What are some fun, educational projects to do at home with a 3 year old?

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  1. MyJourney profile image61
    MyJourneyposted 13 years ago

    What are some fun, educational projects to do at home with a 3 year old?

  2. profile image56
    rieomposted 13 years ago

    This is the age that kids are learning how to count.  To help them with this, make it fun.

    Get a piece of construction paper.

    Get elbow macaroni or bigger pasta.

    Dip in paint and let dry.

    Once dry apply glue and put on the construction paper.

    The catch is, they have to count the macaroni as they paste them onto the paper.  When this is complete, have them count the macaroni that they pasted onto the construction paper.

  3. nick071438 profile image57
    nick071438posted 13 years ago

    Type this in your Google Chrome search bar:  fun educational do-it-yourself home projects suitable for a 3-year old.  Automatically a beeline of excellent articles, hubs, blogs, etc fill up the screen each vying for your attention.  Read carefully each one or pick at random one or two then choose the best which you think suit the level and interest of your pre-school child.  Of course parent or someone should initiate how the project is done.  For added details and enrichment, don't forget to click IMAGE on the topic.  Images in color captures the imagination and children will truly admire and welcome them.

    automatically an array of suitable do-at-home projects

  4. Kristine Manley profile image82
    Kristine Manleyposted 13 years ago

    I made Puzzle Planks with my niece. Here's how:
    1. Get wide tongue depressors (the kind that a doctor uses) from a craft store.
    2. Lay them out flat and line them up next to one another, maybe 7 to 8 of them.
    3. Tape them together down both ends with a long strip of tape.
    4. Then turn them over.
    5. Have your child drawn and color in a picture.
    6. Remove the tape and mix up the planks.
    9. Have your child put the puzzles planks back together.

    The child has made their own puzzle.

  5. LiamBean profile image80
    LiamBeanposted 13 years ago

    Here are some paper and pencil games that might help.


  6. tm4hspencer profile image60
    tm4hspencerposted 13 years ago

    Use manipulatives for counting...you can either buy these or use household or food items... teach with music, children learn faster when you use motions with the songs also. There are some great educational songs for preschoolers to teach days of week, months, numbers and alphabet

  7. profile image0
    paradisehunterposted 13 years ago

    Make a bird feeder. Pine cone + peanut butter + bird seed + string  = fun. It's great in the winter too because the birds could really use the food. Take the pine cone, tie a string around it, smear with peanut butter and roll in bird seed. Waa laa! hang from branch of tree. It's easy and takes just a little time (perfect for a three year-old's attention span).

  8. Anne Pettit profile image62
    Anne Pettitposted 13 years ago

    Collect some things, like rocks, or bottle caps and paint them.  You can count, learn colors, get exercises and work on fine motor.  Tons of fun!

  9. gr82bme profile image60
    gr82bmeposted 13 years ago

    You can teach the 3 year old how to color in the lines, abc's, write their name, how to glue and paste. Do some jig saw puzzles, how to dial and know important phone numbers. How to use the computer. I have a Hub with many places for young children to learn and for you to print off things to do. Good Luck


  10. duffsmom profile image61
    duffsmomposted 13 years ago

    I wouldn't be overly concerned with the activity being educational because any time you spend with your child teaches them something.

    Take canned food out of the pantry and stack them, and jello and other easy to handle food. Make a grocery store, one of you can shop, the other can be the checker.  We used to have great fun with that one.  Or do a clothing store with the items in their closet.

    Take a long folding table and put up the legs on one end only.  You have a slide.  Of course yo have to be there to hold the table and ensure safety, but it is fun.

    Take the books of their shelves and play library.  Or play preschool and let your child be the teacher and you the student.

    I miss my kids being little!!  We had so much fun.

  11. cobrien profile image58
    cobrienposted 13 years ago

    Simple games like Memory, puzzles, reading, counting games, simple arts and crafts. Grow tomatoes. Breed finches. Collect bugs. Teach measurements by cooking together. Make learning fun. This time will build the foundation for his future success in school.


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