What is your best advice for first time parents?

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  1. Sturgeonl profile image82
    Sturgeonlposted 12 years ago

    What is your best advice for first time parents?


  2. sholland10 profile image83
    sholland10posted 12 years ago

    Bringing home our first born can be scary and wonderful all at the same time.  Here are some tips and advice to help new parents with their newborns. read more

  3. duffsmom profile image60
    duffsmomposted 12 years ago

    Relax and laugh.  Understand it will be hard and scary and frustrating - but also nothing more rewarding in the world.  Keep in mind always that you are creating your child's past each and every day of their childhood.  What you are living with them is what they will look back on and tell their children about.  So relax and enjoy and always keep a keen sense of humor.

  4. Laurin Gatewood profile image59
    Laurin Gatewoodposted 12 years ago

    I have three quick answers,  breast feed your baby for at least 6 months, home school until six grade if you can, and be aware of your kids surroundings at home and abroad.

  5. Ruthie216 profile image60
    Ruthie216posted 12 years ago

    My best advice for first time parents,


    I know this probably has already been heard billions of times, but it really does help. Having a baby is absolutely exhausting work, so take advantage of nap time, dishes and chores can wait. Napping will help when the baby wakes up at all hours, you wont be so sleepy or cranky. It also can help lesson the chance of postpartum depression, because it will ease the stress a little bit, and take it from me, postpartum depression is not fun.

    Keep baby oragel handy, they will be teething before you know it. Also, gas drops are a must have. Some baby's (like my son) have an extremely hard time burping, and this can lead to hours of the baby, and you, crying out in frustration.

    Always remember: It's just a baby. They can't tell you how they feel or what they want, and yes, sometimes babies just need to cry.

    If you feel too overwhelmed with everything, put the baby in a safe place, like it's crib, and call a friend or family member to help out.

  6. Sturgeonl profile image82
    Sturgeonlposted 12 years ago

    This is advice I wish I would have taken when my babies were young.

  7. Marcy Goodfleisch profile image82
    Marcy Goodfleischposted 12 years ago

    Don't panic when they get sick the first time, or if the brand-new baby doesn't eat much at one sitting. I know all first-time parents worry, but children are a lot more resilient than we realize. Even so - they need our protection and they need to know they're safe.

    Learn which common childhood illnesses can be handled at home, and which require a trip to the doctor. Learn which are the true emergencies, and which can wait until the morning.

    Kiss all the boo-boos, give them plenty of hugs, and enjoy those fleeting years; they'll be gone before you know it.

  8. jencooper profile image60
    jencooperposted 12 years ago

    Trust your instincts.  Realize that whatever you are going through has been gone through a million times over.  If everyone else can do it so can you.  At the same time if you need help don't be afraid to ask for it.

  9. omarngadi profile image52
    omarngadiposted 12 years ago

    Remember when you were a small child? Karma can be a bitch so if you acted like a hot mess, chances are your child will to. Good luck and keep the faith, though smile

  10. xethonxq profile image66
    xethonxqposted 12 years ago

    Realize you are going to make mistakes and learn from them....and be consistent with your child.

  11. Eliminate Cancer profile image59
    Eliminate Cancerposted 12 years ago

    Enjoy every moment, they grow up fast!  Don't worry, they don't need much in the beginning: breast-milk, and being held and loved.  Then as they grow, you will adjust to their growing needs.

  12. razorblades profile image60
    razorbladesposted 12 years ago

    Don't be stressed by what every one else says to you, being a parent doesn't come with a manual, you'll get it right, just give yourself time grow as a new parent...

    Then, you have to think like you're in the army...
    Eat when you can, Drink when you can, Sleep when you can, because you will have no idea when you'll be able to next!

    After that, enjoy, it really doesn't last very long!

  13. tamarawilhite profile image85
    tamarawilhiteposted 12 years ago

    Don't worry about doing it all "right" or "perfect". Just do your best and keep going.

  14. Nicola Tweedie profile image60
    Nicola Tweedieposted 12 years ago

    Listen most of all to yourself and each other (i.e. the other person you share the child care with). Everyone will give you advice and some of it will be more useful and applicable to you than others. Sifting through it and noticing what will fit for you as a family is a task an a half. But none of this is as important as listening to yourself and how you respond to your baby. Afterall, noone knows him or her better than you. At best they are giving you examples of things that worked for the person that they were getting to know - their child. You are getting to know yours and focusing on that unique and amazing relationship will bring incredible rewards...you know more than you think!


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