. I will stick to that statement.

  • The Wimp Factor And Red Paint Lines

    The Wimp Factor And Red Paint Lines

    11 years ago

    Not sure who gave a wimp turned bully a can of red paint or maybe invisible red ink. How easily can a wimp revert to being bully when given power and it is misused rather than be guided by sanity.

  • From The Book Of Bad Ideas Comes....

    From The Book Of Bad Ideas Comes....

    11 years ago

    Crisis? What crisis? Oh you mean the one's that Obama manufactures to mask the fact that he has screwed up our nation domestically and on the foreign affairs front? What happened? He was the fix.

  • Advice From An Old Warrior

    Advice From An Old Warrior

    11 years ago

    Obama is beating the drums of war. Are you asking yourself why? Are our young patriot's blood now serving our nation needed to assuage Obama's injured ego and lack of his ability to his tongue?

  • The Choices We Make Are Our Destiny

    The Choices We Make Are Our Destiny

    10 years ago

    Life is truly about choices and self-actualizing. The choices that we make will determine our destiny in the long run. Not the simple ones but those that bear careful thought and consideration.

  • The

    The "Red Line" That Wasn't?

    11 years ago

    He didn't say what he said. The world said it. As usual he was speaking for the world? How much more confusing does he want to make this fiasco be? They awarded him the Nobel Peace Prize? For what?

  • The Fat Lady Is Starting To Sing

    The Fat Lady Is Starting To Sing

    11 years ago

    Obama bribed the unions with promises to get their support for Obamacare and as it comes apart at the seams the rats are jumping off the USS Obama with disgust that he didn't live up to his promises.

  • What If Obama Gave A War And No One Showed Up?

    What If Obama Gave A War And No One Showed Up?

    11 years ago

    One more time Obama wants to be the cowboy in the main arena. He draws red line after movable red line until he gets called on his bluff, like the bad poker player that he is. Leave Syria alone.

  • Obama Fuzzies Seem To Be Fading

    Obama Fuzzies Seem To Be Fading

    11 years ago

    Everything is coming up roses on the economic front to hear Obama tell it. Right? When reality becomes masked just how transparent is that? Has the unemployment rate really been dropping of late?

  • Disgusting Extremism

    Disgusting Extremism

    11 years ago

    You might be an extremist if....

  • SHOCKED?  Don't Be!

    SHOCKED? Don't Be!

    11 years ago

    What do you get when you cross an amateur and being the President of the United States? We're seeing it up close and personal and it sure isn't a pretty sight to see. A " I told you so moment."

  • Speaking Of Wacko Birds...

    Speaking Of Wacko Birds...

    11 years ago

    According to one Congressman there is plenty of money it's just that the federal government doesn't have its money grubbing hands on it so they can waste that too. These statists are disgusting.

  • Most People Know....

    Most People Know....

    11 years ago

    When did being moral change? Are there political party morals now based upon what? Weiners, Clintons, and so forth and so on. Is there a moral compass in our nation or are we adrift?

  • Death Of A City - Detroit

    Death Of A City - Detroit

    11 years ago

    Detroit? The beginning of the end? Spending like a drunken sailor on shore leave has its consequences. Largesse with tax payer funds will take its toll. Are individual states next? Then what?

  • When A President Rewrites The Law...

    When A President Rewrites The Law...

    11 years ago

    Lawlessness seems to be a trademark for the Obama administration. The US Constitution obviously means nothing to this group of socialist wannabes. Obama thinks he can rewrite the law. Can he?

  • The People Who Write Our Laws Now

    The People Who Write Our Laws Now

    11 years ago

    Brevity doesn't seem to be a word that our lawmakers are familiar with. Maybe it's time to take a refresher course about how our Founding Fathers liked to keep it simple stupid. Happy July 4th.

  • How Many Scandals Are Too Many Scandals?

    How Many Scandals Are Too Many Scandals?

    11 years ago

    As scandals simmer more seem to break out. There should have never been any doubt that an inexperienced, unqualified community organizer from Chicago would bring anything but what we see today.

