When the Soul-Searching is over...

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  1. Nathan Orf profile image68
    Nathan Orfposted 11 years ago

    When the Soul-Searching is over...

    How long will it take for Republicans to accept the fact that they lost the 2012 election, and start compromising for the good of the nation?


  2. profile image0
    JThomp42posted 11 years ago

    They should have already accepted it and started working with the president for the betterment of this nation. I think the biggest problem Obama is facing are the tea party members. They could care less what is good for the nation, their objective is to make the president look as bad as possible.

    1. LandmarkWealth profile image66
      LandmarkWealthposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      No, their objective is to work towards a balanced budget.  Which is nearly impossible with a President, his party, and a bunch of country club Republicans who simply doesn't see a problem with the size of gov't as it currently stands.

  3. LandmarkWealth profile image66
    LandmarkWealthposted 11 years ago

    A better question would be how long will it take the President to recognize that they did not lose the house and he is not a dictator.  There are three branches of gov't for a reason.  Although he has masterfully circumvented the legislative process by executive fiat numerous times, he cannot do that with everything. As a matter of record, he has gotten nothing but compromises. He proposed sequestration and sold it to the congress. He peeled away enough republican votes to get it through and now wants to pretend as though he had nothing to do with it, and we need to desperately avoid the bill that his white house crafted.
    He wanted tax increases.  Aside from Obamacare, which is the largest tax increase in American history, he got the an increase in the top marginal rates back to the late 1990's level.  He got the cap gains increased on high earners.  He got the rate on qualified dividends increased.   He also got the PEASE provisions brought back to limit deductions on upper income earners.    And now that he has all of this legislation passed, capital investment has gone even deeper into hiding.  Less income is being declared, and companies have an even greater incentive to hoard cash and limit capital expenditures.  Which means hiring will remain on hold.   The labor market is as anemic as is was 4 years ago, with growth that at best might keep up with population growth. The labor force participation rate is at it's lowest level since 1981 and PMI data is collapsing. 
    In 4 years, even with a super majority for the first 2 years, his administration couldn't even pass a single budget...as they were legally required to do. Nor could the democrat controlled Senate.  They couldn't even propose one in the Senate to send to the house so it could at least go to committee for negotiations to actually take place.  The last budget Obama proposed didn't even get one single vote from his own party.  NOT ONE Democrat !!! perhaps he needs to compromise with them first.  He commissioned Bowles/Simpson, which was the biggest economic political compromise ever put to paper, and didn't like the result...so he simply ignored their proposals.   Then created a "jobs council" and didn't bother to meet with them for over a year, then dissolved them. 

    I have never seen a President so ignorant to macroeconomics, and what it is that motivates capital formation.  And even worse, I have never seen a President so disconnected and disinterested in working on a single proposal.

    1. LandmarkWealth profile image66
      LandmarkWealthposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      @ Nathan. the link didn't post properly.  Jan 26th 2013 survey by Rassmussen 62% of Americans prefer smaller gov't with fewer services.

  4. SealBeach profile image61
    SealBeachposted 11 years ago

    There will never be another Abraham Lincoln in the Republican Party.

  5. IDONO profile image61
    IDONOposted 11 years ago

    Republicans have totally lost the concept of open-mindedness. Example: Their answers begin with, " A better question is.....".  This shows me an inability to answer the question so they try to steer the question to be what they want and can then answer in a way to manufacture a platform to spew the rhetoric we hear everyday on cable Fox News. They are so obsessed with trashing Obama that they have lost sight of real issues and how they effect real people. For Gosh sakes, they put their bat boy in to start the first game of the world series. I'm refering to Rubio's State of Union rebuttal. They threw their own guy under the bus, put him in a position he wasn't ready for, for their own selfish reasons; the 2016 election. I guess it will take them 4 years instead of 2 to lose this next election.
         It's sad too. They have at least 2 rising stars. Rubio and Christy. Both young, energetic, smart men that could really be a huge asset to the American citizen. But they may not get that chance, because their spoiled brat party is putting more than a bad taste in people's mouths. Ask Mitt Romney. He didn't lose! His party did. But they have learned nothing except how to live on resentments and mastered the art of pouting.
         Republicans!!! Get over it and yourselves. Get aboard and quit your whining already. Get rid of Hannity, Gutfeld, O'Reilly and all the rest of your opinionists. New word. That's all they are. They are dictating what you should think for whatever reason. Oh yes, it sells. They aren't news people. They are salesmen and women. And you fall for it. Thank God that they aren't endorsing Snooki.
         You're Republicans . After the election, we are all Americans. Be that.
         I agree with the compromise thing. But if you can't get beyond yourself, then just shut the hell up!!!!!

    1. LandmarkWealth profile image66
      LandmarkWealthposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Yeah let's just ignore Obama's rhetoric as though the Republicans in the house were elected to allow him to infinetly expand the size of gov't.  They were voted in to stop him. Only 51% of the Country voted for him, harldy an overwhelming mandate.

    2. Nathan Orf profile image68
      Nathan Orfposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      You seem to be on shaky ground when one considers the fact that very large majorities approve of Obama and disapprove of House Republicans, who kept their majority through gerrymandering.

    3. LandmarkWealth profile image66
      LandmarkWealthposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      So free elections are gerrymandering.  In every poll Americans by a majority prefer smaller gov't.  They simply disconnect Obama from his policies with the help of a complicit Media. As he says one thing and does another.

    4. Nathan Orf profile image68
      Nathan Orfposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Examples, please? Sources? I'll grant you that Americans are often contradictory about their views, and that media sometimes drives opinion. Just look at how conservative media had you guys sure that Romney would win by a landslide.

    5. LandmarkWealth profile image66
      LandmarkWealthposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      http://www.rasmussenreports.com/public_ … best_days.  And outside of Dick Morris I don't anybody who believed it was going to be any thing less than a close election. Which it was with the President getting 51%

    6. IDONO profile image61
      IDONOposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Put that 51% into real numbers. 2% of all voters is a few million. Not so meager anymore is it? I think I'm just fed up with the losing Republicans telling the rest of us that we are stupid, ignorant or insane. We won! You lost! Accept it. Move on.

    7. LandmarkWealth profile image66
      LandmarkWealthposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      You're the only one using that language.  But neither party really lost.  The house was not elected to embrace his agenda. And they also won their elections to maintain a majority.  And 2% swing in the electorate is hardly inconcievable.

  6. GuitarGear profile image61
    GuitarGearposted 11 years ago

    I don't think the Republican Party will ever accept Barack Obama.  They hate him.  I don't think the Republican Party cares about the good of the nation or the wishes of it's people.  They are selfish.  Republicans have become a nation unto themselves.  Pages can be written rationalizing their behavior but it is what it is.  History will not remember them well.


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