What are your views on the Chick Fil A contreversy?

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  1. Amanda Gee profile image61
    Amanda Geeposted 11 years ago

    What are your views on the Chick Fil A contreversy?

    They refuse to sell the Muppet toys since the Muppets support homosexuality. They are very firm in their belief that homosexuality is wrong in every way. What are your opinions on this matter?

  2. Josak profile image59
    Josakposted 11 years ago

    They have every right to do what they are doing and I will excersize my right to boycott them, they are being named and shamed for their intolerance and bigotry and when they see their profits plummet I hope they get the message that Americans do not tolerate treating people as anything less than equal.

    1. Amanda Gee profile image61
      Amanda Geeposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      I think they will see some issues with profit due to boycotts. Do I think they'll lose a lot? Probably not, since unfortunately there will be people who support them and want to eat there more often.

  3. Kari Pete profile image61
    Kari Peteposted 11 years ago

    Actually, the Jim Henson association asked them to stop distributing their toys which is why they were pulled from the meals.  And they did it because they were making such a statement on homosexuality.

    So this gets into all sorts of murky territory for me.  For one, I hate that the Supreme Court gave corporations the go-ahead to fund political candidates, which means that their opinions matter more than the average individual.  This is why boycotting these corporations is important and getting others to pull support in different ways.  But still, this too shall pass (are people still boycotting Target?).

    Also, where do we draw the line with their stance on homosexuality?  Do they get to decide that they won't serve someone because they walk in with a partner and give them a kiss or hold their hand?  Do they get to decide not hire someone or decide to fire someone because they learn their queer?  And if they are in a state that allows for same-sex marriage, can they decide to not provide benefits to same-sex spouses because it's wrong?

    There are all sorts of ways that this could be wrong.  The CEO saying that he is homophobic is fine.  The company instituting policies that fall in line with his beliefs is not, in my opinion.

  4. junkseller profile image78
    junksellerposted 11 years ago

    It sounds to me like it was the Muppets that dumped Chick-Fil-A, not the other way around. Of course they did it in part because of Chick-Fil-A's position on homosexuality. Either way, I had already dumped them. There are lots of other good places to eat at that aren't opposed to diversity.

  5. nmdonders profile image72
    nmdondersposted 11 years ago

    I personally think it's quite shameful.  Individuals can have their own opinions and intolerances and express them in a respectful way, but this is a franchise/business/corporation.  Racial intolerance is not accepted, why is it okay to discriminate due to a person's sexual preferance.  It has nothing to do with morality, because it is not a choice.

    The Muppets should be happy that such an ignorant flock of people refuse to sell their toys to innocent children that don't understand ridiculous politics.  I don't know the whole story, but if it was the Muppets that dumped Chick Fil A, then good on them.

    1. Georgie Lowery profile image90
      Georgie Loweryposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      I agree with your answer. Corporations are not people, it's time they stopped acting like them.

  6. peeples profile image94
    peeplesposted 11 years ago

    I think that not so many people would be so quick to support them if they decided to fund the KKK like they are funding a group to protect the word marriage. I believe hate is hate no matter how you justify it. While they are entitled to their opinion, I will no longer be giving them more money to fund hate.

  7. Georgie Lowery profile image90
    Georgie Loweryposted 11 years ago

    I don't think that they should be voicing a political or religions opinion because corporations aren't people. Inanimate objects don't have opinions. Also, the Muppets were not rejected by Chik-Fil-A, it was the other way around, no matter how the restaurant chain tries to spin it.

    I won't eat there for two reasons.

    1: I think that discriminating against anyone or encouraging others to discriminate is wrong and I won't support that kind of behavior.

    2. Pickles on chicken sandwiches = nasty. Seriously.

    3. (I can't count) Fast food is bad. Mmkay?

  8. amymarie_5 profile image66
    amymarie_5posted 11 years ago

    The whole thing makes me sad.  Yesterday was chick fil a day and all those people came out to support a company that believes the world is going to be punished because of homosexuality.  A company that proudly donates its money to groups that try to take away the rights of gays.  Today a man in my office was gloating about how he went to chick fil a and waited in line for an hour for a greasy artery clogging sandwhich.  Just to prove he hates gays or to prove his religion beliefs are right? Not sure but the whole thing is just sad and stupid.  Don't know if those people who showed up realize how many gay teens are bullied or how may commit suicide.  Don't know  why we can't all just accept each other's differences and try to get along.


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