What is your take on Older Women with Younger Guys?

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  1. choiceessentials profile image59
    choiceessentialsposted 15 years ago

    Of late, there seems to have a surge of older women with younger guys.

    Is there any thing wrong with that?

    Should the couple fear how others look at them?

    What is the acceptable age gap?

    Your views??

    1. apeksha profile image68
      apekshaposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      It should not be greater than 10. If so there will be greater thinking difference and the couple will look odd.
      I am ready to marry with the boy younger than me..no problem.
      Matter of only love not age..
      If both loves each other inmost of their hearts then there should not be any problem for viewers ...to see and blame is their all time work..

    2. Tyger profile image60
      Tygerposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      I think there's nothing wrong with it as long as both parties are cool with it. I meanI've been dating a man who is 4 years younger than me for the last 3 years and even though we have our differences we also share a lot of the same tastes too. There has to be a balance and we definitely have that. Besides we are able to learn a lot from each other, I have more experiences than he does, yet I get to enjoy new ones with him.

  2. gamergirl profile image88
    gamergirlposted 15 years ago

    It's not really a new trend.

    Attraction happens for various reasons, but honestly I don't think anyone outside of any particular relationship (so long as it's not, like, pedophiles) has any real power or say so over said relationship.

    24 year old guy wants to date a 60 year old woman, for whatever reason, then go right ahead.

  3. andromida profile image56
    andromidaposted 15 years ago

    Is there any thing wrong with that?

    My answer is there is nothing wrong in that as far as both are
    comfortable with each other.FYI, its not a new trend-its even
    a normal practice in some tribal communities.

  4. Sunny Robinson profile image71
    Sunny Robinsonposted 15 years ago

    The only thing that could be wrong with that is if it's a non-consensual, jailbait sort of relationship.

    Otherwise, the older woman and the younger guy in a relationship chose to be in it for reasons that are their own.  It is safe and consensual for them.

    The couple should fear how others look at them if they are concerned about social status or their reputation.  I believe that they could have the attitude that says, "We're not hurting anyone else, we want to be in this relationship", then they are sending the vibe that makes other people view them comfortably.  If they act normal, it is normal.  Sometimes this doesn't always work, though.

    An acceptable age gap, for me personally, is when one of the partners in the relationship is *not* jailbait.  Provided that the younger half of the couple is above 20 years of age, age gap no longer means very much.

    My other thoughts, though, on age gap is in regards to how it truly affects a relationship.  People from two very different eras could somehow complement eachother or be the wedge between the two.  It depends on the people involved.

  5. profile image0
    girly_girl09posted 15 years ago

    Personally, it seems a little strange, however as you said, there is a major increase and it is starting to become normal. It just doesn't seem as natural to me. I have only dated one guy my own age, let alone younger guys (I couldn't imagine that). But, as long as boy individuals are of consenting age, it's completely legal and that's the ultimate deciding factor of whether it's right or wrong.

    That being said, I have no problem with a larger gap when it comes to the woman being younger. I think it's much more natural and I actually prefer older men because they are already established in their careers and(usually) they are more mature. I enjoy more mature topics of conversation. For example my last two boyfriends : One was my age (22) and one was 38. I enjoyed spending time with the older one, much more. He was much more interesting and the dates were fantastic, if not extravagant. The 22 year old enjoyed drinking beer and going to the movies. There was a huge contrast.

    So, maybe that's one of the same reasons why younger guys like older women, because they're more established and interesting....I don't know! I just know I couldn't date a younger guy.

    1. Sunny Robinson profile image71
      Sunny Robinsonposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      I agree with girly_girl on this.  I'm 21 and living with a 37 year old man.  He already has kids, steady job, etc.  His era and my interests complement; I love the 80s that he had the opportunity to thoroughly enjoy.  We both drink the same kind of beer, we both love conversing about mature topics, and we explore a lot of similar theories.  I never quite got along as good with guys my age or younger.

      Perhaps, this same thing could be said for older women and younger guys.

  6. bgamall profile image64
    bgamallposted 15 years ago

    Well, when I was really young I had a relationship with an older woman. While she was beautiful, her past was emotionally checkered and she couldn't commit. It was an unpleasant experience for me. I wouldn't recommend it.

  7. Teresa McGurk profile image60
    Teresa McGurkposted 15 years ago

    One of my favorite movies is Harold and Maude.

