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Top Writing Tips - 100 Articles Later....

Updated on September 10, 2012

My Writing Journey!

After being online for months and more than 100 articles later, I have researched, studied and wrote many articles. Through the last year or so, I have learned so much from other hubbers, the FAQ’s and the forums. It has helped me as a writer and as a reader. Thank you so much to all, for your encouragement, criticism and helpful hints that have made me become a better writer and/or hubber! I hope to help other writers learn the value of Hubpages and this awesome community! Here are the top 18 tidbits I have learned over my hubpage journey;

Just Write
Just Write

Websites, internet and earning

Top 18 Tips:

If you are a new here, read the FAQ’s, trust me, they help!

Find a mentor within this website, I asked a lot of questions when I wasn’t for sure about the FAQ’s, these hubbers below have helped me through encouragement, comments, emails, and many other traits of support. These are my mentors:

  • Darkside
  • Frogdropping
  • Badcompany (TattoGuy now)
  • Msorenesson
  • Bingskee
  • Pamela99
  • Immartin
  • Rebecca E.
  • Harvey Stelman
  • Habee
  • Dohn121
  • Prettydarkhorse
  • Gusripper
  • Mickey Dee
  • Dream On
  • Maven 101
  • Breakfastpop
  • Blondepoet
  • Rawlus
  • James A Watkins
  • CheekyGirl
  • Ghost 32
  • Ryankett
  • SimoneSmith
  • Lorlie6
  • Fastfreta
  • We are all internet junkies, internet writers and internet helpers so find your mentors! They helped me to understand when I was posting things wrong or answered the tough questions or gave me continuous support when I needed it! Find your mentors; use them as needed because these Hubbers are priceless!

Promoting your hubs on other websites is a MUST; it’s like a band touring which are promoting their music, which is what you are doing with your hubs. If you don’t promote them on the internet you will not as much traffic, so therefore, you tour and promote, viola, traffic!

With that said, you can read all the hubs here about traffic and which network or social bookmarking websites are the best, but my best advice, is find your niche, because everyone is different. I tried several and it took me awhile to find the best websites that worked for me. It’s like trying on shoes; the more you try on, the more you will find the perfect pair. Here are the social networking websites that works most for my type of writing:

  • Xomba is a website where I see most of my traffic, you can sign up but make sure you write your own content too.
  • Redgage website is growing and the one site that is getting busier and I have won several contests from my hubs and made $25 a pop for winning the daily contests. It adds up and a very nice Redgage visa card. I highly recommend it, click on name.
  • Infopirate, just started using this site but really easy to use and post my hubs, plus, I have just started seeing more traffic on the hubs that I have posted on this website. Click on the name to check out this site.
  • Stumbleupon is crazy busy website and drives a lot of traffic to my hubpages and hubs. Check it out here, so many people and articles so you can learn a lot from this website too!

Proofreading is critical! I admit I am mine own worst proofreader but being on hubpages, forces me to do it. Plus, it helps me to improve on this particular skill that I do need help with on a daily basis. So proofread then go back and proofread again and again, so you get my point. After months of publishing a hub, I still find mistakes, so always look out for your own errors!

Your Title has to be good! I switch mine around to find the right one. I do go to the Google Keyword to see the best words for the ppc (pay per click), which helps tremendously. However, I really work on the ideal title that fits the hub and then search on Google (to figure out the pay per click per word).

Google Keyword tool is serious for all writers; understand the importance and significance of keywords and how to use them. Sorry, I am not going to give you all the answers, but hints on how to improve, some of these things you have to learn (they will help in the long run). Don’t forget to sign up for Google adsense!

Making money on Hubpages will come, however, you will have to WRITE, work HARD and TRY. Three ingredients to success and making money…remember WRITE, WORK HARD and TRY!

Most likely your first 10-20 hubs will be your learning platform, not as great as you want them, but over time you will make them better and they will become more popular. Don’t get discourage, just read and learn and continue to improve. It’s like taking your first steps as a baby, you stumble a few times but you get it after a while, just keep trying!

Quality versus Quantity – yep, write hubs with quality information, this is important! Be unique, be original and be creative!

Back linking is very important, learn how to do it and then do it! Read the articles below to learn more about back linking. Take the time to do it, it will drive traffic.

There are so many helpful hubs so read, review and find the right ones for you, however, I have to highlight the articles that have helped me through this journey;

Participate in the site, go to the forums, ask questions, answer questions, help others, and leave comments. You don’t have to spend hours upon hours doing this but participation is like working out, the more you do it the better you are.

Referrals are crucial; however, I am still learning this component of Hubpages. An area to improve on would be this, however, read and then do…right? Well, I have improved over time and will mostly likely continue to improve (and get more referrals). But this is my journey and I waited a long time to start working on referrals, I wanted to write, improve, read, write more and then I started to learn. Not the finest avenue I admit but I can tell that my journey has been exceptional! Hope yours is too. Here is my referral link if you want to sign up with me (I admit, I am not the best salesman) but I can promise you if you do sign up from me, it will be a remarkable voyage!

Just write! I want to make sure that I stress the importance of writing. Enjoy your writing, just let go, find that inner place and focus on writing. Writing and learning are two very different skills, so remember, to write. Then learn….

Continuous learning is always important, stay up with the times, the hubbers, and the authors, anything happening in today’s world, always learn and always know what’s going on around you.

Some hubbers will tell you to find your “niche” after a 100 hubs I am still looking for my niche, however, I do think its good advice! I just like writing about anything and will publish it. I am not the optimum example however, I do believe you have to find out what is best for you and if that is a niche, then locate it and promote that type of writing for you!

Hubpages is not designed to get rich quick, it’s about the community and learning, so write and then learn and then earn. Seriously, it’s worth it!

Here are my top 18 tips that will help you achieve your writing goal on Hubpages. These tips helped me and I only hope they will help your tour here at Hubpages. The internet is a fantastic tool for all and being a writer will only help you make that much more money. Life is exciting so write, learn and earn! That is what all these hubbers are doing, writing, learning and earning within this incredible website!


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