do any people that r reading like twilight?

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  1. blogger1234 profile image54
    blogger1234posted 14 years ago

    do any people that r reading like twilight?

    well,you probably already read the other details.

  2. profile image53
    Millomanposted 14 years ago

    Twilight Twilight
    The passage of day to night
    What shall I do in the Twilight
    Get ready for night, I just might

    Twilight Twilight
    Signals the pub is opening
    I may get drunk after the Twilight as gone
    And in the dark, I can with alcohlo.. give my brain a dopening

    Twilight Twilight
    You come in the morning too
    Which is handy cos I've got a hangover and my eyes hurt in the bright
    And I'm going to get a drink in the loo (bathroom)

  3. Rena the Strange profile image59
    Rena the Strangeposted 14 years ago

    Are you talking about the book Twilight by Stephenie Meyer? big_smile I'm a fan of the whole saga. I have a couple of hubs about it.

  4. profile image36
    imartinez05posted 14 years ago

    Check out my Hub to know the answer to your question...

  5. Kylo88 profile image61
    Kylo88posted 13 years ago

    Personally, the series is a little too girly for me. I prefer my vampires to be a bit manlier than Edward Cullen (sorry to all of the fangirls. Please don’t claw my eyes out.). But I have read and own all the books. As to whether or not I like it...hmmmm.
    Well, let's put it this way; I was reading the Twilight looong before the Edward fangirl was born into existence, shortly followed by the it'scooltohatethisnow bandwagon’s nation invasion upon the battle for Team Edward or Jacob. (Ever notice that? Everything has this stage where it's the coolest thing in the world, and then people start this little thing where it is suddenly bad to be a fan of the cool thing and that the cool thing is stupid. I expect I should prepare myself to defend MY books when they go through that stage. lol) Personally, I think Steph has got some balls to publish such work. She had to have known that she couldn't just change the effect of sunlight on vampires and walk away untouched. I respect and admire her bravery and hope that I too will have the courage to throw my work to the public and let them judge it.
    Also, she stuck to her story. She used the same theories from beginning to end. I have read some other books where everything changes constantly and I hate it! It gives me such a headache!
    Moving on! On the other hand, if I was reaching for a book and twilight was in front of me, I'm not too sure I would pick it up. I respect Steph as an author and I thing she is bloody brilliant for her accomplishments, but frankly, I think Edward is a little too girly for me. On top of that, having Bella as the main character is killer, and not in the good way. I just can’t stand how monotone her voice sounds in my head.
    Now the REAL section is when she switches it up and the story is told by Jacob! The chapter names are fantastic! I love them so much. There is so much more rage and a bit of confusion...I could really identify with the situation (minus the werewolf/vampire battles).
    Yeah...not too sure where to go with that. Sorry it's so long. I've debated on this many times before. lol


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