Many women who are perceived as beautiful or sexy in this world are adorn with expensive clothing, with make-up from head to toe, and even fake hair. I would like to share why I don't use make-up.
If you are looking for natural ways to heal your body or have advice of your own, Remedy Chat is a great forum. Discuss all natural health, remedies, cures, and more.
If you are looking for a great place to make friends of the same belief or just to learn and understand Christianity, this is a great forum to join!
A simple poem.
You are here because you either have a leopard gecko or you are thinking of getting one. I will share how to care for them and helpful information to keep them healthy, happy and a joy to have around.
If you ever had acne, you know what a pain in the butt it can be! Here are some affordable and yes! NATURAL! - ways to rid your face from acne.
The weather for this summer is going to be different from last year for many places. Ranging from cooler, to average, to hotter & more humid. As for the northeast, it may be slightly cooler!
Yes, you read it right... House chores & cleaning every day can not only make you happier but lead to better health & yes, WEIGHT LOSS!
Vitamin D deficiency is very common in the United States, effecting around 40% of children, 60% of adults & a whopping 85% of the elderly. So how much sun is needed for the right amount of vitamin D?
Raspberry leaf tea is gaining more & more recognition for being an all around wonderful supplement of nutrition for women young & old, and even pregnant! Learn about its many benefits!...
Daily dry skin brushing not only makes dry skin incredibly soft & radiant but actually helps out the lymphatic system as well! Who knew!
These are 10 of the worst injuries in sports history. Videos are provided - Watch with caution, some are graphic.
I few simple ways to tell if he is "into" you.
Does your head constantly hurt? Headaches and migraines can take away from the quality of life. You don't have to put up with the pain or use pain killers to help reduce and even eliminate them! Here are some home remedies that work!
A few remedies to help reduce pain in an earache - Plus, what to eat to help your body heal faster & naturally!
Facts VS fiction of the KJV Bible you may not have known.
Many believe the New King James Version is just a "clearer" more "updated" version of the 1611 King James Version with minimal changes... Not exactly true.
KJV Holy Bible Facts & Statistics :)
Very simple "How To" for hard boiled eggs.
Quaker Parrots are quickly becoming the new favorite bird to own. They are loving, gentle birds when hand raised and make excellent companions
Growing your own vegetables is relaxing and can become your new favorite hobby. Did you know you can grow some vegetables indoors? They do surprising well!
Strong claw clips for hair are hard to find now a days. They break easily or don't hold hair properly. I found some on ebay that are both stunning & strong for long hair & thick hair!
What drug claims lives more than 50 times all other illegal drugs combined? You may be shocked at the answer....
Very few people understand the importance of "love making" in our relationships. You want to establish a friendship & a grounds of communication before you let "love making" enter the picture.
Reserve speech is a widely used tool for marketing, subliminal messaging, mind control... But above all, Evil. Beware what your hears may hear, because they can be deceiving you.
GMO or "Genetically Modified Organism" is becoming a house hold name. Why? Because altering DNA in our food sources is not only dangerous, but deadly. Learn your brands & what to eat to avoid them!
Most people never eat seeds from fruit or vegetables, but instead throw them away! They are not only being wasteful, but throwing away excellent nutrition & health benefits!
Lavender is possibly the most valued & favorited essential oil in the world! From its uses to it relaxing properties, its a nice oil to keep on hand!
Many people who are followers of Christ struggle with the idea of tattoos. Many older Christians believe them to be works of the Devil. I will challenge you to rethink your opinions.
If you ever experienced Acid Reflux, its not a comfortable thing to have! I will share some quick, natural remedies to calm your acid down so you can relax.
Angels are captivating and motivating creations of God. I will share the meaning of them, according to the Bible.
A pear shaped body is the hardest to dress as the hips are the largest area of the body, and the waist is the smallest. I will share some tips on how to look & feel great for pear shaped women!
Olive oil has been used for centuries both as a medicine and beauty regimen! Its many uses make it a house hold favorite & something every home shouldn't be without.
