Where is the ACLU in America lately , with a president ?

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  1. profile image0
    ahorsebackposted 11 years ago

    Who didn't close Ghitmo or try terrorists as he said he would  , supports drone strikes on Americans and on American soil,  has continued the waring and killing of foriegn nationals on other countries  land !  Where is The outrage of  the liberals now  and the........great  ACLU ?

    1. Deni Edwards profile image76
      Deni Edwardsposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      President Obama signed an executive order to close Ghitmo the first day he was in office of his first term.  His executive order was vetoed by Congress. 

      As for the drones, us liberals are p'd off and most of us are very vocal about it, as well as the ACLU.

      Maybe if you widened your news station viewing habits, you could get your information right.

      1. profile image54
        whoisitposted 11 years agoin reply to this

        "President Obama signed an executive order to close Ghitmo the first day he was in office of his first term.  His executive order was vetoed by Congress."

        What???? What Congress? The democrat congress that held power for two years after Obama was elected? What are you talking about?

        1. Barefootfae profile image61
          Barefootfaeposted 11 years agoin reply to this

          You see they have been deluded into believing if something they want didn't happen Republicans stopped it. They don't know it was never going to happen at all.

          1. profile image54
            whoisitposted 11 years agoin reply to this

            Where do they get this alternate news from?

            1. Barefootfae profile image61
              Barefootfaeposted 11 years agoin reply to this

              Well when you believe everything you are told.......by CBS,NBC, any of them....Fox included, you get what you get.

        2. Deni Edwards profile image76
          Deni Edwardsposted 11 years agoin reply to this

          http://www.nytimes.com/2009/01/22/us/po … wanted=all

          Sorry, my mistake...it was his second day in office.  And look!  The article comes with a picture of President Obama signing the order.  This "alternate news" comes from the real world.  Read to educate yourselves so you stop sounding so ignorant.  It is titled:

          Obama Issues Directive to Shut Down Guantánamo

          Stop locking yourself up in Foxland so you can find out what is going on in the world.

          1. profile image54
            whoisitposted 11 years agoin reply to this

            Yes, I am well aware that he signed an order to close GITMO. When did the republicans issue the veto you speak of?

            1. profile image0
              Old Poolmanposted 11 years agoin reply to this

              Let's see now.  The order was signed on his second day in office.  We had a Democrat controlled Congress for the first two years.  How in the heck did the Republicans stop Gitmo from being closed?
              I'm really confused on how all of this fits together.

              1. Barefootfae profile image61
                Barefootfaeposted 11 years agoin reply to this

                Ohhhhhhhhh now those Republicans....they have ways you know and we poor Democrats can't do anything to stop them from stopping us.
                Not even with a super majority. Nope.

                What has been done to our political system is criminal.

                1. cleaner3 profile image70
                  cleaner3posted 11 years agoin reply to this

                  it's not the system .. it's the politicians .. they are all corrupt .! they split us apart in order to control us . The media (all of the media ) is in the pocket of govt. they control the media(all of the media .) Therefore you cannot believe anything they say.  They tell us who is going to win the election before it happens .. Duh..... something is wrong with this picture .. open your eyes, and stop assuming that you are  so intelligent , all you are doing is making an ass out of yourself (Ass..uming)???

            2. Deni Edwards profile image76
              Deni Edwardsposted 11 years agoin reply to this

              Goodness, do I have to do the work for you?   I never said republicans blocked it.  I said congress did it, and both parties did it:

              http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/201 … /?page=all

              It's very disheartening to see so many people who are misinformed and act like they aren't.  Again, educate yourselves so you don't sound...okay, ignorant (although I can think of a better word to describe this).

              1. profile image54
                whoisitposted 11 years agoin reply to this

                LOL, keep trying.

          2. Barefootfae profile image61
            Barefootfaeposted 11 years agoin reply to this

            You be smart enough to see he was referring to WHO was supposed to have stopped the order. Nobody stopped it it was never gonna happen.
            Wake up!

            1. profile image54
              whoisitposted 11 years agoin reply to this

              I'm sure I will see a link to something that occurred 2 years after the order was signed in an attempt to blame republicans.

              1. Barefootfae profile image61
                Barefootfaeposted 11 years agoin reply to this

                Oh indeed. But let's be thankful for those here who seem to be seeing the light.