  8. raiderfan profile image61
    raiderfanposted 15 years ago

    Older chicks know what they are doin.

    1. profile image0
      ralwusposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      OOO, yer not as dumb as you portray my friend. They are some of the best people to know. Like an aged side of beef, or fine bottle of Scotch.

      1. raiderfan profile image61
        raiderfanposted 15 years agoin reply to this

        when chicks are young they are stuck up and dont want to bang but when they get older they like to bang all the time and they dont act stuck up

        1. blondepoet profile image68
          blondepoetposted 15 years agoin reply to this

          ROFL that was just what I was going to say, you saw my thoughts didn't you.

  9. Sufidreamer profile image84
    Sufidreamerposted 15 years ago

    I am happy with it smile

    1. apeksha profile image68
      apekshaposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      Oh ! so the pics of you both as I have seen before is the same case nice,,so u both r very happy ..good to know..that you can post again your pic so that opposite thoughts regarding older lady would turn off in to happily married life ...

      1. Sufidreamer profile image84
        Sufidreamerposted 15 years agoin reply to this

        There you go - 8 years together and counting smile


        Only pulling your leg, Elena - I know what you meant! big_smile

        1. Teresa McGurk profile image60
          Teresa McGurkposted 15 years agoin reply to this

          What a lovely photo -- congrats. on the 8 years.

          1. profile image49
            badcompany99posted 15 years agoin reply to this

            Totally agree I love this guy, damn woman has stole him on me !

        2. blondepoet profile image68
          blondepoetposted 15 years agoin reply to this

          Oh Sufi that is a great pic but where is my prawns I have been checking my mail everyday

        3. blondepoet profile image68
          blondepoetposted 15 years agoin reply to this

          you have nice choppers Sufi

  10. Elena. profile image85
    Elena.posted 15 years ago

    Ahhh, the old adage of a December-May relationship. Personally, I think the one thing an older woman can get from a younger man is performance.  OK, and some wild nights out.  That's about it. Call me party popper!  tongue

    Edited to add: We're talking about young-young men, aren't we? 'Cause it's different if the relationship is not December-May but December-July/or/August/or/September!  Laugh!  Isn't Suffi in that kind of relationship? I think that works!

    Edited for the second time to add: Feck, next time I'll read the previous posts before posting myself!

    Hysterical yours,

    1. Sufidreamer profile image84
      Sufidreamerposted 15 years agoin reply to this


      Sadly, as I approach middle age, the performance is dropping! sad

      1. cindyvine profile image78
        cindyvineposted 15 years agoin reply to this

        Don't tell Blondepoet that!  She's still waiting for her prawns!

        1. blondepoet profile image68
          blondepoetposted 15 years agoin reply to this

          LMAO I heard that ! !

  11. Tom Cornett profile image80
    Tom Cornettposted 15 years ago

    Works for a day...Never went further than that.  smile

  12. Mighty Mom profile image75
    Mighty Momposted 15 years ago

    I think a lot depends on the two people involved and the actual age difference. Statistically, men die earlier than women, so a younger man can help even the odds that he'll be around when you (the woman) get old.
    I also think it's cool to reverse the traditional May/September thing.Not to overgeneralize (but I'm going to anyway) way older men with young women seem like Daddy/Daughter redux. Whereas a younger man with an older women --maybe, maybe not. Usually the woman is well preserved and hawt (and knows what she's doing, as Raiderfan so aptly noted).
    Two model couples -- besides THE models Harold and Maude (good one, Teresa) are Demi Moore and Ashton Kutcher(sp?) and Susan Sarandon and Tim Robbins. Not sure but possibly Goldie Hawn and Kurt Russell also...
    I once (very briefly) dated a 20 year old when I was 27 and even then the age difference was too much. His life was nothing like mine. So really, that's important,too. Common interests and outlook.

  13. Haunty profile image72
    Hauntyposted 15 years ago

    I think it's ideal if the woman is some 5 years younger than the guy. I'm not sayin this because I'm a guy. The woman that's the only one for me is a year older than me.

  14. Elena. profile image85
    Elena.posted 15 years ago

    OK, Sufi, NOW I read your post :-)

    As I said, I have a different opinion of December-July/August/September relationships.  In those, I think, performace still matters but there are ALSO other links smile

  15. moposan profile image57
    moposanposted 15 years ago

    That is just a Hollywood  hype.

