Hub for LetterPile

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  1. paperfacets profile image87
    paperfacetsposted 6 years ago

    I have Hubs that were rejected for LetterPile and asking for advise on this one. I want to cover all my bases.
    What do the editors prefer seeing "The Doe" or italics for the title in the body of the Hub?
    What are the mistakes I missed in this final rewrite you will see. I used The Hemingway Editor and read it in small mobile preview to help me zero in. … mes-m-cain

    Thanks, Sherry

    1. Christy Kirwan profile image91
      Christy Kirwanposted 6 years agoin reply to this

      Hi paperfacets,

      This article was never rejected, it simply hasn't been looked at for inclusion on sites yet. I recommend submitting it.

      1. paperfacets profile image87
        paperfacetsposted 6 years agoin reply to this

        Thanks Christy,
        I did submit it this morning,  a few hours after the 14 day window came open. I was concerned because other Hubs have been rejected. I feel I am on shaky ground wherever two weeks comes around. But I enjoy the challenge and the problem solving that comes with it.

  2. Marisa Wright profile image85
    Marisa Wrightposted 6 years ago

    I can't see anything that would prevent this being moved to LetterPile, but I can see ways it could be improved to improve your readership.

    First, have you checked to see whether anyone is searching for this subject?  I did, and they're not. 

    The way to check is, try typing your subject into Google and see what auto-completes.  That auto-complete is based on what other people type into Google, so that gives you a clue what people are searching for.   Once you get the results, scroll down to the bottom of the page and you'll see other phrases that people are searching for.  If you want to attract readers, you need to use one of those phrases as part or all of your title.

    When I type in "The Moth James M Cain" or "James M Cain The Moth", it doesn't even auto-complete for me - and there are NO other searches. That tells me there is no interest in this book. However, just try typing in "James M Cain" and you'll get loads of suggestions.  Take a look at some of them and see if you can recast the Hub to fit one of those as a title.  You can always include the review of The Moth as an example of his work, at the end.

  3. paperfacets profile image87
    paperfacetsposted 6 years ago

    Thanks Marisa,
    Frankly, I am writing this review because no one knows about it and so many don't know Cain's work accept for the two movie hits in the forties.
    So I guess I can explore something like "The Moth" Is A Better Novel Than "The Postman Always Rings Twice".
    Thanks for this new exploratory angle. 
    I definitely need more search engine traffic.
    Actually, I had a discussion about Mildred Pierce and a high school teacher and she said I was the first person she has heard of that read the novel version, Mildred Pierce.

    1. Marisa Wright profile image85
      Marisa Wrightposted 6 years agoin reply to this

      That's the difficulty of writing for the internet.  If you were publishing in a print magazine, you could write about an obscure book and readers would stumble across your article.  Online, readers won't find your article unless they're specifically looking for it.    Very few readers browse randomly around HubPages so they won't stumble across it.

      If you try "James M Cain Mildred Pierce" you'll see that is one of the search suggestions.

      By the way, never put your Amazon ads at the end of the Hub, they won't make sales.  They should be near the middle.  And do remember they have to be relevant and you have to say something about them.   In this case, if you'd included a link to The Moth, you wouldn't need to say anything because the whole Hub is about that - but you've linked to "vintage books" and not talked about your experience, so I expect that will be snipped.

      On another note, I notice that "How to Do Teabag Folding"  is searched for, but there is no article online with that exact title.  You might want to consider renaming your most basic Hub on the subject.

    2. Solaras profile image94
      Solarasposted 6 years agoin reply to this

      You might be able to recast it as 4 "great obscure novels you never read" or "great obscure novels you never heard of."  The longer the content, the better. Combine Mildred Pierce with this and another two or three, and you can update it occasionally with another, 4 great as you discover it etc..

  4. Solaras profile image94
    Solarasposted 6 years ago

    I started my names for dogs articles with 15 or 18 names, and kept adding up to 40 or 50 per article as they occurred to me.  I think it kept it fresh while it aged. You could start with the best, and then add on with new titles the best two etc.. as yu discover them. Oranges are not the only fruit might be another novel for you to add.

