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3 Unexpected Perks of Writing Online

Updated on August 24, 2012

Let's Get Writing

Yes, there are perks besides money only.
Yes, there are perks besides money only. | Source

Writing For the Online Market

There are many reasons why writers contribute works to the online market, whether they are commercial or creative pieces. While writers are likely motivated by thoughts of having their words read by a vast internet audience and receiving money in return for being published, there are unexpected perks to writing online. Great perks that are less obvious are publisher interest from outside sources, new connections, and increased knowledge base.

Let's Get You Publisher Interest

Close a deal with a new publisher.
Close a deal with a new publisher. | Source

Get Publisher Interest in Your Writing

Whether you contribute to HubPages or other website, over time you are likely to get the unexpected perk of being contacted by publishers. Contacts can be from within or outside of the particular site.

Within the site, you may receive personalized proposals to contribute to new projects or an invitation to apply for select members-only assignments. An unexpected benefit is when your contributions to one publisher get you noticed by another company.

For example, I have received messages at HubPages from publishers who have perused my work here and at associated links and offer me new projects related to my niche. Remember that while there are a lot of online writers, not all writers consistently produce high-quality work. Here lays a reminder to do just that!

While it may take time for your articles and other online works to attract publisher interest in your writing style and knowledge base, it is likely to happen if you publish and share high-quality work. Get your articles seen across social media networks to enhance the opportunity for them to be read by companies looking for new submitters. All good things come with time, as the saying goes, and online writing is no exception.

Make New Connections Online

Part of online writing is selling your published pieces across the Web to increase page views. The process involves creating profiles across social media networks to increase visibility of both your work and of yourself as a writer. When you interact on the network, there is an unexpected perk.

Let's Connect!

Connections on social media networks.
Connections on social media networks. | Source

You will make new connections. You are likely to meet people in similar professions and specifically within your chosen niche for your writing. On Twitter, for example, I have met many freelance writers and bloggers who I likely would never have otherwise met. They are from around the world, and some are even in the same province of BC here in Canada!

While building new relationships is exciting enough on its own, you can take those connections further by transferring them to other networks to which you belong. Some of my Twitter connections are now friends on Facebook and in my Google+ circles. Expanding your network means increased opportunities to meet new clients and, if you are paid at least in part by revenue share, you can make money in page views in the process too.

Let's Learn About Trends

You stay current on trends in your field.
You stay current on trends in your field. | Source

Gain Knowledge of Trends

Another unexpected perk of writing online is the growth of knowledge in trends that relate to the topics to which you publish. Part of writing to a niche area involves keeping up to date in a particular area. You learn more about the subject, which is fluctuating constantly, from reading articles and through social media network feeds.

In turn, you become savvier in your field and become known for the topic to which you contribute. You are up-to-date more than you might be if you were not a regular contributor of words to the area!

The Advantages

There are many advantages for writers who publish online. When first embarking on the literary journey, people may not realize that they will make new connections and pique the interest of outside publishers. Being current on trends is another perk for writers who specialize in an area for their writing. While these benefits are not directly financial, they can easily lead to new clients and assignments that do generate income.


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