I'd like feedback on my Hub: Does Spaying or Neutering Cats and Dogs Make Them F

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  1. Susan May Gudge profile image92
    Susan May Gudgeposted 8 years ago

    Hi Hubbers,

    I'd like some help with passing the Quality Assessment Process. Will you please give feedback on my Hub Does Spaying or Neutering Cats and Dogs Make Them Fat?. What can I do to improve? Thanks!

    I see no reason why this hub was rejected and is not featured. The information is true. The pictures are related to the article....There is no spam. I really do not understand why this specific article was rejected from being featured. I worked with animals for almost two decades and the information was true and specific to the subject.........

    any ideas?

    1. Susan May Gudge profile image92
      Susan May Gudgeposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      Thanks for the advice. Yes, pics are dark, I do not own a camera. Here, we call spaying or neutering 'operating' your cat or dog. I am not a veterinarian...I am a retired groomed. Now a professional writer. Will scrap this one. Not worth the sixteenth of a cent to fix. I cannot use amazon or eBay pics to earn because I cannot verify a telephone I cannot afford to own... catch 22....thanks for your help. Will try something else

      1. SmartAndFun profile image93
        SmartAndFunposted 8 years agoin reply to this

        If you are interested, for this article or any others, there are lots of free photos you can use. Just one option is Flickr, but you do need to make sure you're using only photos that are legal to use. Marissa Wright has written very easy and clear instructions for finding/using Flickr photos in this hub: http://hubpages.com/community/How-to-Us … -Your-Hubs

        There are many choices other than Flickr, but Marissa's hub is easy to follow and I have found plenty of good free-to-use options on that site, so I like to recommend it.

        1. Susan May Gudge profile image92
          Susan May Gudgeposted 8 years agoin reply to this

          Thank you. One thing I have studiously tried to avoid is using ANY pictures that are not my own. I really don't want any chances of legal issues over a picture. Also, I think it is a bit lazy to use other people's work, including pictures. Even legal, it feels stolen to me. LOL. I am sure for some it is not a problem but for me it just is not my style or my way. Thank you though...I did appreciate your nice advice.

          1. SmartAndFun profile image93
            SmartAndFunposted 8 years agoin reply to this

            I understand. However, since your camera won't work with win10, you might reconsider. Think of it in terms of a children's book author hiring an illustrator. No one holds anything against an author for using an illustrator.

            Additionally, Flickr and some other sites make it easy to contact many of the photographers. You can always ask for permission. If you follow the advice in Marissa's article, you don't legally need permission as following her steps leads you only to photos which have the correct Creative Commons license. I usually use the photo, then let the photographer know I used it and thank them, letting them know I love the photo. They are usually happy their work was chosen and is being featured. If a photographer is serious and wants to sell his work, he won't post it on Flickr.

            I'm glad your article was featured. I hope you'll give the forums another chance. People are typically polite and helpful.

  2. Jesse Drzal profile image92
    Jesse Drzalposted 8 years ago

    Some grammar problems here..the last part of your text just does not read correctly at all at the end of your opening part. I would clean that up, and other parts read a little wonky as well. There is a big overall substance issue as well. You are not providing the reader with any new, unique or enjoyable information either. I am not not trying to discourage you, but I would just dump this whole thing. Just giving my honest opinion, take it for what you must. Hope this helps out.

  3. AliciaC profile image94
    AliciaCposted 8 years ago

    I enjoyed reading your hub and think it could be featured with a few changes. The first problem that struck me was how dark three of the photos are. I wanted to see what your pets looked like but couldn't do this. The second thing that I noticed was some grammar errors in the hub. For example, you repeatedly refer to "operating" a cat or dog, which needs to be changed. I hope this helps you. Good luck with the hub.

    1. Susan May Gudge profile image92
      Susan May Gudgeposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      I totally agree about the pics. Unfortunately win10 killed my Canon so it is now useless as the drivers are not compatible. All I have to use now is the built in camera for laptop (Yuck lol) and the tablet camera which is pretty good EXCEPT in dark areas. So, I will save picture taking for summer if it ever gets here.