    1. profile image52
      solbeposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      No, not just Hollywood hype. I have never gone out of my way to engage or accept the attention of a younger man. Yet, 2 years ago, one began to pursue me. I avoided him, as this took place at work. My communication exchanges always work related, and on the surface, but after 14 months of his daily visits to my office from an adjacent city branch, he wore me down, and one day when I was feeling particularly burned out at work... I accepted his invitation to go grab a beer after work. He had asked just about every week, but I would always tell him that I was busy. Once we met after work, we really enjoyed eachothers company and 5 months later we crossed over to an intimate relationship.

      This has been very difficult for me, for many reasons that I won't mention one of which is the actual 12 year age differance. Except what do I do now, another 6 months after we engaged physically and emotionally? Now I am in-love with him in a manner that I have never been in-love before. I love him so much, so very very much, that I am almost on the edge of asking him to stop calling me, because I don't want to get in the way. I want him to be happy, and perhaps that happiness cannot be me, because of the age differance.

      I don't ever want him to miss out on living. I will be 40 this summer and he is 27. I am really at a loss as to what I should do, because I'm senior branch manager, and he is middle manager in another branch, and he is directly related to the President of the company. I don't know what to do! I am so scared, and so torn.

      So you see, it isn't a fad, a fetish, or en moda.. Sometimes it is just love, and it happens to us, and what the hell are we supposed to do?  Sometimes love just happens....

  16. Colebabie profile image60
    Colebabieposted 15 years ago

    It makes sense to me.

    My grandparents were 14 years apart, and my parents are 3 months apart. It doesn't affect how happy you could be.

    It isn't age that matters, but the person. If someone is in a particular stage in their life that is different than a partner that is younger/older, that is because of the person, not necessarily because of their age.

    And people shouldn't care what other people think. My boyfriend and I are different races, we get stares sometimes. I try not to let it bother me.

  17. raiderfan profile image61
    raiderfanposted 15 years ago

    just keep bangin' him but he will dump you if he wants to make babies and you can't

    1. blondepoet profile image68
      blondepoetposted 15 years agoin reply to this


  18. lawretta profile image46
    lawrettaposted 15 years ago

    As long as the old lady get's refreshed and the younger guy get's money in his pocket,i think it is OK!

  19. Kelsey Tallis profile image65
    Kelsey Tallisposted 15 years ago

    I've almost always been with or dated younger men (though 12 years younger is the biggest age gap for me, but that wasn't actually "dating"--I think "cavorting" is the more accurate word *snickers*).

    I think it depends on the individuals more than anything else. There's a 16 year age gap between two friends of mine (yes, she's older). They've been together 9 years now (married for about half of it). She was very hesitant about the relationship at first, but he was sure she was the one he wanted and they are still together.

  20. moposan profile image57
    moposanposted 15 years ago

    There is evidently a hype. But I should admit that nowadays in less physically agressive time when there is growing number of Feminized men and more financially Independent woman the percentage of such couples should be higher than before. So there could be some trend enforced by the media hype.But generally, financial equality reduces the age gap between partners.

  21. moposan profile image57
    moposanposted 15 years ago

    However taking into consideration girly girl comments Most Women will always tend to be with more mature,experienced male which stems out from female biological nature which makes them put safety and comfort to the higher level in their prerogative pyramid.

  22. profile image0
    dennisemattposted 15 years ago

    Why does everybody think thats wierd, but older guys with younger women is no big deal? (hugh heffenr...yucky) I say if your truly happy and not breaking any laws...so what?

  23. wychic profile image81
    wychicposted 15 years ago

    There are some challenges in relationships with a big age gap, but provided there is a mutual love and respect, as well as some other factors, I believe it can work very well. It does seem to be important that the couple be in similar stages in life, agree about kids, etc., though that applies whether there's a big age gap or not. I haven't tried the younger man bit, but I'm 23 and my significant other is 49, so I know it works that way, at any rate, and see no reason why it should be different the other way around. Yes, some men mature pretty slowly compared to women and that has been a problem in many relationships, but some women mature slowly too...it all depends on the individuals.

  24. Sufidreamer profile image84
    Sufidreamerposted 15 years ago

    Thanks Theresa - I would have had a shorter sentence for murder! wink

    Sorry BC - Love you too, you flirtatious old pirate!