I will list off some of the best brands I have used and my favorite shampoo, lotion and body washes!
Turn trash into treasure! Making a vase from a light bulb.
“The difference between Christianity and every other faith in the world is that all other religions are about man trying to reach up to God. Christianity is about God reaching down to man.”
Life and death is in our every thought and every word. What does your tongue say about you? If you can learn to master your tongue, you will have mastered faith.
When it comes to hygiene, the fewer ingredients the better! It no surprise as to why, given the benefits of a paraben free beauty regimen, your body will not only work better on the inside, but look better on the outside!
Each color has particular emotions and energies which is why we find ourselves with our favorite color changing several times throughout our lives.
Most people believe in what can only be seen, touched, smelled, tasted or heard. Over the years, we have discovered germs and bugs that can’t even be seen with the naked eye. We learned that oxygen is all around us from plant life, yet we cannot see it. There are radio waves and sound waves that go...
A short poem about Faith.
A poem about being a young girl in today's world.
Just saying thank you!
Raw honey is not only good for you in so many ways... IT TASTE AMAZING! Learn the difference between regular and raw and taste for yourself!
A short list of my favorite faith building songs. (Video + Lyrics on screen)
I was curious to see how Jesus' name looks/is read in other languages and after researching it, I decided to share it on Hubpages!
A short list of Holy Angels and what they do for us and God.
We have been conditioned to think that the sun rays will give us cancer, too much sun is horrible for our health and to wear sun screen anytime we step outside. What if everything you learned about the sun... Was wrong?
Religion is just a term used to establish in belief of what one group dictates as being the "right" or "proper" way to live and what they believe is morally acceptable. The Truth... There are only two types of belief. Belief in religion and...
Have you ever noticed how we, humans, have a keen sense for sound? Our ears not only pick up on the sound, but as does our bodies, minds and even spirits. Even animals who do not speak have this ability. Have you ever talked in a happy tone and said...
I have experience with feline pancreatitis first hand. I share the importance of a proper diet to prevent this from happening to your beloved feline friend.
Whether its a rainy day or you can't find nothing to do with the kids, crafts always seem to come in handy. Some crafts, however, take a good amount of money only for a small amount of fun! I have made a short list of fun crafts you and your...
Many women and young girls struggle with unbalanced hormones. The main reasons women don't get regular periods is not because of the thyroid or the adrenals, but simply, a vitamin or mineral deficiency. Stress can also keep a woman from getting her...
Christmas is claimed to be the biggest and holiest holiday of the Christian belief. We have blindly let this "holiday" go on for years and years with out ever questioning it or even looking to the bible to verify the truth. Most Christian churches...
Many people know about demons, spirits and ghost. While there are people you could call to help rid your home or your life of demons, it is over looked what the bible spoke of about demons. In the Holy Bible, it speaks of how we (believers and...
Are you trying to live a more natural, organic life? What about your pets? I have a great place to start ridding your pet's body of unnatural and harmful chemicals for under $10!
Sex is not a game. It is not something you do for “fun” or just because you can. It is not meant to be shared among various partners or to be viewed upon by strangers. It is not a trend you follow to be cool in school. Sex is not a tool for use...
Paddle tale newts (Pachytriton labiatus, Pachytriton brevipes) are hardy, unique pets fit for children and amphibian lovers alike. They are commonly confused in pet stores as "Fire-belly Newts" because they share similar characteristics, yet are a...
Eggs have been overlooked for their health benefits for many years. I have found that eggs, actually, may help some people lose weight!
A short hub about what I have experienced and learned from my teen years.
What the slow-carb is and what it can do for you and your body!
Do as I say not as I do. Is that merely a set up to trick you? To change your own line of thinking into someone else's conceived notions of how one should behave? Why not reclaim? Your values are just that, YOUR values. Why must you explain? If...
