What relieves anxiety?

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  1. ii3rittles profile image81
    ii3rittlesposted 12 years ago

    What relieves anxiety?

    I've had anxiety since I was 15. It can be so bad at times, I feel like I'm going to die, stop breathing or pass out. I quit smoking, and it seems the anxiety I thought I finally got passed is back. (The bad attacks) ::: So what relieves sever anxiety? I want natural options. No prescription pills or poisons.

  2. RockerGinger profile image68
    RockerGingerposted 12 years ago

    Hey darlin. I've had anxiety for over a year, and it got worse than I ever imagined it could. Here are somethings that have worked for me:
    1) Deep breathing. Like very deep slow breaths. 3 seconds in, 10 seconds out. It helps the brain recieve more oxygen and naturally calms you down because your focusing on your own breathing pattern.
    2) Music. I have a playlist I made just for those scary-as-all-hell times where I'm panicking. I suggest "Comfortably Numb" by Pink Floyd, "Gatekeeper" by Feist, and anything by Jose Gonzalez, Norah Jones, or Devendra Banhart.
    3) Very cold drinks. I found that drinking a glass of water with a lot of ice in it, cools my body down and relaxes me a little, it takes the edge off until the attack goes away.
    I hope these were helpful to you hun, stay strong smile

  3. puddingicecream profile image69
    puddingicecreamposted 12 years ago

    You may want to consider yoga and meditation. I've done both, and really enjoyed it!

  4. Dr. Haddox profile image60
    Dr. Haddoxposted 12 years ago

    You have stopped smoking and your body is going through some adjustments, or changes. If you want some really great help there are natural remedies that are available from seeing Doctors of Naturopathy or Doctors of Chiropractic. Once upon a time, I had a back problem that was treated by a Doctor of Chiropractic. My back problem great improved under this doctor's care. These doctors also treat problems such as you are suffering with good results. Let me know how well you do.
    Regards, Dr. Haddox

  5. KaylaTheArtist profile image61
    KaylaTheArtistposted 12 years ago

    Personally, I don't blame you for avoiding the medications. I'm only 18 and have had anxiety pretty much my whole life. At this point I may already have neurological problems from it. As for good alternatives, I find that relaxation/hypnosis applications for my iPod work wonders, although you can also find them online. No, they don't really hypnotize you. (I thought it was stupid at first.) But they do offer some good relaxation exercises. I also find it helpful to have something to do with your hands. Drawing, knitting, sewing, or even cleaning can help. Especially getting exercise. That's the big one. That, and avoiding high sugar and caffeine things that can get your heart rate and energy up with fake stuff.

  6. uczen profile image61
    uczenposted 12 years ago

    The only way to overcome anxiety is to take control of your mind.  To start with just listen your favourite songs. Then every time when you have negative thoughts start thinking about the best time when you experienced in the past when you felt joy, happiness or LOVE.  I know that it sounds easy but it is not.  You need to force yourself to that, but when you start you will just go on because it works.  Another thing which help a lot is maditation, so just try to find some yoga classes, join where you feel comfortable and then you will enjoy it.  Also, you can find friends there who had similar problems and you can share with each other your experience.

    All the best to you and... keep positive. (positive thinkg follows us every day)

  7. visionandfocus profile image68
    visionandfocusposted 12 years ago

    The only thing that worked for me was EFT (emotional freedom technique) as taught by Gary Craig at emofree.com. It's also called MTT (meridian tapping technique) because it's kinda like acupressure on points of the body's meridians (as per Chinese medicine). There's no medications or costs involved (unless you choose to pay for a therapist) as you can do it yourself in the comfort of your own home.

    One side-benefit for me was that the nightmares that plagued me for years simply stopped. Well, not exactly stopped. But they became very infrequent. And I was not getting physiological symptoms from them anymore. Used to wake up in a sweat, my heart pounding. Now I'll still wake up once in a blue moon, acknowledge I had a nightmare, and go right back to sleep! I used to be so scared I had to turn on the lights and spent hours getting back to sleep.


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