Contradictions in life?

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  1. profile image0
    Sooner28posted 11 years ago

    So I was sitting around thinking about whether contradictions are a real part of the universe.  I think they might be.

    Contradictory feelings about a person (actually exist);  contradictory actions by a person opposite of their espoused values (actually exist);  people contradict themselves in an argument.  What do you think?

    1. Mark Knowles profile image58
      Mark Knowlesposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      This is contradictions in people. There are no contradictions in the Universe.

      1. profile image0
        Sooner28posted 11 years agoin reply to this

        We exist in the universe though right?

        1. Mark Knowles profile image58
          Mark Knowlesposted 11 years agoin reply to this

          Not the way you mean - no. The concepts you described do not exist in reality - only in our minds - as concepts.

          1. profile image0
            Sooner28posted 11 years agoin reply to this

            Interesting way to look at it.

    2. Joyus Crynoid profile image73
      Joyus Crynoidposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Yes, your intuition is right: the universe, to the extent that it can be known, is replete with contradictions.  Consider the liar's paradox: "this statement is a lie".   Goedel followed that paradox to its logical conclusion, proving that no formal system can possibly be both complete and self-consistent (i.e. non-contradictory).  The implication is that the real world has different aspects that are knowable yet contradictory.

      1. profile image0
        Sooner28posted 11 years agoin reply to this

        I forgot about the liar's paradox.  That's a great example of a possible contradiction.

        I feel like, as a truth seeker, I have to acknowledge contradictions, if they are real.  I've just recently started thinking about this.  Usually, if something is a contradiction, it can be immediately dismissed. 

        I don't know though.  I'm thinking about this some more, and I'm glad people are giving thoughtful responses.

    3. kess profile image61
      kessposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Contradiction is equal to conflict, disagreement, strife.

      So death rules where there is contradiction.

      Contradiction exist in a house with two strong men , one must submit or die, if there is no submission, then constant conflict where neither is the ultimate victor, in such a situation they only thing that happens in that house is conflict, nothing useful, so that cant be life but death.

      Just so it is with the man, so long as conflict exist within him, his death is imminent because he is death not Life.

      This sphere which is not the totality of the universe, in which the earth is exist is temporary, because it has not resolve its own conflict.

      We know the universe exist, and it can only be so if all conflicts are resolved.

  2. profile image0
    Emile Rposted 11 years ago

    Anything is possible, but I doubt it. I would venture to say anything we  might perceive as a contradiction within the universe would be due to a lack of information. Once you have all of the information then you will see what was first labeled conflict resolved.

    1. profile image0
      Sooner28posted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Physically speaking perhaps.  It's hard to say though, since we have no "eternal perspective" of the universe as a whole.  All we have is what human beings think they know.

      I took two courses in logic in college.  Logicians don't like contradictions, but there is a special kind of logic that actually acknowledges they exist.  It's called paraconsistent logic.  We didn't study it, but I found it interesting that a formalized logical system would acknowledge contradictions as real.

  3. ChristyWrites profile image80
    ChristyWritesposted 11 years ago

    There are contradictions everyone. There is no black and white but there are many shades of grey.

    1. profile image0
      Sooner28posted 11 years agoin reply to this

      I never see you in the forums!  Could you explain a little more what you mean?

      1. ChristyWrites profile image80
        ChristyWritesposted 11 years agoin reply to this

        I have been missing out! You post so many great comments Sooner. I do mean that we can both love and hate someone at the same time. We can see beauty and hate in the objects around us too. Two opposites occur within the same person or object.

        1. profile image0
          Sooner28posted 11 years agoin reply to this

          Yes.  That's what I was getting at with this forum.

          It's become very conspicuous to me when I look at certain members of my family, especially my parents and one of my siblings.  I don't HATE them necessarily; it's simply that I can feel extremely affectionate at times, while other times wondering about their sanity!  Both feelings are real.

          Whether the fabric that makes up the universe contains contradictions, I don't know.  But the human experience definitely contains them!

          1. ChristyWrites profile image80
            ChristyWritesposted 11 years agoin reply to this

            You are absolutely right. I did not understand this for many years. I think some people will actually never understand the concept; there are different things we learn during our lives and our experiences lead us to certain thought patterns.

            Good forum-ing with you!

            1. profile image0
              Sooner28posted 11 years agoin reply to this

              We'll definitely have to do this again!

  4. Druid Dude profile image59
    Druid Dudeposted 11 years ago

    The only reason why we perceive contradictions is because of our innate inability to understand that Everything is true,,,and everything is false. Here is one I like: God is always changing, therefore, God is unchanging.

    1. profile image0
      Sooner28posted 11 years agoin reply to this

      This also makes sense to me.  If we had the "eternal perspective" (disavowing any particular theology or concept of God), then we could see if contradictions ACTUALLY exist, or if they are simply a perception of an inherently limited human point of view.

      I'm undecided on this, so I'm happy to be getting multiple perspectives.


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