    1. Marisa Wright profile image85
      Marisa Wrightposted 6 years agoin reply to this

      I'm not so sure about this idea, I think it's horses for courses.

      Your idea is perfect for dog names.  Anyone looking for dog names wants to see as many names as possible together.  But someone looking for a book review just wants that book  - and if they click on a Hub and have to scroll down and down hunting for the right book, they're more likely to click back to Google and find another site.

      Likewise, someone hunting for an author probably wants information on the author, not detailed reviews of each book.

      1. Solaras profile image94
        Solarasposted 6 years agoin reply to this

        She wrote: "Frankly, I am writing this review because no one knows about it and so many don't know Cain's work accept for the two movie hits in the forties."

        So if no one ever heard of it, they can't search for it.  My thought is she needs to find people who want to read great books that they do not know exist. So she needs a short list of discoveries for people to make.

        People are searching for both "great obscure novels you never read" or "great obscure novels you never heard of." I think that is her target market.  Mildred Pierce could be "best novels that were made into movies" or people search for this "famous authors whose works you never know'

  5. paperfacets profile image87
    paperfacetsposted 6 years ago

    My plan was to have a separate Hub for each book review. I can have networking links between the Hubs in one Niche site?
    If it does get in LetterPile I was going to link it with the Mildred Pierce Hub.

  6. paperfacets profile image87
    paperfacetsposted 6 years ago

    I have changed the title a couple times in the last two days. It is now James M Cain's Lesser Known Classic Novel.
    Thx Solaris for the suggestion in that direction.
    But it is all a matter of luck, in my opinion. I think I upped the chances, though.

    1. Solaras profile image94
      Solarasposted 6 years agoin reply to this

      Good luck with it!

      1. Jean Bakula profile image92
        Jean Bakulaposted 6 years agoin reply to this

        I understand why you want to write it, if you enjoyed the book, and it's a good read. I think you are making the point to bring this book to other's attention? I have written book reviews of classics, but have not tried to get them on niche sites yet. Good luck, I'll be watching to see how it goes.

  7. paperfacets profile image87
    paperfacetsposted 6 years ago

    Tomorrow is the date I can submit.
    I have a good review on John Wilkes Booth, NOT the O'Reilly Book, and it was rejected because of being a subject very written about.
    I am always stressed and curious each time I submit a Hub.

    I will let you know when I hear the verdict.

    1. Marisa Wright profile image85
      Marisa Wrightposted 6 years agoin reply to this

      There's no need to get stressed.  Remember, all that happens is that the Hub isn't moved to Letterpile.  It's still published on HubPages, and there is nothing to stop you revising it and submitting it again later. So it's not that big a deal, really.

      Did the email say specifically your review was rejected because of being a subject very written about, or was it one of those emails which listed a few possible reasons?

      1. paperfacets profile image87
        paperfacetsposted 6 years agoin reply to this

        No, I got the generic email with that as one of the reasons.

  8. Marisa Wright profile image85
    Marisa Wrightposted 6 years ago

    In that case, I think it was one of the other reasons, There's not much about him on Letterpile

    1. Jean Bakula profile image92
      Jean Bakulaposted 6 years agoin reply to this

      Doesn't this come under the "specialized information" kind of thing a lot of my writing was about when I started? Not just the Astrology, that was always over saturated, but now I have a clientele all over the world and can barely keep up, I have such a waiting list for both astrology charts and tarot readings. But I did write about a lot of other topics too, people see my name here and just think "Astrology." Just because a lot of people aren't looking for a topic, doesn't mean they won't be interested if they see an article someone with specialized knowledge of it has.

      I am having many of my pieces put on Letterpile now, my first efforts at fiction.

      1. Marisa Wright profile image85
        Marisa Wrightposted 6 years agoin reply to this

        Yes I agree, Jean, and that would apply to Paperfacets if she was writing about her specialist subject of paper folding, or Solaras writing about her speciality of dogs.  Book reviews are a different thing.


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