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Normal & Weird Holidays in March - month long, week long and the first 15 daily holidays in March

Updated on January 16, 2016
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Irish American MonthMusic In Our Schools MonthNational Craft MonthNational Frozen Foods MonthNational Irish American Heritage MonthNational Nutrition MonthNational Peanut MonthNational Women's History MonthSocial Workers Month
Irish American Month
Irish American Month | Source
Music In Our Schools Month
Music In Our Schools Month | Source
National Craft Month
National Craft Month | Source
National Frozen Foods Month
National Frozen Foods Month | Source
National Irish American Heritage Month
National Irish American Heritage Month | Source
National Nutrition Month
National Nutrition Month | Source
National Peanut Month
National Peanut Month | Source
National Women's History Month
National Women's History Month | Source
Social Workers Month
Social Workers Month | Source

Month long holidays

  • Irish American Month
  • Music In Our Schools Month
  • National Craft Month
  • National Frozen Food Month
  • National Irish American Heritage Month - dedicated by Congress in 1995
  • National Nutrition Month
  • National Peanut Month
  • National Women's History Month
  • Red Cross Month
  • Social Workers Month

Week long holidays

  • National Bubble Week - The second week in March is traditionally "National Bubble Week," the week for kids of all ages to celebrate the fun and enchantment of bubbles. The first-ever Bubble Week was in 2000 and was initiated by Oddzon, makers of Koosh Bubbles. The event was created to herald the first day of spring - the unspoken first day of the bubble-blowing season.
  • National Crochet Week - Second full week in March (11-17 this year) as designated by the Crochet Guild of American - teach someone to crochet or crochet items for charity.

National Bubble Week
National Bubble Week
National Crochet Week
National Crochet Week

March 1

  • National Pig Day - this day recognizes the domesticated pig and gives them the respect they deserve, few people know of the level of intelligence that pigs possess, many people have pigs as pets. Incidentally, many zoos celebrate this day with fun activities.
  • Also an honorable mention for Yellow Pig Day - created by some math students at Princeton (in 1960) who created it while discussing unusual properties associated with the number 17.
  • Peanut Butter Lovers' Day - Peanut Butter either creamy or crunchy is America's favorite sandwich spread. Take today to discover a little about the history of peanut butter or try a new peanut butter recipe.

March 2

  • Employee Appreciation Day (first Friday in March) - Exactly six months away from Boss' Appreciation Day (hmmmmm...) supposed to be the day all companies and bosses celebrate the employee with a wide variety of tokens of appreciation. (I have never experienced this so have no idea what bosses do for their employees on this day. This day is a creation of Bob Nelson and his publishing company, Workman Publishing who got it onto calendars in 1995.
  • National Salespersons Day (also first Friday in March) - Founded by Maura Schreier-Fleming, president of Best@Selling who is also a salesperson trainer. First year recognized was 2000.
  • Old Stuff Day - This is always March 2nd. It is not to celebrate the same old stuff, but rather to recognize a boring routine and try something new. Celebrate changing the same old stuff to something new, be it hobbies, crafts, or even trying a new TV show today.

March 3

  • I Want You to be Happy Day - Today is the day to not only wish for others to be happy, but to do something special for others today. Make a special treat, send an E-card, call a distance friend or relative to wish them well.
  • If Pets Had Thumbs Day - No known origin, a day to contemplate what life would be like if all your pets had opposable thumbs.
  • National Anthem Day - On March 3rd, 1931, the anthem written by Francis Scott Keys became our national anthem. Take the day to research the history of events leading up to the writing of our national anthem, you may be mildly surprised with your findings.
  • Peach Blossom Day - This day has been celebrated for centuries in Asian cultures it is not only a day to celebrate the opening of the peach blossoms, but also a day to celebrate the sweetness of girls through the gifting of dolls. A doll festival is held every year in Japan on this day.

March 4

  • Holy Experiment Day - Today is the day to get out of your rut and explore something new about your faith or another's faith. Try saying grace if your family or group does not do that, or reading about someone or something religious you are curious about. Pray for something today and discuss the results with your religious leader or family or friends.
  • Hug a GI Day - Today is the day to appreciate any and all GI's who come across your path. Although no origin was found is is suspected that a play on words was used here "March Forth" is a very military phrase.

March 5

  • Multiple Personality Day - this is supposed to be the day to get in touch with your hidden personality/ies. Even though it is hoped that you do not suffer from split or multiple personality disorder, please do not take offense to this (most awkward) holiday!

March 6

  • Dentist's Day - Give every one a great big smile and make an appointment if its been awhile.
  • National Frozen Foods Day - From breakfast through lunch and on to dinner there are many opportunities to recognize this day even dessert!

March 7

  • National Crown Roast of Pork Day - No clue as to who designated this day or why it has to be a crown roast, but evidently it has to be crown roast of pork.

March 8

  • Be Nasty Day - Just because its be nasty day doesn't mean be cruel! Celebrate if you must, but take it easy!
  • International Working Women's Day - for recognizing women's rights in the workforce, politics and society. The UN recognizes this day and has been held annually since 1911.
  • Popcorn Lovers' Day - (second Thursday per Holiday Insights) - Historically celebrated on Superbowl Sunday and Crate & Barrel Tweeted it on Jan 19th in the past even though Superbowl Sunday is February 7th this year(2016). So who knows?

March 9

  • Panic Day - Don't worry, don't fret and if things are going bad don't go overboard on this day. Better yet save the panic for next year to see if the day is better by then!

March 10

  • Middle Name Pride Day - Celebrate the uniqueness of your middle name. Your parents chose it for a reason!

March 11

  • Johnny Appleseed Day - Many departments of education consider this day his day. John Chapman (aka Appleseed) is purported to have died on this day. So it is celebrated. Some also celebrate it on Sept 26th, 1774 which was his birthday.
  • Worship of Tools Day - I love my tools, but this is probably a guy thing. Time to give them some extra love or even get the lawn tools ready for spring!

March 12

  • Girl Scouts Day - Celebrates the creation of the first Girl Scouts group on March 12, 1912. This year is particularly special ad the 100th anniversary of Girl Scouts.
  • Plant a Flower Day - This is the most common date referenced for Plant a Flower day, however there are numerous references to different days in both March and May.

March 13

  • Earmuff Day - originally patented by Chester Greenwood on March 13, 1877. First called Champion Ear Protectors then ear mufflers and finally as known today, earmuffs.
  • Jewel Day - Jewelry stores love this day! It is the day for anyone to give jewels as a gift.

March 14

  • Learn About Butterflies Day - a day to learn about butterflies before they surround us in spring and summer.
  • National Potato Chip Day - the day to celebrate America's #1 snack food as well as potato of choice for many lunch and dinner meals.
  • National Pi Day - Why today? Because the value of P1 is 3.14! (rounded down) Interestingly enough it is also the birthday of Albert Einstein March 14, 1879. Extra special events are generally set up for 1:59 since actual Pi is 3.14159...

March 15

  • Everything You Think Is Wrong Days - recognizes that everyone can have a bad day!
  • Ides of March - first day of the Roman new year, first day of Spring on Roman Calendar, also Julius Caesar was warned by soothsayers to beware this day but he did not heed them and was assassinated on this day in 44 BC.
  • Absolutely Incredible Kids Day - celebrate this day by letting your kids know how great they are and how much you love them!
  • Dumbstruck Day - I am actually dumbstruck that someone thought to celebrate this day! Don't be embarrassed to be completely overwhelmed by something today.


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