  • The Benghazi Lies Continue And Al Qaeda Is Being Defeated

    The Benghazi Lies Continue And Al Qaeda Is Being Defeated

    11 years ago

    Obama thinks Benghazi is going to go away. Now he's shifted gears to tell us Al Qaeda is on its heals. That kind of talk caused Benghazi in the first place. Terrorists obviously don't know it's over.

  • Paid To Conceal?

    Paid To Conceal?

    11 years ago

    You're asked to resign your post as a top level bureaucrat, refusing to do so and not being fired. Instead you get to go home on paid administrative leave on the tax payer's dime. Just plead the 5th.

  • Now Then!  Look At This Mess We're In

    Now Then! Look At This Mess We're In

    11 years ago

    It's been a long 5 years that we've had to endure because of ignorance on the electorate's part. How is it that the President only knows things when he sees them on the news. He does watch FOX News.

  • 25

    Just Another Friday Afternoon Dump Day?

    11 years ago

    This past Friday was just another story dump for the Obama administration. Does it seem odd to anyone why one of the stories would blow the whistle on the very administration that was doing the dump?

  • Flashing Back - War On Terror Over

    Flashing Back - War On Terror Over

    11 years ago

    The War on Terror is over according to Obama for how long? Have you happened to notice some of the tings going on both around the world and within our own country lately. Ideology drives this war.

  • Obamacare:  A Huge Train Wreck Coming Down?

    Obamacare: A Huge Train Wreck Coming Down?

    11 years ago

    Seems that the Affordable Care Act is becoming the Unaffordable Care Act. All those wise sage Senators supposedly didn't see it coming? Or is it that they now see their reelection campaigns coming?

  • Want To Stop Gun Violence?  Here's What You Don't Do...

    Want To Stop Gun Violence? Here's What You Don't Do...

    11 years ago

    If you want to stop gun violence the Senate just showed us what NOT to do - waste a lot of time on things that have nothing to do with stopping gun violence. Best to say nothing rather than be stupid.

  • Bomb Control Legislation?

    Bomb Control Legislation?

    11 years ago

    The incident in Boston may run a little deeper than one can even imagine. Control this and control that but ultimately a nut job finds a way to act like a nut. Gun, knife and bomb control? Possible?

  • Obamacare And They Expected What?

    Obamacare And They Expected What?

    11 years ago

    The implementation of Obamacare is in total disarray. Did anyone really expect anything less form the incompetent federal government many of us are being forced to tolerate because of the ignorant?

  • 20

    "Constraining" Obama

    11 years ago

    Obama sees the US Constitution as a constraint on his power. That's exactly what the intent of our founding fathers was as they wrote that document. How we've strayed so far away needs examination.

  • Obama Proclaims April Financial Responsibility Month?

    Obama Proclaims April Financial Responsibility Month?

    11 years ago

    Obama proclaimed it. April is "National Financial Capability Month." Is he wasn't serious! He wants his administration to teach our youth how to properly budget for the future! Duck kids! Fast...

  • So Which Is It Going To Be?

    So Which Is It Going To Be?

    11 years ago

    Do you just want our country back from the thieves that we continually send up to Capitol Hill to squander our tax $$$. The Republican versus Democrat battle has gotten us here. Back to us time!

  • The Death Of A Bad Idea

    The Death Of A Bad Idea

    11 years ago

    It would seem that the professional pickpockets we call politicians are paying more attention to matters that need to be back burner than they are on righting the things they have screwed up.

  • Sequester Went On Vacation Too?

    Sequester Went On Vacation Too?

    11 years ago

    Where did your kids go for Spring Break this year? Who picked up the tab? Aren't we under mandatory budget cuts instituted by Obama's sequester brain storm? Obama's little darlings went to Atlantis.

  • Everybody Hurts Sometimes

    Everybody Hurts Sometimes

    7 years ago

    Have you ever stopped and wondered if anyone besides yourself has experienced hurt? Maybe it's that you have a corner on that particular market? Just something I feel compelled to say my friend...

  • Crazy Uncle Joe - Part II

    Crazy Uncle Joe - Part II

    11 years ago

    Our Crazy Uncle Joe has been hitting the news for his living large in these hard economic times. Look folks, he is just taking notes from his boss who has this sort of thing down to an art. Part II

  • Uncle Joe Goes Bonkers!

