Household Tools for the Apocalypse that we can't live without

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  1. RJ Schwartz profile image88
    RJ Schwartzposted 8 years ago

    I must confess that I have a budding "prepper" gene building inside myself.  With the world seemingly on fire every day from one direction or another, it made perfect sense for my wife and I to start stockpiling some extra provisions.  I have "bug-out" bags made for each of us, a huge first aid kit in a waterproof box, and ready and quick access to camping, fishing, hunting, and outdoor gear.  Lately I've turned my attention to my workbench and started a pile of tools which I felt I couldn't live without if we we're forced to abandon our home because the SHTF.  With power tools being immediately off the list and basic tools like screwdrivers and a hammer natural additions, I started evaluating my "specialty tools" for overall versatility and value.

    The one tool which rose to the top of my list as something I couldn't live without is my 10 1/2" Fencing Tool.  It's a multi-use, hardened, strong, reliable tool that has a hammer head, a staple starter and puller, cutter, wire stretcher, and splicer. It's indestructible and has been used as a pry bar, paint can opener, vise, and general wrecking tool over it's lifetime and aside from a few nicks has held up exceptionally well.

    I'm curious to what others think

  2. Kiss andTales profile image61
    Kiss andTalesposted 8 years ago

    Rev 6:15 -17 is the only war global dealing with bible prophesy coming.
    Be careful that you are not on the wrong side. Because the outcome is you can not fight God and his army.

    1. RJ Schwartz profile image88
      RJ Schwartzposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      So your tool is Propaganda?  Is this a hijack attempt?  Please pack up your bible for just a minute and give a "worldly" response or simply don not comment.  Thanks !

  3. MizBejabbers profile image88
    MizBejabbersposted 8 years ago

    If you are preparing for a quick getaway, I think the one tool you've neglected to mention is an auto or truck, preferably a 4wd that is not computer operated. We have an old military diesel Chevy Blazer that could be put into running condition pretty quickly if need be. The problem with this, however, is that it must keep a full tank at all times because if a computerized vehicle won't run, neither will a fuel pump at a service station.
    We live in an underground house but it is in a high-risk metropolitan area, otherwise we wouldn't see the need to run. The next question is "where would we go?" We've talked it over and come to the conclusion that unless an enemy were to bomb the city (our capital city across the river), we are about as safe in our home as anywhere else.

  4. paradigmsearch profile image61
    paradigmsearchposted 8 years ago

    Duct tape.

    1. MizBejabbers profile image88
      MizBejabbersposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      Yay, why didn't I think of that!

      1. paradigmsearch profile image61
        paradigmsearchposted 8 years agoin reply to this

        It's like the number 42.

        1. MizBejabbers profile image88
          MizBejabbersposted 8 years agoin reply to this

          Huh? That would be 6 in numerology. That's a multiple of 3, and I can grok that.

          1. paradigmsearch profile image61
            paradigmsearchposted 8 years agoin reply to this

            The hitchhiker became a stranger in a strange land.

            1. MizBejabbers profile image88
              MizBejabbersposted 8 years agoin reply to this

              Homo Superior.

        2. Kiss andTales profile image61
          Kiss andTalesposted 8 years agoin reply to this

          That what I like about you guys you are so funny ! thats what I love about hp you are just yourself. Thanks for making me laugh!

  5. Kiss andTales profile image61
    Kiss andTalesposted 8 years ago

    Where does your word Apocalypse come from man did not create this word it is in the bible.
    Your question is open to the forum community .
    When you say worldly that was not your specifics when you posted.
    It is not my intention to offend you if I have I opolgize but not for the truth.

  6. Don Bobbitt profile image83
    Don Bobbittposted 8 years ago

    R.J. Interesting title with a relatively offbeat follow up. So, here goes, a response to your loosely implied scenario.
    In any apocalypse that might occur in the real world and not some fantasy world dreamt up by movie producers, you really only need toe things in your toolkit, and thats; SILVER and a GUN.
    With these two basic things, you can buy pretty much anything you might need including; protection for your family, food, protection from the elements and thieves.
    What else could a post-apocalyptic survivor need? Right?

    1. RJ Schwartz profile image88
      RJ Schwartzposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      Great answer - you're very mechanically inclined so I'd like you to give an actual take on an indispensibe hand tool you couldn't get by without - think about it

  7. paradigmsearch profile image61
    paradigmsearchposted 8 years ago

    Morgan and Peace silver dollars would be perfect.

  8. profile image0
    JG Hemlockposted 8 years ago

    Me and my husband have bug-out bags as well and we never even thought of that. Are you able to carry it around easily? Sorry about those who speak such as this to you. It is good to be prepared to care for yourself and your family. No worry and just prepare because it is coming. We can expect it. Those who refuse to prepare and provide for themselves and their family and children will be wiped out in the first months. You are a smart and caring man and tell your wife that she got a good one smile   I did too. Survivalists and warriors will make it, finger pointers, accusers will not.

    1. RJ Schwartz profile image88
      RJ Schwartzposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      I love the wide variety of answers this question generated so far.  To some I learned, the term Apocalypse is a biblical "end of the world" term only.  Others see it as more of a supernatural term.  It's fascinating to see that despite the fact I was truly asking people about tools.  I have my "kit" in a huge compartment built into the rear of my truck, extra fuel, water, and plenty of ammunition.  My kids both shoot very well as does my wife and aren't afraid to kill and eat wild game.  Hopefully we never get to that point, but I guess it never hurts.  My wife calls me "the last boyscout."

    2. MizBejabbers profile image88
      MizBejabbersposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      We live in the New Madrid fault zone and back in 1989 or whatever year it was predicted that the big one was coming to that zone, we stocked up on food and water for a disaster. I'll be darned if we aren't still finding some of that food we stashed away and having to discard it because the tops of the cans are bulging or some of the cans are so rusted that the liquid evaporated and the food rattles. We found a couple of empty cans that the mice had been able to get into and survive on. Just sayin' be sure to rotate your food unless you are buying those apocalypse supplies that are sealed to last 100 years. Then, of course, you may die anyway from all the preservatives.


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