Alcohol Addictions .............

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  1. profile image0
    ahorsebackposted 10 years ago

    The problems with  addictions is that they are so damned addicting , No ?   LOL,   I have found myself of late fighting   alcohol addiction . Being the son of an alcoholic  I suppose its  only in my genes !   Here's the funny thing though , I  am picking up the same habits as my father had ----, hiding alcohol  for one ,  If my wife is counting my drinks I just hide one or two somewhere .--  Making excuses for drinking , "I've had a really bad year ".....on and on , gotta go  drink-less  I suppose ! Just ranting I suppose !

    1. Kathryn L Hill profile image76
      Kathryn L Hillposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      Any adduction is due to the desire for Bliss, which is our original state of being. We come from Bliss, we will eventually melt back into Bliss. But alcohol or any substance is false bliss and actually prevents one from going back into true Bliss. To absolve addictions one must be motivated to do so. You must master your mind and follow your higher ambitions no matter how many times you fall. Someone just committed suicide because the pharmacy would not give him the pharmaceutical drug he needed. He had a gun, yet the pharmacist denied him.  I don't know. I think the pharmacist just should have given what he asked for in this case.  Addictions must be treated as an illness.
      The body must be dealt with and the substance addicted to must be gradually reduced until the body is clear.
      This is my understanding. Others may have a different way of understanding.
      It is a touchy subject you bring up. So many touchy subjects these days. sad

  2. profile image0
    ahorsebackposted 10 years ago

    Ahh but Kathryn , you are so correct about your opinion, thank you for answering this ! Bliss", the original state of being "

    1. Faith Reaper profile image83
      Faith Reaperposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      The disease of addiction runs in my family, my dad and then my son.  We learned a lot when we got our son help.  First, he wanted to get help, and that is the first step, other than doing as you have done, and admitted you are an alcoholic.  It is a cunning disease, very selfish because everything revolves around the person with the addiction.  Thank God my son has been sober for six years, before his children were born.  He is only 25 and speaks all over our state helping others with the disease of alcoholism.  He sponsors those who are twice his age from all walks of life.  Dear Ed, if you do not attend AA meetings, please do so, and get a sponsor.  This will save your life, and then realize there is a power greater than yourself.  I believe in Jesus Christ as my Lord an Savior, and so I am able to do all things through Christ who strengthens me.  I have a small tapestry on the wall that I see right before I go out of the door every morning and thank God for my son's sobriety ... the tapestry has the Serenity Prayer on it.

      God bless you and keep you.  In His Love, Faith Reaper

  3. chander mehra profile image60
    chander mehraposted 10 years ago

    Have you tried to give up? I did recently and started suffering from what the medic call Withdrawal Symptoms, fairly agonizing. But my doctor did well to put me on some medication, including mild doses of  tranquillizer.
    I am now on my way to bounce back.

  4. fiftyish profile image61
    fiftyishposted 10 years ago

    Most drunks (for want of a better word) say that alcohol is their drug of choice.  It's been my experience that alcoholics, along with other addictive types, might major in a certain drug, yet if they look at their life with a little scrutiny, they will likely find that they are addicted to "more" of anything that might help to take the edge of the way they feel. I think that Kathryn is correct too, though addicts are actually in pursuit of bliss, but rarely get what they're after; hence the never-ending chase and intensity of the gratification they so desire.

  5. profile image0
    Dave36posted 10 years ago

    Ask yourself why you drink buddy, then keep asking yourself until you find out what your hiding from....Also ask yourself what you would rather do than drink, if there isn't anything find something....You think about it mate, there's at least a 1000 things better to do than drink.....So if anything your lazy in that department, so find things that are better than getting drunk.....Your not your dad & your not your past, your whatever you wanna be from now....The next time you have a "good drink", just ask yourself why your having it....Then ask yourself what your'd rather be doing at that specific time,& see if you can answer those 2 questions.

  6. profile image0
    Rad Manposted 10 years ago

    Dave, that's some very good advice.


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