                1. profile image54
                  whoisitposted 11 years agoin reply to this

                  They will get a tingle up their leg about something and the darkness will envelop them again.

                  1. Barefootfae profile image61
                    Barefootfaeposted 11 years agoin reply to this

                    No the folks behind the Administration will come up with some progressive idea to focus on and they will be sure all is right again.
                    It's the frog in the water thing all over again............

          3. Barefootfae profile image61
            Barefootfaeposted 11 years agoin reply to this

            When will you of the hard left learn your President is no there to do your will?  Hm?

          4. profile image54
            whoisitposted 11 years agoin reply to this

            The more I read this the more depressed I get. There are no words to describe this level of ignorance.

            1. Barefootfae profile image61
              Barefootfaeposted 11 years agoin reply to this

              You see these poor folks have actually been educated(mis-educated) to believe no one........no one at all....in that prison is a bad person. They did nothing. They would do nothing if released. They believe that.

              1. profile image54
                whoisitposted 11 years agoin reply to this

                And guns simply go off by themselves.

                1. Barefootfae profile image61
                  Barefootfaeposted 11 years agoin reply to this

                  Right....now enlightened people realize that.

                  1. profile image54
                    whoisitposted 11 years agoin reply to this

                    I wonder where she went? Must be looking for the article that explains how people NOT in power exerted their power.

    2. Barefootfae profile image61
      Barefootfaeposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Why didn't liberals listen to those of us who told you this would happen years ago?
      But why should you listen to us when you had such a wonderful wise charismatic cult leader?

      Now.....are you actually beginning to wake up? Or are you going to shout stuff at me about Mitt Romney and John McCain? If you do you haven't woken up.

    3. tammybarnette profile image60
      tammybarnetteposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      It's right here! Anyone worth their snuff does not tow a party line in light of such atrocities.

  2. innersmiff profile image66
    innersmiffposted 11 years ago


    To be fair though, the past week there's been a surge in disgruntlement over the drones from all sides, which is good.

  3. profile image0
    Old Poolmanposted 11 years ago

    The very thought that one man can nod his head and order the death-by-drone of an American citizen without a trial is frightening.  No single individual should ever be granted this much power and authority.
    This is being done on an assumption that these targets are terrorists who plan to harm the US.  Perhaps they are, and they should be eliminated, but we have a process for that.  After all of the suspected terrorists are killed would this trickle down to eliminating tax evaders, or those who dare to write blogs criticizing our government?  I know that sounds far fetched, but is it impossible?
    Bottom line is no one man should have the power to order the killing of another human being.

    1. wilderness profile image94
      wildernessposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      "but we have a process for that"

      Given that an American citizen is a terrorist in Afghanistan, collaborating and helping al Quaida, what might that process be?  Send the NYPD after him?

  4. profile image0
    Old Poolmanposted 11 years ago

    We have other resources than the NYPD.  I would guess by your answer you are OK with one person being granted this much power?

    1. wilderness profile image94
      wildernessposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      What other resources?  You claim they exist, what are they?

      The president is commander in chief of our military, and ultimately responsible for protecting the country - eliminating another 911 certainly falls into that category.  Who else, then, should be responsible?  A vote of congress on each military decision?

  5. Barefootfae profile image61
    Barefootfaeposted 11 years ago

    And in a related thought......think more clearly now about why you believe we need gun controls??

  6. profile image0
    Old Poolmanposted 11 years ago

    Wilderness - You ever hear of Seal Team 6?
    It is obvious you are OK with this concept of having one person making the decision to issue a "kill" order.  I'm not at all comfortable with that concept.  And no, I am not suggesting Congress need to make these decisions.  The intended victim would die of old age long before Congress could make up their mind.  Let's just hope that none of us end up on this list.  Nothing I could say will change your mind, and obviously, you will never change my mind.  So, we might as well just let it be what it is and hope for the best.

    1. Barefootfae profile image61
      Barefootfaeposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      The person you are referring to was likely trying to get someone else to help him decide which wedge would get him on the green that day. I think he actually decides little else.

    2. wilderness profile image94
      wildernessposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      In your scenario (Seals) the president decides he wants the rogue American caught, preferably alive for trial.