    Uncle Joe Goes Bonkers!

    11 years ago

    Living large seems to be the watch word of the Obama administration even as we sequester away. A million dollars for two nights lodging for our Crazy Uncle Joe and his band of gypsies is outrageous!

  • Oil Production And Obama

    Oil Production And Obama

    11 years ago

    Obama claims that oil and gas production have increased due to his energy policies. A report issued by a government agency squarely refutes what Obama claims to be so. He is blocking production.

  • Nanny Bloomberg Again Bless His Heart

    Nanny Bloomberg Again Bless His Heart

    11 years ago

    Mayor Bloomberg is defining (refining maybe?) the modern Nanny State. Abortion pills for 12 year olds, Big Gulps, gun bans and now his latest - tobacco displays and an add on bill for consideration.

  • Intolerance And Ben Carson

    Intolerance And Ben Carson

    11 years ago

    The intolerance of the left comes full circle whenever a black conservative of either sex stands up and calls the left on the hypocrisy & lack of having enough common sense to understand incompetence.

  • Overweight Lesbians And Your Tax Dollars

    Overweight Lesbians And Your Tax Dollars

    11 years ago

    We sit in the middle of a budget crisis and this comes across the wire. Is it a wonder that the federal government can't seem to find ways to cut the fat? A study is begin funded about fat lesbians!

  • Called Organized Federal Theft

    Called Organized Federal Theft

    11 years ago

    The sequester is on us and the federal union employees have their hands deep in the tax payer's pockets. Seems they are using work time to perform union duties which is illegal and called theft.

  • 12

    "Hope" For A Sincere Obama?

    11 years ago

    The question this week is how sincere will Obama be as he attempts to negotiate with Congress? Looking at his past actions I'd be watching for the smoke and mirrors routine myself. Trust him? Nope!

  • Nobel Committee To Obama - Give It Back

    Nobel Committee To Obama - Give It Back

    11 years ago

    The Nobel Prize Committee has sent word to Obama that he needs to return the Peace Prize that they awarded to him in error. Yes folks, Obama is achieving another historical first on the world stage.

  • Democrats Aren't Real Strong In Math Skills

    Democrats Aren't Real Strong In Math Skills

    11 years ago

    What can we blame the Democrat's math deficiencies on? With the dynamic duo of Maxine Waters and Obama trying to scare the wits out of common Americans last week, I thought I'd take a look see.

  • Obama's Crumbling Dialogue

    Obama's Crumbling Dialogue

    11 years ago

    The Obama cry for more money for the infrastructure rings hollow upon a thorough examination. Things have been getting better not worse. where does Obama get his information?

  • Happy Sequestration Day

    Happy Sequestration Day

    11 years ago

    Did you notice that today the sky hasn't fallen upon our heads, the sun is coming up and we're all still alive and kickin' like a chicken? Yippee!!! Happy Sequestration Day to you... Thanks Obama?

  • Obama Games

    Obama Games

    11 years ago

    Obama needs to stop with the constant lying and fear mongering and at least attempt to lead the naion out of the very crisis after crisis that he himself has created. Enough is enough.

  • Much Needed Sequestration

    Much Needed Sequestration

    11 years ago

    The much needed budget cuts that this administration at first wanted, then now doesn't want, are needed and about to kick in despite the fear and hysteria packed speeches Obama is giving.

  • Obama In A Rage?  Not Again...

    Obama In A Rage? Not Again...

    11 years ago

    Obama seems a bit out of sorts about having to take responsibility for sequester. It is the concept he himself, along with his team, created to smoke and mirrors the tax payers of this nation again.

  • Who Is Lying?  Who Needs To?

    Who Is Lying? Who Needs To?

    11 years ago

    Four Americans lost their lives the night of September 11th of 2011 and it appears the cover up continues. The American public deservres answers and they aren't forthcoming from Obama. Why not?

  • 77

    "What Difference Does The Truth Make?"