Ever hear of something called "Aluminum"? It's a metal, for thoughs who don't know. Well, you can find this "metal" in your deodorant. You may be saying "Okay, So?"... Aluminum is a metal the skin can absorb when in liquid form. Your body is not...
This will either make some of you angry or joyful, either way I want to share this... Something many people lack today is knowledge. Not the knowledge that can be taught but the knowledge that God himself has given us. The animals know how to...
I decided to make a webpage where people can view my art as I make it. My art line is called "Angelic Designs". Its free ranged sketched, painted, ect. angel forms that are not what you would expect. Similar to Derrek Hess' work, but not as complex....
Cleveland is a city of hope yet constant let down. The city struggles with sports teams succeeding, and seemingly manages to always take one step forward and two steps back. One team, in particular, has become the butt-end of every joke; The Browns....
**THIS MAY OFFEND PEOPLE, But I love animals dearly so I did research and I chose to use my brain and not make excuses for my irrational ways. If me stating that I am not okay with people being homosexual offends you, then stop reading this now....
If your anything like me... You love God for what He does, love Jesus for what he did and want to stay grounded in your faith; But the thing is, weather its a lack of time or a lack of concentration... You just don't read the bible or study...
There's a light at the end of the tunnel... But is that light actually light, or a new found darkened horizon? Chained linked brain waves race down the interstate chasing riches but only finding rags. How are you so blind? Did you not see the signs?...
I wanted to share both stories of two different occasions and cats, that God saved. One is about my cat, Twiggy, who I have had since he was 6 weeks old. The other is about, PC, a stray who lived on my mother's porch ( PC - Porch Cat ) which my...
Living life on an endless quest to be different from everyone else is a failed attempt at best. Challenging our own differences, when, in all reality, we are no different from anyone else. We are all hypocritical liars with scars on our fists. Our...
"Most days I feel too insane to even want to be around people... Yet I'm too scared to be alone." *This is for people who don't quite understand how horribly hard it is to live life with anxiety attacks* Have you ever suffered from anxiety? Most...
I lose life in the sight of my eyes in this reflection; As if time some how past me buy without my recognition. I am a flee to many, as I am so insignificant. I can't even recognize my own innocence anymore. Chimes ring as people play follow the...
A review of the Body By Jake Tower 200!
Most people, when asked, "Are you a good person?" they usually say yes. Yet, looking at the definition, to say you are "good" is to say you are God-like. In other words, You walk as Jesus did when he was on the earth. I don't think anyone can be a...
This is the "Bill of Rights"... Article the first [Not Ratified] After the first enumeration required by the first article of the Constitution, there shall be one Representative for every thirty thousand, until the number shall amount to one...
Some seem so blinded by their own ignorance. They walk head held high, believing they have a purpose without believing in anything at all. Shame be to the man that cries, yet the man that never does; dies young. How is it that in a world so prim,...
Just my take on tattoos and body piercings!
I heard today, that the government is trying to pass a "law" that forces parent's to lose their children if they are obese. While I do think, forms of child obesity is child abuse, we can't all assume it's every child. There are so many chemicals...
The other night, I was up late. I couldn't sleep and just ate a big bowl of mac and cheese. As I always do, I chased that with a cigarette. Yet, this time, It didn't feel so good to be smoking. I felt this horrible chest pain, this back pain... And...
More and more people are becoming ill, obese, sick, and plain unhealthy. The average AMERICAN eats meat daily, and often times, with every meal. Before you freak out and defend yourself, listen up! TO MUCH MEAT WILL KILL YOU! Our human bodies...
Have you ever been up real late when it hit you? This slight remorse of a memory that over takes your emotion. You get this slight fuzzy, warm feeling inside yet sorrow runs through your veins. You then feel a slight emotional connection with what...
I woke up this morning and got a call from my fiance. He heard on the radio about a former Marine being shot in his own home... The marine's wife heard someone break into the home. So he got his gun and went to go check it out. She called 911 to...
This one's for all my fellow "nerds" out there! I personally love video games, always have, always will. I've been so sucked into one in particular, I decided to write a short hub about it! The game, COD Black Ops, the system, Xbox 360! Let me...