      The seal team assembles, along with choppers and/or other transportation, and invades a foreign country to catch the terrorist.  By the time they get there the terrorist is probably gone, but say he isn't; there is a fire fight killing Seals, natives and other terrorists.  They do get their man, but now have to get back out of the country; unless it's via chopper there is likely more killing.

      So, either the president decides to kill one man with a drone or several and possibly dozens with a formal invasion, all so that a known terrorist can be put on trial and sentenced to a life in prison.  Of the two I see the drone as preferable; you will make your own choice.

      1. Barefootfae profile image61
        Barefootfaeposted 11 years agoin reply to this

        I see what you are saying.

        Hey what if they kill some guy with a drone but he is not a terrorist? What then?

        Oh how silly he would never do that.

        1. wilderness profile image94
          wildernessposted 11 years agoin reply to this

          Just as a group of a dozen or so Seals, firing hundreds or thousands of bullets will never kill and innocent person in a firefight in the middle of a city or village.

          War will always have "collateral damage"; the trick is to figure out which method will produce the least amount and do the best we can to limit it to an absolute minimum.

          I believe a drone will do a better job; you believe a small army invading foreign soil will.

          1. profile image54
            whoisitposted 11 years agoin reply to this

            No, you believe this President is competent to make those decisions, we don't!

            1. wilderness profile image94
              wildernessposted 11 years agoin reply to this

              I don't believe our current president is competent to make the decisions, no.

              There are then two alternatives that I can see; either take a vote in congress (allowing the suspect to escape every time) as the only group that can legally override a presidential decision or simply do nothing and come home.  Which would you prefer?

            2. tammybarnette profile image60
              tammybarnetteposted 11 years agoin reply to this

              NOBODY should have this authority!

          2. Barefootfae profile image61
            Barefootfaeposted 11 years agoin reply to this

            Please reread and get the intent of my statement.

            1. wilderness profile image94
              wildernessposted 11 years agoin reply to this

              Sorry, Barefoot - if you aren't saying that innocent lives will be taken, you'll have to make it a lot clearer as that is all I can see in it.

              1. Barefootfae profile image61
                Barefootfaeposted 11 years agoin reply to this

                Oh sure that's what I am saying. You believe it will be accidental and I don't.

                1. wilderness profile image94
                  wildernessposted 11 years agoin reply to this

                  I see.  Sorry, but as much as I detest Obama I do not believe that he will use his position as commander in chief to carry out political assassinations of innocent people he doesn't like or his personal enemies.

                  First, he would have to find those people in the war zone; his generals aren't looking for them.  He will then have to arrange to have a drone in the area, and order the military to use that drone to kill said person. Not likely in the real world, I'm afraid.

                  There may come a day when drones are used for political assassinations, but it won't happen until the world is awash with them and definite identification cannot be made as to who sent one. 

                  If you're thinking that Obama will decide to kill you or I as we walk down the street, well, it's simpler and more effective to send a CIA agent in with orders to kill.  Not nearly the media backlash, you know.

      2. profile image0
        Old Poolmanposted 11 years agoin reply to this

        Wilderness - You obviously have more faith than I in the ability of one person to become judge and jury regarding executing another human being.  You are also assuming there is never any collateral damage or innocent people hurt or killed by a drone strike.
        Why heck, we could apply this same solution to drug cartel leaders and stamp out illegal drugs.  I'm starting to like this idea.

        1. profile image54
          whoisitposted 11 years agoin reply to this

          Missiles are so precise it would only kill the one targeted. Its amazing.

        2. Barefootfae profile image61
          Barefootfaeposted 11 years agoin reply to this

          You mean like our Southern border???????????????????????

        3. wilderness profile image94
          wildernessposted 11 years agoin reply to this

          And you seem to think it needs to be a vote of some kind before each attack as well as believe that the "collateral damage" from a group of Seals and all their support structure is likely to be less than a drone when invading a foreign country.  I disagree. 

          We have given the president the authority and responsibility of carrying out a war; let him do his job without second guessing him.  When he screws up too badly or too often, remove him from that task but in the meantime leave him alone.

          Governing by committee has resulted in a mess at home; fighting a war by committee is a sure way to lose.  Responsibility must reside in only one person; in our country that person is the President.