    11 years ago

    Yesterday's Senate committee hearing on Benghazi with Hillary Clinton produced nothing but a bad taste in the people's mouth who still don't have the truth about the coverup four and a half months later. Clinton needs to keep her self-righteous indignation to herself because the truth is the...

  • Gun Control, Total Control Or Both?

    Gun Control, Total Control Or Both?

    11 years ago

    Sometimes it's the little things that become the downfall of tyrants and despots. In this case it might be a little item called the Second Amendment. The mood of the American people can turn ugly ina hurry and a study of history is in order.

  • Spendaholics Meet The Naive

    Spendaholics Meet The Naive

    12 years ago

    So you were duped were you? You voted for Obama in 2008 and then did it again? What were you thinking? No new taxes on the "middle class" was his mantra. Be envious and tax the "rich." You waking up yet? Have you recieved your newest pay stub? You Big Dummies. The guy is a politician not a...

  • A Matter Of Perspective - The Cliff

    A Matter Of Perspective - The Cliff

    12 years ago

    The "Fiscal Cliff" deal that was just reached was a deal alright - a bad deal for the majority of Americans involved. It was packed with pork coming out of the US Senate. Why? It failed to cut spending and, in fact, probably increased it. Why? People need to start asking our elected officials...

  • Thick As A Brick

    Thick As A Brick

    12 years ago

    Did someone die and leave Nancy Pelosi in charge of anything again? I don't think so. It might be best if she goes ahead and retires rather than provide the nation more comic relief.

  • Paying For It As If It Was Free?

    Paying For It As If It Was Free?

    11 years ago

    As the full implementation of Obamacare is starring businesses in the face unpleasant decisions are now having to be made. The left seems to think there is a "free lunch." Who did they think was going to pay for Obamacare?

  • Twinkies RIP

    Twinkies RIP

    12 years ago

    Hostess brands is having to shutter its operation and sell off its assets due to the union greed of the Baker's Union. It seems it might be better for 18,500 workers to join the unemployment line than continue to have a job.

  • I Rest My Case...

    I Rest My Case...

    12 years ago

    There is a video here that accurately captures the nation's evolving entitlement mentality. We're at the point where the moochers are electing the looters to steal from the producers. When that happens a democracy is doomed.

  • If At First You Don't Secede Then?

    If At First You Don't Secede Then?

    12 years ago

    There's a movement on and the White House is hosting it. Petitions for the peaceful secession from the union are piling up state by state. I wonder if he'll get the message?

  • Elections Have Consequences

    Elections Have Consequences

    12 years ago

    The stock market has been on a downward plunge and now the layoff notices are hitting the hands of workers. Did they not expect the consequences of reeelecting the Looter-In-Chief. Missed that one did they?

  • Last Minute Desperation!

    Last Minute Desperation!

    12 years ago

    Bill Clinton, Barack Obama's human panic button, is off to Pennsylvania to try to save Obama's political skin. The fatc is though that Barack Obama is no Bill Clinton.

  • Revenge Or Love?

    Revenge Or Love?

    12 years ago

    Team Obama has hit the very lowest point in campaign history. These sorts of statements give new meaning to "playing small ball." But this is what one should expect when their is a failed record to try to run on.

  • Department of Business?

    Department of Business?

    12 years ago

    What a hair brained idea. Obama wants to create a new Department of Business to enhance his trickle down government concepts. Time for Obama to go! How about a Department of Bad Ideas instead?

  • Today's The Day!

    Today's The Day!

    12 years ago

    There are many reasons not to vote for Obama so in reflection I thought I'd offer up some of the more important ones before I vote today.

  • Murder For Political Expediency's Sake?

    Murder For Political Expediency's Sake?

    10 years ago

    Slowly but surely the truth about the deaths of four Americans in Libya is starting to surface. It becomes more apparent that the Obama administration knew from the very beginning that terrorism was involved. On three separate occasions the people on the ground requested help and each time it was...

  • The Fear Of Defeat...

    The Fear Of Defeat...

    12 years ago

    Obama's "New Economic Patriotism: A Plan for Jobs & Middle-Class Security" is a hot item, in his mind anyway. What it amounts to are the same stale ideas concerning increased spending and tax hikes that he is a broken record about. His administration has been a failure so what else can he run on...