So Osama was caught and killed! Everyone is happy and Obama is a hero. People are celebrated the capturing of a terrorist and showing their American spirit by downing beer and high fiving each other... WHAT THE **** IS WRONG WITH YOU PEOPLE? First...
Why do we seek the things that we choose to believe? We will plead with their honesty down on our knees. With swords and daggers at our throats we cry... He lives for us so for Him we will die! Why is it easy to call out an outcast with demise of...
Dear Sugar, Let me start by saying your the sweetest thing I've ever known. You have been there when I was sad, needed a pick me up and even when I was only a little girl. You have given me such nice memories like ice cream on a hot summer day,...
This is Twiggy, my 4 legged furry child :) Some find cats weird, evil, alien like, creepy, disturbing, or just plain odd. I personally find them, none of thee above! Cats to me, are very spiritual creatures. They can see and sense things most...
Everyone wants the secret to fast weight loss. Well, The secret is, there is no secret! It's as simple as doing math! If your not so good at math or have no idea what I am talking about, well I've done all the work for you!! Let's start with how...
Stars of love light the night sky, side by side as the moon unwindes. She see's the love the stars can offer yet she remains alone. Her bright glow outshines the stars, she is seen both near and far. Yet only one can light her glow, only one, she...
If you never heard of virgin coconut oil, someone needs to shake you! In the US their are so many cures for things that we know little about because the pharmacy needs to make their money off of YOU! They make synthetic, deadly poisons and call them...
Whether your just starting on your own (moving out from your parents), moving to a new area, or you just broke up with someone and have to buy "new" things, I've got some great advice! We all know about the outrageous markups in stores. I mean, why...
Weight loss it tough. We all have had experience in this department. Whether it be 5 pounds or 50 pounds. We all struggle with our weight. Did you ever wonder why this is? Look at the western diet... Processed and overly processed food, meat every...
So as most people know, Soda, such as Pepsi, Coke, ect. are not all that good for you. They contain something called "High-Fructose Corn Syrup" which can, and does cause diabetes among other problems for our bodies. Despite what them BS commercials...
So far gone yet so close to home, I find a void essence in my heart. It keeps me at peace when I am weak... and always calms my soul. I give it recognition when valid lies are up risen, because sane is insanity. Perfection may never rest on a...
Fire flies fall from the skies creating a desolate atmosphere Gasoline lays way for the fires dismay and engulfs all that is everywhere Rivers run dry as the earth, she cries and all seems so lost and decayed Millions are dead and ones who live...
We all remember that morning when New York was attacked. The two towers fell to the ground and many people died that day. What kind of country kills their own to benefit from money? YES! The UNITED STATES OF AMERICA was the reason for 9/11! There is...
Based on the title, most can assume this is about God. Well, YOUR CORRECT! What many don't think of is that "Alpha and Omega" is just like "Yin and Yang" or "Good and Evil". It states in the Christian and Catholic bibles that God IS the Alpha and...
I feel like an outcast. When I make this bold statement, people seem shocked. Let me explain and you can see and better understand me. I don't drink alcohol, actually find it disgusting when a person is drunk. I don't have a problem with people who...
Spiritually lost and so physically bound. Compassion is buried and love is not found. Rights demolished as hatred is growing. Crying, screaming, the tears are showing. Blame is present while honesty betrays. Real eyes really can tell lies in many...
Maca Root is an all around nutritional food that can help you in more ways then one!
Judging is something we ALL have problems with. Its seems to effect more Christians then they would like to believe...
If you suffer from an illness and have not found an answer to what is causing it, it may just be Candida!
Have you ever wondered how people walk around today, in the world and appear so... lifeless? I have pondered on it for a few years. I see people, both happy and sad, angry and joyful, living their lives yet not really living. I know this may not...
