Who are you voting for president in November and why?

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  1. petertheknight profile image64
    petertheknightposted 11 years ago

    Who are you voting for president in November and why?

    Some may find this question too personal in which case you don't have to answer, but perhaps you can talk about why you like the particular person you are voting for.  Also, please NO BASHING...this is only to discuss who you like and why.

  2. Matt M. profile image61
    Matt M.posted 11 years ago

    I've never voted in my life and that honestly won't change this year, but I hope Obama wins over Romney.  I'm not a huge fan of either of them, but just from catching snippets of CNN over the last few weeks, I have seen Romney dropping the ball CONSTANTLY.  I especially didn't like the way he tried to gain leverage from those attacks on the US Embassy.  That tasteless tweet and his "validation" that now we definitely need to aid Israel against Iran.  Why should we defend Israel again?  Because Romney, (or any other politician) has ever explained that situation in a way that makes sense. 

    That comment about 47% of the country was also a good indicator of his lack of smarts.  Not only is the comment biased and unfair, but it's also just a DUMB thing to say for a presidential candidate and shows a poor sense of judgement, which to me is pretty damn important trait to be possessed by the leader of the free world, or what ever presidents are calling themselves these days.

    1. Mr. Happy profile image69
      Mr. Happyposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Vote for Bugs Bunny.

    2. Matt M. profile image61
      Matt M.posted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Hahah he'd fix everything!!!

  3. The Frog Prince profile image71
    The Frog Princeposted 11 years ago

    That's a rather personal question that I don't expect most people will answer.  Everyone has one vote.  Hopefully that is the case and it is a legal one.

    Then I read about snippets on CNN?  Come on and think like a citizen and do some research.  The 47% thing is totally being taken out of context.  Do some research for God's sake.

    I write commentary.  Try reading something factual.

    The Frog

    1. Matt M. profile image61
      Matt M.posted 11 years agoin reply to this

      I listened to about two minutes of that talk (which was all I could really take) and honestly wasn't picking up on that being said out of some other context, but I'm here to learn so please enlighten me seƱor frog...

  4. junkseller profile image78
    junksellerposted 11 years ago

    The most important issue to me is trying to alter the corporate dominated and narrow public debate in which most of our political dialog takes place. The inane, useless, and generally erroneous TV ads which play ad nauseam are a perfect example of how terribly degraded public debate has become.

    Neither major party says anything at all about legitimate campaign finance reform, or  changing the two-party stranglehold. For these reasons alone (although there are many other) I am voting for Jill Stein and the Green Party. Jill Stein doesn't take corporate donations and talks about changes, such as repealing Citizen's United, that will help remove the influence of big-money on elections, and also talks about  changes which will give third parties a real chance and voice in elections.

  5. lone77star profile image72
    lone77starposted 11 years ago

    Gary Johnson, Libertarian.

    I would've voted for Ron Paul, if he would've won the GOP nomination, but that was entirely rigged. Changing votes, zeroing out votes, ignoring votes, ballot stuffing, having caucus chairmen arrested on bogus charges (St. Charles, MO, it was for trespassing at the caucus!).

    Gary Johnson is on the ballot in all 50 states, so he has as much chance as the other two candidates, all other things being equal.

    I vote for Gary Johnson, because he is the only candidate who will stop all Corporate Party wars of greed and bring all the troops home. He's the only candidate who will reduce the size of government and slash government spending, enough to eliminate personal income tax and the IRS. He is the only candidate who will restore the Constitution of the United States, rather than trash it (which is treason). He is the only candidate who could possibly save us from the $16+ Trillion national debt Bubble from popping, because of the cuts he plans. He is the only candidate who will restore the liberties the previous two presidents have eliminated. He is the only candidate who will restore the meaning of what America means -- based on the liberties afforded us by the Constitution. Without that document being upheld, we may as well call America the "Soviet Union" or "Nazi Germany."


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