    1. profile image49
      badcompany99posted 15 years agoin reply to this

      Tis those flowing locks remind me of the young BC and you my friend have one lovely partner, jeeez I so knew you were a smooth talker Sufi, shes lovely. Joking aside am well pleased for you mate !

  25. Dame Scribe profile image56
    Dame Scribeposted 15 years ago

    Tis a funny topic for me, big_smile my sons have decided to date older women...they find young ladies near their age or younger, too silly tongue I said that's normal tho lol lol ...my brother married a older woman and there is no probs there...demi moore and ashton ...susan sarandon and ....that guy tongue sorry, jus went into park mode hmm

    1. profile image49
      badcompany99posted 15 years agoin reply to this

      I have always been in love with Susan Saradon since Thelma and Louise, that woman deff floats the Captains boat smile

  26. AEvans profile image74
    AEvansposted 15 years ago

    Good for them if a man can do it, then women can do it too!! smile

  27. Dame Scribe profile image56
    Dame Scribeposted 15 years ago

    BC99 lol every pretty face has you turn 180 degrees you rascal you wink lol

  28. Sufidreamer profile image84
    Sufidreamerposted 15 years ago

    Cheers, BC, she is a good'un, and puts up with my eccentricities. Susan Saronden is a very smart lady - I love intelligent and sophisticated women.

    Cindy - BP is the reason that the performance has dropped - I have trouble satisfying her insatiable appetite sad

    1. profile image49
      badcompany99posted 15 years agoin reply to this

      Jeeez Cindy listen to the walking advert for Viagra lol !

  29. Sufidreamer profile image84
    Sufidreamerposted 15 years ago

    No worries, BC - I found the stash in your cabin. Came in very useful!

    1. profile image49
      badcompany99posted 15 years agoin reply to this

      I know Sufi the cabin girl buggered off and hey who needs my stash with Sally, not like my inflatible friends gonna know the difference, tis a hard life at sea. Hmm considering you stole my stash it isnt HARD  smile

  30. Sufidreamer profile image84
    Sufidreamerposted 15 years ago

    I am sure that Cindy can find you a traditional Chinese herbal remedy - dried Badger langer or something. Place one under the tongue every morning and suck until it dissolves smile

  31. Dame Scribe profile image56
    Dame Scribeposted 15 years ago

    lol stay outta the ouzo tongue lol

  32. Sufidreamer profile image84
    Sufidreamerposted 15 years ago

    oops......too late tongue

  33. Dame Scribe profile image56
    Dame Scribeposted 15 years ago

    hope you didnt mix it with the viagra lol tongue lol

  34. Sufidreamer profile image84
    Sufidreamerposted 15 years ago

    Er.........might have sad

  35. Dame Scribe profile image56
    Dame Scribeposted 15 years ago

    Well, you jus be in ultra amour mood tongue lol

  36. Sufidreamer profile image84
    Sufidreamerposted 15 years ago

    I think that I can manage that! - those little blue pills are a great help smile

  37. monaleasa profile image60
    monaleasaposted 15 years ago

    Well I can speak from experience, as I have dated younger men. Actually I don't ask how old they are, I can usually figure that out for myself, but what I look for is someone that I'm interested in, someone who is fun, intelligent, confident, mature and comfortable to be with. 

    If the first question he asks me is "how old are you?" well that tells me right there that he's not as confident as he thinks he is and any relationship with him would not be of interest to me. 

    I'm not concerned about any age difference, life is too short for that, it's what we would have in common and how comfortable we would be with each other.

    Just one more thing, I have found that when men get into their mid 40's and up, they start to panic and all of a sudden they don't want to do anything except complain.  Again, life is too short for that too... I want someone who likes to live and do things while there is still time.

    Cheers, Monalease

  38. monaleasa profile image60
    monaleasaposted 15 years ago

    did someone say ouzo ????????  perfect.

  39. PaulaShaftoe profile image61
    PaulaShaftoeposted 15 years ago

    More power to both sides of the equation :-)

    Big differences (in age, race, same gender, etc) all seem extreme when they start becoming more visible and common. Some will become accepted into the norm and other aggressively rejected. People that judge others are fickle to say the least.