      To those that had great advice....thank you...I removed all the pictures from that article and it has now been accepted as Featured. So, I guess THAT was the problem....thanks folks smile

  4. Jesse Drzal profile image92
    Jesse Drzalposted 8 years ago

    The real issue is that someone with two decades vet experience simply would not be writing information like this.

  5. SmartAndFun profile image93
    SmartAndFunposted 8 years ago

    Hi Susan,

    I don't think you need to scrap the whole thing. I think it might help if the article more directly answered the question in the title. Apparently the answer is "no," so it might help to start out stating that fact within the first sentence or two, and then go on to write specific sections on how to avoid allowing your pet to gain weight after being sterilized -- you could use subheads for each one, such as "do not overfeed," "give treats sparingly," "throw table scraps in the trash," "make exercise a priority," etc. Perhaps lastly explaining the benefits/importance of spaying and neutering and how the benefits greatly outweigh the risks, such as the animal more easily gaining weight. So you've basically already written the whole article, it just needs to be rearranged a bit.

    As far as the photos, they are OK, but if possible, the next time you photograph your pets, try using your flash, or photographing them so that the light source is shining on them from the front, rather than the light source being behind them. I don't think the photos are the problem, however. But some that are a little brighter might help nudge you into featured territory if the article remains unfeatured after you make the writing changes you decide upon.

    Just my guesses. Best wishes.

  6. RonElFran profile image97
    RonElFranposted 8 years ago

    In my opinion the photos in your hub are a very big issue. To me they scream, "amateur!" and predispose me to not trust the content of the article before I even read it. I'd strongly suggest taking new photos that are properly lit. If for some reason you can't do that, you might try going to PicMonkey(dot)com, a free online photo editor, and using their Exposure feature to lighten your photos up. I've been very pleased with the results I've gotten doing that.

    Just my opinion, but I hope it helps.

  7. Jesse Drzal profile image92
    Jesse Drzalposted 8 years ago

    Susan, I am sorry I thought you said you had vet experience in your bio. You did not and I apologize for that. I have been around people in the vet business for years, and I can safely say that some of these concepts are just plain wrong. You do not free feed an animal with a full bowl of food for it to pick and choose. And your statement about canned food use is wrong as well, vets often prescribe it for various medical issues.

    1. Susan May Gudge profile image92
      Susan May Gudgeposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      Cats feed freely. I did not say dogs. Dogs, as I stated eat once a day. And as for cans, they are mostly water and cause huge problems for teeth. I used to clean teeth so I speak by experience. Anyway, I have not always agreed with vets but I am trained in hygiene, parasites, health issues as well...Estiticiens do not only give baths... we are trained medically.... I also worked for 10 years in animal foods. anyway, I am done ...closing discussion.

  8. Jesse Drzal profile image92
    Jesse Drzalposted 8 years ago

    Yea but this is not sound advice these are your opinions. Your concepts on spaying are very vague..many variables need to be taken into account such as heat cycles..things of that nature. It's dangerous when people are giving medical advice that is sloppy, and once again no vet is recommending those feeding guidelines. Like if I have a discussion about music on one of my articles, fine no one gets hurt. But giving out bad pet advice according to one's opinions is potentially dangerous. Once again, I am not trying to discourage you just trying to help.

    1. SmartAndFun profile image93
      SmartAndFunposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      But if she sticks to answering the question in the title of her hub, that would be fine -- No, a dog or cat does not have to gain weight once it has been fixed, with tips on keeping a dog or cat in a healthy weight range after spaying or neutering. I think she is answering an often-asked question. It would be a shame if someone didn't sterilize their pet because they thought it meant the pet would become overweight. So many animals are euthanized every day because of ignorant beliefs like that.

      I don't think it would take too much to get the article featured, but it does need some work. Oh well, it sounds like she has made up her mind to scrap it entirely. Kind of a shame, IMHO.