  • Trust?  An Oxymoron When Combined With Obama

    Trust? An Oxymoron When Combined With Obama

    12 years ago

    Obama wants people to trust him. He says that we know him now which is true. But his lack of leadership, ability to lie with a straight face and believe himself gives me reason not to trust a word he says. From the 2008 campaign until this date he has proven himself to be a snake oil salesman...

  • Sequestration?  Not His Idea?

    Sequestration? Not His Idea?

    12 years ago

    Obama signs a law then says it's not going to happen to the whole nation. Sequestration was his administrations idea and he denies that? Time for him to be evicted from The People's House and take his lying yap with him.

  • Another Bald Faced Obama Lie

    Another Bald Faced Obama Lie

    12 years ago

    Another Obama WHOOPER emerges on the campaign trail. Remember all that TARP money that went out the door? According to Obama "we got back every dime." That's an outright lie.

  • Empty Binder Debate #3

    Empty Binder Debate #3

    12 years ago

    Debate #3 is about foreign policy/affairs. Obama will claim what a success he has been. Has anyone bothered to look around the geopolitical landscape lately rather than have Obama tell you how great he is? Maybe tonight we'll get some straight answers though I am skeptical.

  • Was It Political Football?

    Was It Political Football?

    12 years ago

    There was a critical question asked during Tuesday night's debate #2. Somehow it has escaped many pundits that Obama totally failed to answer the townhall question posed. Take a read.

  • Caught Again On Tape - Voter Fraud

    Caught Again On Tape - Voter Fraud

    12 years ago

    So there is no voter fraud? Of course there is and I expect it to be more wide spread than it was in 2008 because Team Obama is desperate to hang onto power and complete the progressive agenda of destroying this nation.

  • Crazy Uncle

    Crazy Uncle "Snickers" Biden

    12 years ago

    A compilation of the top ten lies Joe "Snickers" Biden told during the debates is a remarkable list of flat out lies and fabrications. It's time for a change in Washington DC we can believe in while there is still "hope" that we have any "change" left in our pockets.

  • 54

    "Sorry First Black President Didn't Do A Better Job"

    12 years ago

    Most Americans didn't want Obama to fail. He built that on his own by instituting socialistic economic policies that don't fit the model of free enterprise. He has been less than truthful with the American public and remains so. Kid Rock was candid in what he said to crowd that day on October...

  • Going To The Pump...

    Going To The Pump...

    12 years ago

    Remember when gas prices went up when Bush was President? The press would clamor to report each rise. So why the silence now that they have more than doubled since Obama assumed office? I get it. It's the same Lame Stream Media running cover for our failed President.

  • Big Bird Says

    Big Bird Says "STOP!"

    12 years ago

    Sesame Street has asked that Obama stop with his stupid rhetoric but as usual when a politician can't run on his record we have to listen to nonsense. When the economy should be the subject we're having to hear about killing Big Bird or Elmo and on and on....

  • 18

    "Ineptocracy" Is A Word

    12 years ago

    Ineptocracy is the new system of government that Obama-Biden ushered in. It is a system of government where the least capable to lead are elected by the least capable of producing, and where the members of society least likely to sustain themselves or succeed, are rewarded with goods and services...

  • Are You Shovel Ready?

    Are You Shovel Ready?

    12 years ago

    Remember shovel ready? Have you prepared yourself for that event if Obama is reelected? Prices are up due to sharp increases in fuel, unemployment numbers are being smoke and mirrored, the Middle East is on fire and we have a President who is totally detached from doing his job. We can't afford...

  • A Slobbering Teleprompter Affair

    A Slobbering Teleprompter Affair

    12 years ago

    I knew it was coming after the debate. The idea that is was unfair to Obama to not be allowed to use a teleprompter was going to be advanced. Here is video proof of why some people should have to pass a test to vote.

  • It's A Miracle!  Obama Performed Another Miracle!

    It's A Miracle! Obama Performed Another Miracle!

    12 years ago

    Obama is a miracle man despite all the evidence to the contrary. The BLS just reported a sleight of hand unemployment figure that most people surely don't believe. Sheeple maybe but actual intelligent people? I don't think so.

