Do you let your kids go to the sleepovers at friends house?

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  1. MargaritaEden profile image68
    MargaritaEdenposted 11 years ago

    Do you let your kids go to the sleepovers at friends house?

    And have sleepover at your house? Why or why not?

  2. GALAXY 59 profile image88
    GALAXY 59posted 11 years ago

    Yes, I have three children, well the youngest is nineteen now, but still children to me. They have all enjoyed sleepovers at friends houses and at our own home over the years. They have always been great fun. Letting your kids stay at a friends house teaches them useful social skills, they should be polite and respectful.

    I think the trick is to only have sleepovers on a Friday or Saturday night- no school the next day- as they really don't get much sleep! Or in the holidays, of course. Don't let them take open drinks into the sleepover room, keep to bottled water or some other still drink. Limit food to something non messy, avoid anything with too much sugar, they will get little enough sleep anyway. Let them pick a suitable video to watch, and try to set a time limit on when they should settle down and try to sleep. Tell them that noise levels should be kept down after midnight, kids seem to look on midnight as some sort of holy grail for staying up late. Make sure that the house is secure and take away their access to the internet after that time. Let them have a lie-in in the morning and arrange for them to go home at lunchtime after giving them a light snack.

    I hope that this helps, sleepovers can be a really good thing for kids, as long as they don't get out of control!

  3. Dr Pooja profile image61
    Dr Poojaposted 11 years ago

    No I am strictly against the culture of sleepover. Most of the victims of abuse are people we think can't do it.So a big no -no to sleepovers to protect your child in the long run.

    1. mommahottness profile image59
      mommahottnessposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      hum so your saying your home is not safe??? This is letting kids sleep at YOUR home. Maybe you misred the question.

    2. Dr Pooja profile image61
      Dr Poojaposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Ya I misread the question.My home is safe and kids do come for a sleepover but I don't allow my daughter to go for a sleepover

    3. MargaritaEden profile image68
      MargaritaEdenposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      I actually tend to agree with you Dr. Pooja, I think the age of sleepovers is done, maybe I am paranoid, but I don't trust anybody with my kids, and since I don't let my kids go anywhere, I don't allow sleepovers at my house either.

  4. mommahottness profile image59
    mommahottnessposted 11 years ago

    Yes come on over!!! LoL
    Growing up my friend and I would go from her house to mine. We were inseperable. 25 years later we are still close wink

  5. duffsmom profile image60
    duffsmomposted 11 years ago

    Yes, my kids went to sleep overs.  We would talk to the parents and be sure they were going to be there.

    Yes, they had sleep overs at our house too. We let them but secretly hated it because it is such an invasion! LOL  In one house we had there was a great finished basement and they could laugh and giggle down there with little disturbance to us upstairs.  That was pretty much ideal for sleep overs.

  6. TripleAMom profile image77
    TripleAMomposted 11 years ago

    I have three children ages 15, 12 and 6.  I let them go to sleepovers but only to homes where I know the parents well and the children.  We are very fortunate to have a church and school where the kids have friends that they have known all their lives and their parents are our close friends.  We are very comfortable with these families and they are comfortable with us.  We do lots of things together so sleepovers are included in this.  We have found though that our 15 year old boy is really too old for sleepovers.  At that age, there is really nothing that interests him and his friends after dark except movies, but they can't do that the whole time, so unless there is a specific reason for the sleepover (camping, fishing early the next morning, helping the family with something the next day) he really doesn't do sleepovers anymore.  Better to limit this than for the boys to think up ideas that could get them in trouble. 

    By the way, as far as sleepovers at my house, this definately happens.  I love having other kids around and I know what my kids are doing.  The other thing I've noticed is that I can get stuff done because the kids enjoy being in their rooms gabbing or doing crafts (girls), or other things, and I often don't see them for hours at a time.  We plan summer sleepovers and back to school sleepovers.


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