    2. Susan May Gudge profile image92
      Susan May Gudgeposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      Let me just say I did NOT give any advice that would endanger a pet. Most vets WOULD agree with my suggestions. I think it is very arrogant of you to call me a liar and dangerous just because you know a vet or two and have a dog but have never actually had any hands on experience working with abuse. For example my cat is 17 years old, in shape, active and has not been sick since she was a kitten and came to me half dead. All of my animals lived long and prospered. I saw too much in my job and do know a bit about it through EXPERIENCE...i have worked rescue. I have saved lives of abandoned, injured and starved. I have worked with animals all my life and what I said was NOT UNSOUND advice. Now, can we drop the subject. One thing I have learned from this is NOT to ask advice in forums....tyvm.....please cut this stream.... am Done

      1. Sherry Hewins profile image92
        Sherry Hewinsposted 8 years agoin reply to this


        If you ask for advice in the forum, it will be freely given. Some of it will be helpful, some not. A lot of people will not try to soften the blow with their criticism. If you ask for advice here, you need a thick skin. Just remember, whether you follow the advice or not is up to you.

  9. Jesse Drzal profile image92
    Jesse Drzalposted 8 years ago

    Free feeding your cat, among some other things you mention is unsound advice. It can lead to obesity in cats and diabetes. For some it works, for some, it does not. It is bad advice. Unless you are an expert by trade in pet nutrition or a vet, I would just stay away from the subject altogether.  What you could do is possibly write about your expertise in grooming, as I see you have no hubs at all about the issue. Why not write some about that? People want expert advice in areas of medicine and nutrition in pets, and you will never be able to compete anyway, even with sound information.

    1. DrMark1961 profile image96
      DrMark1961posted 8 years agoin reply to this

      Although free feeding cats can lead to obesity, hepatic lipidosis is a much more serious problem and cats can not be fed simple meals like dogs. Although your vet may have recommended a different feeding schedule for your cat, that is his opinion, and a lot of others out there have different opinions. It is not right to tell this person that she is incorrect because you disagree with her. It would be a better idea for her to add "although some others disagree with this feeding schedule, I have found that"....

  10. agilitymach profile image94
    agilitymachposted 8 years ago

    If I am a person Googling information on getting my pet spayed or neutered, I am looking for "expert" advice.  I want to hear solid research backed up with studies listed in the article.

    This article is not written like an article at all.  It is written from your viewpoint, which ruins any authority the article may have, especially when you mention that you own some dogs and cats as proof of your experience. 

    My advice is to stick to subjects in which you ARE an expert.  For example, if you were a groomer, then stick to subjects you know.  Maybe write a hubs on "A Lifetime Dog Groomer Picks the Top Six Dog Shampoos," or "How to Safely Trim the Hair Growing Between the Paw Pads".  I also write on dog topics, but I stick to the areas where I am an expert.  If I wanted to write an article on spaying and neutering, I would write it from my expertise.  I would discuss the impacts of spaying and neutering on bone density, how that impacts canines involved in sports and at what age (if at all) should neutering occur in pups destined for the sporting ring.  I WOULD list some of the MANY studies done on this topic (ie. growth plates, bone density, neutering and canine sports).  Does that mean even though I KNOW this information already (which I do) that I wouldn't need to research?  Nope.  I will need to do research to support my position with studies.  Your article comes across as just an owner's opinion on spaying and neutering. 

    Focus on your expertise.  Focus on supporting your articles with research.  And I suggest not writing your articles from your "point of view."  Make the "articles" not opinion pieces.  JMHO. smile

    1. Susan May Gudge profile image92
      Susan May Gudgeposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      That is insulting and a common attitude of the public. You know nothing about the subject of groomers.
      . It is like saying to a nurse to not write about health but to stick to writing about emptying bedpans. I was educated and certified for more than shampoo. I had to learn about nutrition, parasites, ear infections, gum and teeth, obesity, breeds and breeding, skin infections and care. Most do not realize the education of a groomer, thinking it is all about shampoo. I had to take a final exam on all of those topics, including knowing their scientific names etc
      I write about what I know, by education and experience. Yes, there is some opinion in it too. Of course. Anyway thanks for the advice. The trouble was already solved. It was NOT the information I gave, it was badly exposed pictures.
      Groomers are educated and hard working. And, a word of advice, write what YOU know about. JMHO

      1. agilitymach profile image94
        agilitymachposted 8 years agoin reply to this

        Wow.  I certainly didn't mean to offend you.  I know a lot about groomers myself, and I know they know more than "shampoos".  I was just showing you what the general public might be interested in reading - not what your expertise is limited to. It was an example only.   I am sorry I tried to help you.


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