          Armed drones are being used as weapons in a war declared on the US and, as far as I know, only in that war.  When they begin flying over American soil, searching for and destroying American citizens I'll worry about that just as I will when B1B's begin bombing American cities.

          1. Barefootfae profile image61
            Barefootfaeposted 11 years agoin reply to this

            Wilderness.....you actually believe he makes these decisions?

            You are how old?

            1. wilderness profile image94
              wildernessposted 11 years agoin reply to this

              Old enough to understand that this is life, not a political game.  Are you?

              Obama undoubtedly delegates many of the decisions to his field commanders; an absolute necessity as no one person can possibly know everything going on at every minute or have the ability to keep up in any but the most general way while also carrying out the duties of President.  That's life and reality, not the pretend game of being arm-chair President.

              1. Barefootfae profile image61
                Barefootfaeposted 11 years agoin reply to this

                Yes I am well old enough.

                Let me put it this way...a person like me who disagrees publicly in a forum like this now wonders whether its a good idea to leave the country.

                And no....I don't put it past them.

                1. wilderness profile image94
                  wildernessposted 11 years agoin reply to this

                  I fear you put far too much faith (or fear) in your own importance.  You aren't a fleabite on Obama any more than I am.  Once more, this is real life, not a conspiracy game being played on your dining room table.

                  If, however, you are stupid enough to go to Afghanistan looking for terrorists you will a much greater chance of seeing an incoming drone.

                  1. Barefootfae profile image61
                    Barefootfaeposted 11 years agoin reply to this

                    Merely using myself as an example.
                    If they didn't care about Benghazi they won't care about any of the rest.

          2. profile image0
            Old Poolmanposted 11 years agoin reply to this

            Wilderness - I guess you just trust his decision making process more than I.  What if he is having a bad day, could that influence his decision?  To grant this power to one individual borders on insanity.  Hitler would have loved this idea.

            1. wilderness profile image94
              wildernessposted 11 years agoin reply to this

              I personally trust Obama about as far as I could throw him; the man is a socialist through and through and will, with the best of intentions, destroy the country if he can.

              Unfortunately the office of President is vested in him; he is our commander in chief whether you and I like it or not.  Nor does he operate and make decisions in a vacuum; he is not going to pick names out of a phone book and order them killed.  Someone is telling him that so-and-so is a terrorist, where they can be found and whether they can be killed without undue harm to others.  None of that is a single person; it is a conglomerate of people with the president having the final say and that is exactly as it should be.

              The use of drones is another question, and honestly one I'm not well educated on.  From what I've seen though, the use a drone is far preferable to a physical invasion by armed soldiers.  It is much better at limiting unwanted death in both native and US citizens, it is cheaper and it has a better success record than invasions.  Armed drones seem to be the preferred choice of the professional military people that are conducting this war; I prefer that decision over someone that listens to a biased and emotional laden media and makes decisions based on that rather than actual experience and intimate knowledge of each individual situation.

              Those of us old enough all saw the results of letting politicians, media and the public run a war in Vietnam and we saw the results when the military did the work in Kuwait.  Let's not repeat the mistake of Vietnam and let the professionals conduct this war.  If or when it becomes unpalatable we can bring the soldiers home and take the consequences of that but until then let those with the knowledge and ability make the decisions, not the public or the politicians.

              1. profile image0
                Old Poolmanposted 11 years agoin reply to this

                Based on this response, you and I are closer on this than you might think.  It is interesting that Obama can hardly say "Terrorist," yet has no problem issuing orders to kill one.  Like you, I see no problem with killing terrorists, and your also right, Obama is fed this info from others.  And your right, we don't need another Vietnam.

                1. wilderness profile image94
                  wildernessposted 11 years agoin reply to this

                  It wouldn't surprise me.  At 74 (if the profile isn't out of date) you've seen and understand exactly what I'm talking about in 'Nam and what it means to have enemies capable of hurting us.

                  I may not like the man, but I try (hard, sometimes smile ) to give due where it is earned.  So far Obama seems to be giving the military a goal (capture/kill bin Laden for example) and letting them do their thing which is exactly what he should be doing.  To date, I've even agreed with at least most of his apparent military goals and the general way they're being met (or not).