  • About That $4 Trillion Dollar Lie

    About That $4 Trillion Dollar Lie

    12 years ago

    Using smoke and mirrors and accounting gimmicks to show the illusion of $4 trillion in "savings" shouldn't fool too many people. I know it doesn't fool the credit rating agencies who have been downgrading our nation's credit rating. The myth behind the illusion can be sen here.

  • Barack's Teleprompter  Smackdown

    Barack's Teleprompter Smackdown

    11 years ago

    Last night's debate was one of the best in years. Here was a mental, ideological midget taking on a man who knows his business. The left is throwing Obama under the bus and we still have more debates to go. We hear how great Obama can speak, not without a teleprompter he isn't. He's might be a...

  • Crazy Uncle Joe Tells The Truth

    Crazy Uncle Joe Tells The Truth

    12 years ago

    Biden got it right for once. The middle class has been buried the past four years and it wasn't Bush's fault. Enough of the blame game is enough.

  • Payoffs For Layoffs?  Not Team Obama!

    Payoffs For Layoffs? Not Team Obama!

    12 years ago

    If you plan on voting for Obama then you need to read this now. The Obama administration is as corrupt as any I have seen. Now it is encouraging companies to break the WARN Act and nor issue the necessary notices prior to the coming layoffs that sequestration will trigger. The hook is that they...

  • Al Qaeda Is On The Path To Defeat?

    Al Qaeda Is On The Path To Defeat?

    12 years ago

    Bragging and much bravado seem to be surrounding Team Obama regarding their foreign policy failures even as embassies around the world remain targets of terrorists. I have a better slogan for Biden. Osama bin Laden Is Dead And Al Qaeda Is Alive.

  • 62

    "It's Still The Economy, Stupid!"

    12 years ago

    The word on the stump this weekend is that Obama's huge budget deficits and adding $6.5 trillion to our national debt is all Bush's fault if you believe our Crazy Uncle Joe Biden. If a person can win reelection based upon lies then we're in serious trouble as a nation.

  • Did Ya Hear,

    Did Ya Hear, "Women Just Don't Care..."

    12 years ago

    Did you hear? The women of this nation aren't worried about the train wreck Obama created the past four years. They are more focused on the damage he will do during the next four years. Oh and did ya hear, pigs can fly too?

  • Socialism Stinketh

    Socialism Stinketh

    12 years ago

    As more evidence surfaces about Obama's past and his ties to collectivism and socialism the denial continues. Socialism is based in economics and collectivism in ideology but there is an intricate link between the two. Obama is a believer in both.

  • Just

    Just "A Bump?" Those were people...

    12 years ago

    "Bumps in the road?" Human lives and the destruction of US property are now but bumps in the road to Obama's policies of appeasement. The American electorate now needs to wake up and become "road blocks," not be mere bumps in the road to Obama's destruction of this nation.

  • Misstatement?  Not Little Joey Again...

    Misstatement? Not Little Joey Again...

    12 years ago

    "Bidenisms" seem to be all the rage. So now he wants to interject our fighting force into his attack dog motif, At least he could do was get his facts straight.



    12 years ago

    The man who was going to heal the planet and make the oceans recede is back pedaling. He ran on "hope and change" promising to transform Washington and usher in a new era of bipartisanship. Now he is saying he can'[t do it?

  • Victimized By The Government - Leave The Drama To Your Mama

    Victimized By The Government - Leave The Drama To Your Mama

    12 years ago

    There is something wrong with the picture when the Lame Stream Media has a problem with any person who espouses becoming a contributing part of society rather than a free rider. Lets refocus on fixing the economy, getting unemployment under control and leave the drama for your drama.

  • Can The Federal Reserve Print Jobs Or Just Money?

    Can The Federal Reserve Print Jobs Or Just Money?

    12 years ago

    Is there any correlation to quantitative easing and job creation? QE3 is on the way with the thought that it does but it doesn't. Lets just let the Fed print more money to lend top itself. That goes on top of the $5 trillion plus that Obama has already added to the national debt. Four more...

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