  40. cindyvine profile image78
    cindyvineposted 15 years ago

    actually, all my children came from younger fathers.  Doesn't Viagra just help with the hydraulics?  It doesn't give the stamina does it?

  41. cindyvine profile image78
    cindyvineposted 15 years ago

    aw Blonde, you gonna give the man a big head!

    1. blondepoet profile image68
      blondepoetposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      No chance of that Cindy it is pretty big as it is hahaha you know I have seen it before...

  42. cindyvine profile image78
    cindyvineposted 15 years ago

    aaaaaahhhhhhhh tooooooo much information, you'll get me all hot and bothered and it's still the morning!

    1. profile image0
      Leta Sposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      ooooooo, getting outa here.  I walked into something!

      1. blondepoet profile image68
        blondepoetposted 15 years agoin reply to this

        ROFL my buttocks just missed my chair and I ended up on the floor.

        1. Misha profile image65
          Mishaposted 15 years agoin reply to this

          Uh oh, poor thing, can I sooth them somehow? wink

          1. blondepoet profile image68
            blondepoetposted 15 years agoin reply to this

            Oh yes please and a massage would be nice BP is feeling blue tonight, does not happen often but it does happen lol. I need lots of TLC sad

  43. profile image0
    Leta Sposted 15 years ago

    Well...lol.  The youngest I've gone so far is 6-7 years--a 4 year relationship.  But nobody knew!  Because I look younger than I am, so basically we looked the same age.  It gets a little different when people move into their 30's because many age differently.  During the 20's, when maturity level is a factor, I can see age differences being more of a factor.

    I would probably have an issue, yes, if the guy looked noticeably younger than I did--other than that, it really depends on the case.

    I for one, did the older man thing at a pretty young age & didn't particularly like it. I have seen icky-sick examples of old Viagra guys with young women in that traditional 'rich guy with young chick and hot car phenom' around Sedona here...regardless of the age, it has to be an egalitarian (uh, real?) relationship.  I also have seen my mother (who is 10 years younger than my dad), have to deal with a lot of his age related issues...  It is just a fact that women live longer than men, ie...

  44. cindyvine profile image78
    cindyvineposted 15 years ago

    Lita I agree with you, if they look more or less the same age, but when the woman looks like the old granny who serves tea at the Bingo Hall and the guy looks like a very edible young surfer type, then it does look a bit sick.

    1. profile image0
      Leta Sposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      Edible sounds just that, tho!  smile  Yum...

      But seriously, 20 year olds aren't even attractive to me, so!

  45. goldentoad profile image60
    goldentoadposted 15 years ago

    I say as flings go, nuttin better than it being with an older woman. No games, intelligent conversation, and sex that leaves your legs shakin' the day after.

    1. Teresa McGurk profile image60
      Teresa McGurkposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      Well, to be honest, you look a little TOO young in that particular photo.

      1. goldentoad profile image60
        goldentoadposted 15 years agoin reply to this

        I just shaved.

  46. cindyvine profile image78
    cindyvineposted 15 years ago

    The big problem is, is that older men often go before they come and younger men come before they go

    1. blondepoet profile image68
      blondepoetposted 15 years agoin reply to this


      1. goldentoad profile image60
        goldentoadposted 15 years agoin reply to this

        yeah but the younger man only takes a minute to reload.

        1. profile image0
          Leta Sposted 15 years agoin reply to this

          According to my sis, currently doing the 'older man' thing, 45 year olds don't have a problem with that either, provided they are sex starved enough!

          1. wychic profile image81
            wychicposted 15 years agoin reply to this

            Neither do 49-year-olds...but I don't give him a chance to be starved wink

  47. cindyvine profile image78
    cindyvineposted 15 years ago

    So GT, a young man is like an AK47 and an older man is like one of those old muskets that had to be loaded from the front and could only fire one shot?

    1. goldentoad profile image60
      goldentoadposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      I won't be able to testify to that as I got aways to go. But I hope not.

  48. cindyvine profile image78
    cindyvineposted 15 years ago

    Poor BP often ends up on her bum!

  49. Bryan Eaddy profile image61
    Bryan Eaddyposted 15 years ago

    I love older women so much that I married one! Older women are great.

  50. Shalini Kagal profile image55
    Shalini Kagalposted 15 years ago

    My husband's younger.....and it's been a great 18 years and counting!

    Nice pic Sufidreamer smile


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