                  1. Barefootfae profile image61
                    Barefootfaeposted 11 years agoin reply to this


                    That's the year I got out of high school.

                  2. profile image0
                    Old Poolmanposted 11 years agoin reply to this

                    Now 75, need to update my profile.  I also fear we are not the only country who can build drones capable of killing.  To some other countries, we are the terrorists.  How long will it be before they target one of us and take us out using a drone?  Will drones join the ranks of nuclear weapons and be regulated by some agency in the future?  Just speculating.

  7. profile image0
    Old Poolmanposted 11 years ago

    Barefootfae - Well said.

    1. Barefootfae profile image61
      Barefootfaeposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      I am actually quite happy to see some of these folks waking up.

  8. profile image0
    ahorsebackposted 11 years ago

    One thing about it there are two sides to the accountability coin!  The ACLU would be screaming impeachment now ! If it were Bush or MaCain in office ........ The Democracy Now  Queen would be frothing at the mouth !  I watch it all-- from all sides ! And I'm telling you there are two different faces to liberal ideals !  One on each side  and both covered in a socialist mask !

  9. Barefootfae profile image61
    Barefootfaeposted 11 years ago

    Ok, whosit and I having been having a bit of fun here.
    Fact of the matter is we all told you in 2008 you were not going to get what you thought and we were told vehemently....even violently sometimes....to shut up.
    Now you see what we mean.

    Meet the new boss....same as the old boss.

    1. profile image54
      whoisitposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      We must be racists.

      1. Barefootfae profile image61
        Barefootfaeposted 11 years agoin reply to this


        1. profile image54
          whoisitposted 11 years agoin reply to this

          It came as a complete shock to me!

  10. Barefootfae profile image61
    Barefootfaeposted 11 years ago

    And now he has nothing to lose and no one to answer to and can do whatever he pleases.
    I say that because you guys have proven you won't make him responsible for anything.

  11. Reality Bytes profile image75
    Reality Bytesposted 11 years ago

    The president and the military have the authority to kill belligerents on a battlefield.  What they seek is the authority to kill anyone, anywhere, without question.

    Every tyranny begins with the suppression of dissent!

    Step one:  disarm the people

    1. profile image0
      Old Poolmanposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Your comment mirrors my biggest fear.  Killing terrorists at will is just the first step.  Who would be next on the list when they run out of terrorists?  What other countries would start sending their drones over here?  After all, some of us are terrorists to them.  An all out drone war between countries would not be something to look forward to.

      1. tammybarnette profile image60
        tammybarnetteposted 11 years agoin reply to this

        That's what it's looking like..  http://www.examiner.com/article/russia- … technology ...starting to remind me of the "arms race" during the cold war...

        1. profile image0
          Old Poolmanposted 11 years agoin reply to this

          Yep. and now N. Korea is firing rockets.  They certainly have the technology to manufacture drones.  It will be like walking through a park full of pigeons never knowing what is going to land on your head.

          1. tammybarnette profile image60
            tammybarnetteposted 11 years agoin reply to this

            Scary thought, I shiver hearing planes these days...Oh too be an ostrich...

          2. tammybarnette profile image60
            tammybarnetteposted 11 years agoin reply to this


            Speaking of pigeons, look how tiny these are...Big Brother is watching...

            1. profile image0
              Old Poolmanposted 11 years agoin reply to this

              Thanks for the link Tammy.  Those are awesome and I want one.

              1. tammybarnette profile image60
                tammybarnetteposted 11 years agoin reply to this

                That's what my husband said big_smile

  12. profile image0
    ahorsebackposted 11 years ago

    Fortunately people , You live in America !  The drone technology leads only to future anti- drone technology  , so don't worry . America is still the leader in research and developement of warfare !  There is but Still an invisible  shield over your sleepy little minds at night !

  13. paradigmsearch profile image60
    paradigmsearchposted 11 years ago

    "Fugitive alleged LAPD-killer is first drone target on U.S. soil"

    http://now.msn.com/christopher-dorner-i … on-us-soil

    1. Reality Bytes profile image75
      Reality Bytesposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      They are using reconnaissance drones to find him, not much different than humans in helicopters.  At least that is what I believe.  I do not think civilian law enforcement has been authorized to use militarized drones. 

      If I am wrong?



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