Creative Writing Ideas For Kids
Making kids work is not an easy task. In order to make them work, it is important that the task given to them is of their interest. It’s hard to develop their keen interest in studies unless they themselves are interested in them. Teaching them is really a grueling task that requires not only skill but also patience.
Creative writing in particular is something that can never be taught to kids by giving them lectures and telling them all the rules, patterns and formats. To make them good at creative writing its is important to make them practice, not by forcing them to sit and write but by giving them some exciting activities related creative writing, that will develop their interest in writing.
These activities should be constructive and must be catchy and interesting for the kids. Some of the activities which you can give your for writing practice are discussed.
Below are some interesting creative writing activities for kids:
Make Them Write Reviews
It is very important to teach a kid develop his/her own opinion about something. And most importantly it should be taught well to the kid how to express their opinions through word.
Make them watch a movie, or a cartoon series, make them read interesting short stories and ask them to right a review telling whether they liked it or not. Also telling the reason why they do so.
This activity can be easily done as all the children love to watch cartoons and movies and would love to read imaginative and interesting children stories.
Art And Craft Activities For Kids
- Art Activities For Kids
By the grace of nature and God each and every kid has some artistic abilities. In some these grow extensively and in some it remains as they were in initial stages. - Kids Art Education Importance
The wise people used to say that the key purpose of education is to transform minds from empty to open ones. - Art And Craft Toys For Kids
Art is one of the most significant characteristic of growing up. Art must be experience and enjoyed by people of all age groups not only when we are small kids.
Make Them Write A Story Out Of A Picture
Show them meaningful yet interesting pictures. These pictures can have anything, but make sure different meanings can be made out of it.
Show them these pictures and ask them what they perceive out of it. And then ask them write down what they think is the story of the picture.
Story Out Of A Newspaper Ad Or An Article
Take out any recent advertisement from the daily newspaper make the kids read and ask them story about the ad.
Make them explore situations regarding who gave the ad, what was the reason behind it; ask them to make a story consisting of a character and a situation.
You can also clip out an article or even a piece of news and give them an assignment to make a story regarding the characters and the situations stated in the article.
Summer Camp Activities For Kids
- Summer Camp For Kids
As summers and summer vacations arrive, kids get excited as it is something the thing kids eagerly wait for. They desperately look forward to it as they get off from all school work, hectic schedule of exams and get into something more fun.
Preparing Your Child For School
- What Should Be The Right School For A Child?
There are many parents out there who are troubled for the right school for there children and even there are some who are least concerned about this matter and very often does it happen that they don't think about this. - How To Prepare Children For School
The first day of school for a kid is a big deal. This will be the first time for some children that they are separated from their mothers for many hours in a day.
Story By Numbers
Make three boxes consisting of small pieces of papers consisting numbers from 1-10. Ask the kids to pick a random number from each of the box. Each number from the respective three boxes should denote three fragments of a story i.e. a character, a situation and time period.
It would make ten different characters in one box, ten different situations in the second and ten different time periods in the third. Ask them to fit the three things together and make an interesting story using the facts that are given to them.
This task can be very exciting and a lot of fun for the kids.
Scavenger Hunt
One way to grab the interest of the kid and to make them hunt for writing. You can hide different fragments of a story at different places and ask the kids to find the pieces. Give them hints and to make it more interesting tell give them a reward for finding each piece.
When all the pieces are found, ask them to fit in the pieces and a story. If you are teaching a group of kids, tell them that the kid who comes up with the most interesting story will be given a special prize. Scavenger hunt is really an effective activity and beneficial in many ways. Not only will it develop a keen interest of the kids in writing but it will also make writing something worthy and exciting for them.
The above given activities are exciting but above all they really work. They make the concept of creative writing interesting for kids, make them think out of the box and come up with new and innovative ideas. Not only that such activities will develop their thinking abilities and make them develop their own opinions, also teaching them how express themselves and their opinions.
Creative Writing Activities For Ages 9 to 11
How To Teach Kids
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Appealing youthful brains is most successful when education is fun. Initiating fresh notions through fresh techniques represents and maintains concentration. - How To Teach Division
If you talk about primary education than the four most basic operation of mathematics are addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. - Teaching Kids
There is a problem found almost every where that for teaching old typical methods had been used till last few years.