Just a few inspirations to me that were and still are poetic, wise and loving all taught in the bible! "Be wise in the ways of the world, but not of them." "Truth is the hardest thing to hear." "Never see with your eyes, for they will deceive...
Have you ever felt your on the wrong end of the silver spoon? By means of, Its not in your mouth, your the one putting the spoon into someone else's mouth. That's nothing more than poetic, yet selfish words for "Other people have it better than...
So I posted a blog on picking out the right cell phone and showed you how I went about it. I decided to get the Palm Pre Plus from Verizon for $49.99 with a new 2 year contract. Since I’ve read both good and bad reviews on the phone, I...
Not many people really know the story of how came to be. Well, at least more are aware of it thanks to the movie “The Social Network”. For those that don’t know, it started in Harvard. It was merely a practical joke one...
People struggle with thoughts that are not always nice. Do you have a persistent thought that you can't shake?
Apple Bottom jeans, boots with the furrrr... Who doesn’t love a good pair of boots with fur? Thanks Nelly! Now I have a new addiction! I find it hard to find a pair that’s not overly priced yet still attractive. I found a place called AMI...
Attention all smokers::: --Cigarette smokers, not you “tree” huggers.-- I would highly advice you to “roll your own” cigarettes while our government permits it. The new law that passed sometime late last fall is in full effect and...
Now a day, the cool new thing to have is a smart phone. What’s a smart phone? Well it’s a phone that works as a computer, a messenger, a camera, an organizer, a video camera, a gaming network, an e-mail checker, a music downloader, and much...
What I am... I am a Child of God. I am a Christian. I am a Daughter. I am a Sister. I am a Niece. I am a Aunt. I am a Cousin. I am a Friend. I am a Lover. I am a Fiancé. I am a Poet. I am a Writer. I am a Artist. I am a Visionary. I am a...
My heart beats with the silhouette of your voice. You speak and my veins flow with rejoice. I live because life with your solitude is worth living. I breathe because the air we share is worth breathing. My bones ache with the pain...
I thought it over and here are some great tips for married couples to help keep their marriage alive and more of a pleasure then a pain! · Have sex everyday at least once a day! Okay, so the women may not like this but the men will! Heck! The...
More and more people are so skeptical when it comes to marriage. It is now at an all time low. There’s young girls having babies between the ages of 14 and 22 and 85% of them never end up marrying the father of their child/children. Those Children...
So all sports fans know that last night, in a horribly embarrassing fashion (to Ohio fans) Lebron went to the Miami Heat. I will admit, I was mad, hurt, frustrated and above all crushed. I said thing I should have not said, God please forgive...
I heard how horrible the so called life saving shot called Gardasil was about a year ago. I and my aunt heard many stories. I was just doing some clicking around and ended up on I started crying. I watched videos of these poor girls...
The news is something that is suppose to help us out and keep us informed, but is it also training us to fear everything?
Do you speak life or death? I’ve learned today, even as a growing Christian, I speak death a LOT. It’s scary to come into the realization of your own being and really see how your words affect your life, as well as the people in your life....
Most people now a days fear the sun… WHY!? You hear about it giving you skin cancer, aging you, ect. So men and women alike flee to the tanning beds to get that deep skin color. I got news for you tan bed bunnies… TANNING BEDS AGE YOU...
Is it wrong for a woman to want nice things? To want a nice house, a reliable car, nice clothes? Is it wrong for a woman to want to be a stay at home wife or a stay at home mother? To take care of the house, the plants, wash the clothes and...
What really gets to me is that so called “Christians” will walk around thinking they are perfect in every way, they hide their sins, and they make other, true, Christians feel bad! Not all that claim to be Christian are! In fact, a huge...
Everyone is always racing to the stores for the new beauty products that promise better skin. But did you ever consider the ingredients that go into half that stuff? Most people don’t even know what the stuff on the ingredients list is, nor...
Have you ever created something? You thought is perfect in your eyes. Every inch of it had beauty and unique distinction. It took a great deal of work, concentration and time to make it. It was put on display for everyone and everything to see, use...