That which Liberals STILL deny ?

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  1. profile image0
    ahorsebackposted 6 years ago

    Yesterdays climactic  disappointment for liberals and their " pet media "  amounts to one more" brick in the wall "of  their  failed mars  mission of obstructionism !    But worry not ,   failure after failure to bring down an opposing   choice of independent -party leadership  will only increase the collective denial .   
    What does this amount to for liberals ?  One more  small battle lost by "friendly fire "  ? WILL the democratic party ever recover from this failure of a mission ?

    1. ptosis profile image67
      ptosisposted 6 years agoin reply to this

      I have no idea what you are talking about. No, seriously. I don't. 

      But here's AP:


      WASHINGTON (AP) - For three hours, former FBI Director James Comey leveled an unrelenting attack on the credibility of the president of the United States. The White House's statements were "lies, plain and simple." Comey took notes on their conversations because he worried the president "might lie" later. After a while, he said, he so distrusted the man running the country that he did not want to be left alone with him. It was a riveting, televised portrait of President Donald Trump, one unrivaled in recent memory for its potential to undermine a presidency. Comey's message, delivered in meticulous detail, amounted to a challenge to lawmakers, the public and the special counsel now investigating possible links between Trump's campaign and Russia:

      Whose account do you believe - the nation's former top law enforcement official testifying under oath or a president with a record of skirting the truth on issues big and small?

      1. profile image0
        ahorsebackposted 6 years agoin reply to this

        You mean Comey , possibly to be indicted
        -The man who's loyalty was to his boss Obama and not Trump ,
        - Admittedly A deep state leaker
        -The man who gave immunity to all five of the Hilary hirees" but wouldn't recommend indicting  Hilary "
        -The man who headed  investigations of Trump BY Obama administration
        - Who's loyalty to Obama caused him to choose  not to trust Trump
        - An admitted wimp who was intimidated and afraid to be alone with Trump
        - Someone who wouldn't have a had a job Day one of Hilary's presidency
        - Loretta Lynch told him and he obeyed "not calling the Hillary investigation an "FBI investigation ", but an action......"
        -Comey loyalties were to the opposite party of Trump ,  period.

  2. colorfulone profile image78
    colorfuloneposted 6 years ago

    Comey said that Trump was never under investigation.  He was not, and he is not under investigation for ties with Russia.  There never has been any evidence provided as proof of Trump having ties with Russia, just lip service and the lying press. 

    Added: I would like to suggest that people stop watching and reading the MSM fake news. It is detrimental.

    1. RJ Schwartz profile image86
      RJ Schwartzposted 6 years agoin reply to this

      And yet the sore losers on the Clintonian team will never stop their attempts to smear President Trump and slow his America-First agenda.

  3. profile image0
    PrettyPantherposted 6 years ago

    What I'm seeing most clearly today is that the Hubpages Trump Brigade do not understand how an investigation works. Comey is one piece of the puzzle, and what we saw yesterday was only part of Comey's testimony. He repeatedly responded to some important questions by saying he would answer them in closed door session due to their classified nature.

    There are four other intelligence chiefs who will also testify in closed door session. Comey is just one witness. There will be others, so to claim you know for certain that Trump is innocent or guilty of either a crime or an impeachable offense is premature and displays your own personal bias.

    One observation:  Not a single senator or congressperson has come to Trump's defense with regard to Comey' assessment that Trump is a liar. This tells me who they find credible in this he-said, he-said series of events.

    Oh, and we all know there are no tapes. If they exist and would clear Trump, he would release them. If they don't exist, it's either because they never existed in the first place or because they have been destroyed to avoid exposing Trump's actions. Trump is a fool to have ever mentioned them.

    1. GA Anderson profile image90
      GA Andersonposted 6 years agoin reply to this

      Now hold on a minute PrettyPanther, It takes a lot more than two to make a brigade! So stop with the hyperbole!

      Stop with the fake news calling them a brigade!

      GA ;-)

      1. profile image0
        promisemposted 6 years agoin reply to this

        How about a platoon? Or maybe a squad?

        1. GA Anderson profile image90
          GA Andersonposted 6 years agoin reply to this

          I was thinking "team." A team need be only more than one.


      2. profile image0
        PrettyPantherposted 6 years agoin reply to this

        Okay, okay, but sometimes hyperbole serves a purpose, MY purpose. BWAAAA.HAHAHAHA

        I could call them The Hubpages Trumputin Cabal....

  4. colorfulone profile image78
    colorfuloneposted 6 years ago

    Comey admitted that AG Lynch obstructed justice.
    He admitted he leaked to the NYT.
    He admitted the stories in the media and NYT were fake news.
    He admitted the whole Russian collusion had no bases in fact.
    He admitted Trump was not under investigation.
    He admitted he didn't have the courage to confront the President (and he thought he was asking him to obstruct justice).

    He looks like a guy who was grieved that he was fired and was mad, and didn't say anything until he was out of a job.
    Its like he strapped a suicide bomb to himself, but the guy he wanted to get wasn't there, and he blew himself up. The whole thing came apart. The idea that Flynn was somehow at the center of all this also fell apart on this too.

    What exactly was said between Lynch and Comey? 
    Comey seems to be showing schizophrenic behavior.  Because he decided in his own mind that Donald Trump was lying, so Comey concocted a memo after the fact. He has his own little fantasy world based on how he says he was feeling.

    It was funny when Comey said he didn't want to come across like J. Edger Hoover, but that's exactly how he came across, and he knew it because that's what he was doing. Comey was a wanna-be Hoover.

    Oh, but Comey didn't have courage, he admits he is a coward. He's the head of the FBI for goodness sake.  We were alone. There was this moment of silence between the two of us, (maybe he thought Trump was going to embrace him). 
    Sheesh, it almost reads like a romance novel. 
    I wonder who his writer is. What fool! 

    Its a dog and pony show.  The Democrats are the Evil party and the Republicans are the Do Nothing party that are all out to get Trump.  Why?  Because President Trump of the United States is upending their money cart.

  5. profile image0
    PrettyPantherposted 6 years ago

    Lol, he really got to you, didn't he? The bigger the threat to Trump, the more desperate the character assassination attempt.

  6. abwilliams profile image67
    abwilliamsposted 6 years ago

    I was never a huge fan of Trump. I accepted him as the Republican's choice to go up against the Clinton/D.C. Machine.
    All of these attempts to destroy him and to get rid of him are only turning me into a bigger fan of the President...and I am not the only one that feels this way.
    Keep it up folks!

    1. colorfulone profile image78
      colorfuloneposted 6 years agoin reply to this

      It will insure another election win for Trump.  So yeah, they can keep it up!  But, even Chris Mathews on MSNBC is starting to wake up after Comey's testimony.  Eating crow is a humble thing to do, so kudos to Chris for being a man about it...but I sure got a kick out of him wiggling as he admitted some truth in his reporting.

      1. profile image0
        ahorsebackposted 6 years agoin reply to this

        You will never see the media apologize for this incredible season of lies ,  bias and  hyperbole . They will simply act like it never happened  and that what they individually believed was the end result . That Trump is  innocent of all the accusations.

        They will collectively say ,"The bosses  made me lie , spread bias and hate "
        Liberals will simply and collectively go silent .


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