An astral traveler finds the house of her dreams in her city, but knows they can't afford it. Then she can't believe her good fortune, or can she?
A young insurance sales person receives an invitation in the mail, but it's too formal to be from a new prospect. Having recently lost her parents, she finds it an enlightening encounter, but the stranger has the most to gain.
Flash fiction story in under 300 words. The Queen thinks she's the ruler; the joker thinks his heart rules him, but who or what is really in charge?
Warning, sexist humor! I love to write fiction based on true life. For this fictitious creation I've combined a couple of guys, one I observed standing on the freeway doing exactly what I described, and the other was a mystery man with a camo backpack walking downtown. Both indescribably gorgeous!
Nestled high in the Arkansas Ozarks near the Missouri border is a small crystal cathedral. Despite its diminutive size, the Thorncrown Chapel is world-famous, and it was placed on the National Register of Historic Places in 2000. You are cordially invited to visit my state and drink in its beauty.
Al Capp could have modeled Sadie Hawkins after my grandmother. Was grandfather a flabbergasted victim or did he intentionally play right into her pretty little hands? This is a true story.
This is not a Valentine's Day story although we met on Valentine's Day. It is strange but true.
This is a little piece of nonsense that came to me as I was sorting socks. It was inspired by the same problem at our house. This flash fiction is suitable for children.
The bride wore black and the wedding goes on over Mama's objections and literally over Mama. A beleaguered couple get final revenge on a controlling mother. Don't get any bright ideas now, you hear!
A strange tree sits by Interstate 40. Strange because it is the kind of shrub that one would expect to find in the flower bed of a well-to-do home. This poem is inspired by this out-of-place shrub.
After WWI, 368 American soldiers have rested in graves in Flanders Fields. In this flash fiction, we are going to imagine the story of one who was MIA and did not make it to the fields.
This is not a syrupy treatise on Mothers Day; in fact, it is just the opposite. It is NOT fiction. It is my story about one of the worst days of my life. Truth is stranger than fiction.
A woman is walking down the street minding her own business, but she looks out of place. What do those bags contain? Is she homeless or a terrorist?
A satire/fantasy of a kingdom in trouble. Bankruptcy is eminent in Nomoreland, an ultimatum is issued, and a royal butt is saved by a queen's asking too many times, "Got any, Geetus?"
What is big and fat and gray and insolent? No, it’s not my mother-in-law, it’s a crazy groundhog that established residence on my roof. A true story.
I was on my way to work on a sopping foggy day, already feeling the pressure and in not too good a mood, but then, our Creator chose to reward me with a wonderful surprise.
Some call it the ugliest daffodil in the world, but others think it is beautiful. How did this once thought extinct native of Wales get into the Tennessee hills in the USA?
Here are a few laughs at my own people. This one features Toad Suck, a real place with a funny name.
I am very impressed by the writing tips a published author gives on writing books based on experiences from her own life, and I want to pass them on, along with my own comments, of course.
This is a saga about a young man, his pregnant bride, her daddy and his shotgun. A typical Ozark hillbilly wedding.
With over 100,000 friends on Facebook, Joey the Garden Cat, the most popular cat TV Star in America has died. He was loved by all and will be sorely missed.
Join me in some more laughs at my own people. This hub features the Clinton "Lieberry".
The Hillbilly State has been known to laugh at itself. Join me in a few laughs at my own people.
About a jillion times growing up I wished I could learn about my ancestors. Later I found most of the information I sought. Then thanks to DNA testing, I found out more than I wanted to know.
Best Selling author Phillippa Gregory may have written a red herring in the Red Queen. Margaret is supposed to be the heroine in this historical novel, but she could be a victim of the author's bias.
Cats. You either love them or you hate them, there's very little middle ground. Either way, you have to agree that cats are downright funny critters. I love them, and this is how I see them
A short ditty about a woman fed up with a MCP boss who tells him exactly what he can do with the job and starts to walk out. Surprisingly, well, you'll be surprised. Is it autobiographical? Could be!
Forced sterilization is a blot on this country's history, but there may have been a few exceptions. One man may have benefitted from forced sterilization. Read his story and judge for yourself.
An act of friendship between two young boys brings an unexpected consequence and tragically alters the course of one's life forever.
I can't figure out why spiders are attracted to one of the cats' litterboxes. Are they crazy? Oh, well, they fit right in with this insane household.
What is it like growing up in the household of an atheist and a Christian. Our household was a little different from that of my friends.
We wanted an underground house for years, and finally, we found the perfect one. Or did we? We learned the hard way what realtors and ads don't tell you.
The sock hop, a rockin' rollin' sock-footed dance craze of the 1950s, was loved by all dancing teenagers. It was a well-chaperoned dance full of good, clean fun and an economical way for teens to spend Saturday night.
If you've ever mistaken these words, you are not alone. I was a guilty party, although I knew their meanings. I decided to do a little research and find out why they are so commonly mistaken for each other.
A Hollywood starlet confronts a superstar over the theft of her husband. Who actually wins this catfight? Or is there a winner?
"There ought to be a law ...." Ever wonder how you can get one passed. Have you ever been curious about what goes on at your state capitol besides all the arguing? A precision staff works behind the legislative scene to Do the Peoples' business. Here's a simple overview of the process.
An unlikely friendship develops between two little girls. Do fairies really exist or was it only a little girl's imagination? This story is suitable for children.