Has anyone actually sold something through Amazon?

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  1. Len Cannon profile image88
    Len Cannonposted 15 years ago

    The reason I'm wondering is because the advertisements are kind of obtrusive and ugly.  I like that they mutable and you can design a product list for them, but I know I have never really even thought about buying something from an Amazon link, and rarely even click them.  I was just wondering how viable they really are?

    I like the fact that HubPages allows me to make some money doing something I would want to do anyways, but I would rather my blogs (excuse me HUBS :] ) look nice if they aren't going to provide much.  I was just wondering what your experience have been.

  2. Rochelle Frank profile image89
    Rochelle Frankposted 15 years ago

    You can always choose not to use them-- or limit the number of items.
    I think they can sometimes "ad" to a hub, acting as illustrations. One good example is the hub about packing for an African safari by SpotCoolStuff.com

    He used them beside specific suggestions for flashlights, bags, etc-- before I saw that I never realized you cold use multiple Amazon capsules and key them in to the article subjects.

    As for earnings-- it may work better fro someone who is getting thousands of hits a day. Personally, I have earned about 28 cents on one sale from Amazon.  I believe it was for my own book-- which means I also got a regular commission from Amazon in my regular account. My overall stats are still low, so I can hope for improvement.

    1. Len Cannon profile image88
      Len Cannonposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      Yes, I mostly thinking of removing them if they don't get a lot of traffic, it might not be worth hurting the overall look of the page.  I will look into your suggestion of using them more creatively, though.  Thank you.

  3. DonnaCSmith profile image83
    DonnaCSmithposted 15 years ago

    Yes, I have sold a few books and othe ritems. Not getting rich for sure. I also find it a good way to feature my own books, so it has an additional benefit to book authors.

  4. Jerilee Wei profile image68
    Jerilee Weiposted 15 years ago

    I don't make that much off them, but add them as a limited portion of each hub solely because I want to promote reading.  Mostly choosing books through Amazon through keywords related to the hubs.

  5. Research Analyst profile image71
    Research Analystposted 15 years ago

    I have had some sales from Amazon, I personally like to use Amazon product lists because I think it compliments the overall theme of the Hub:)

    Plus it helps the readers know where to find additional resources on the subject they just read about on the hubpage.

  6. Mark Knowles profile image59
    Mark Knowlesposted 15 years ago

    I sell 100+ items a month smile

    If the content of your hub matches the amazon capsules, you will sell things. If you randomly drop a capsule in you will not.

    1. Len Cannon profile image88
      Len Cannonposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      That's quite impressive.  I think you might have a little more traffic than I do, though wink

      I will take that into consideration, though, thanks.

  7. Mark Knowles profile image59
    Mark Knowlesposted 15 years ago

    Well, you have only been here 3 days. Give it time.

    At least you now know it is possible. smile

  8. broalexdotinfo profile image55
    broalexdotinfoposted 15 years ago

    I have to admit Mark is selling more than me lol , but I`ve sold some items, not really happy about the sales I just think I need more hubs..smile

  9. Bard of Ely profile image80
    Bard of Elyposted 15 years ago

    I haven't sold anything but I live in hope and tend to think they add a lot of support to a hub eg to show books or albums someone you have written about has out.

  10. Whitney05 profile image82
    Whitney05posted 15 years ago

    I get about $50-$75 a month via amazon. This month has been rather nice to me with over 50 shipped products. Give it time and traffic. Some topics do better at selling amazon products than others, so take that into consideration as well. Make sure to use relevant products and take care of placement. Don't discount the program after just a few days. I mean even if you make $20 a month, it's $20 that you really didn't have to work for and that you didn't have to begin with. Right? :-P

    Len I just checked out your video game hub, and you could add an amazon product for each video game that you went over at the point in the hub that you talked about that particular game. Just an option that you may want to consider if you want to stick with the program and try it out. I would use the option to hand pick the products versus keyword though.

  11. relache profile image73
    relacheposted 15 years ago

    Hand-selected items that are highly-relevant to the hub content sell.  I find my main rule of thumb when picking a product to offer is "would I use this myself? and why?"  If I've got good answers for that, it's a good item to offer.

  12. Maddie Ruud profile image72
    Maddie Ruudposted 15 years ago

    It depends what you're writing about.  If someone comes upon your hub looking for, say, humor, or political commentary, they're unlikely to purchase anything through Amazon or Ebay.  On the other hand, if someone reached your hub searching for a particular game, book, or product, they are already in consumer mindset, and are more likely to buy.  So skip the product capsules on the former, and put them only on the latter.

  13. alexadry profile image95
    alexadryposted 15 years ago

    It takes some time, I have sold a few items here and there. I have made small money but Amazon sure did well! I like the Amazon feature, actually that is the most fun part for me when building a hub. It feels like shopping when I get to hand select the items that are relevant to my hub. It looks like those that are making decent money have been here for at least one year. The more hubs you publish the better!

    1. David Ventura profile image59
      David Venturaposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      I have sold a couple of books too. That makes me so far a grand total of a couple of bucks. I think that with a little luck to the end of 2009 I will begin the countdown to cash my first check smile The marvel of passive income never stops to surprise me.

  14. Janet21 profile image81
    Janet21posted 15 years ago

    Nothing from Amazon yet, but I did make a few eBay sales.

  15. profile image0
    daflaposted 15 years ago

    I've made about $1.50 on Amazon, and it took me almost a year to get a sale.  I did a couple of hubs on specific subjects to try to boost Amazon sales, but it didn't work.  The sales I got were, I think, a pity sale from a friend, because the items sold had nothing to do with anything I've ever written on.

  16. alexd181 profile image61
    alexd181posted 15 years ago

    I've sold about 40 items in the last month, which amounts to less than $40 ironically haha. So it's not as impressive as it sounds, but Amazon is by far my best performing program with very high conversions. If only their commissions were better.


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