Is Governor Jindal of Louisiana doing a good job?

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  1. profile image0
    Ken R. Abellposted 13 years ago

    Is Governor Jindal of Louisiana doing a good job?

  2. profile image57
    foreignpressposted 13 years ago

    I'm not familiar with the intricacies of his time in office. But Jindahl impressed many people nationwide when he vowed to bypass the federal government on this oil spill. Now, some county commissioners in Florida are doing the same. Since then, people are realizing that this is the kind of leadership this country needs.

  3. bayoulady profile image68
    bayouladyposted 13 years ago

    Yes! I am a Louisianian, born and bred, as the saying goes.I am so proud of Mr. Jindal!He is well respected nationally as well.But I wouldn't be surprised if Washington blames the slow cleanup of the BP oil spill on him.The Feds keep trying to tie his hands  and have from the very beginning of the oil spill. Mr. Jindal reasonably presented requests for a speedier cleanup. Imagine how he felt when Obama "Waited"..(WHY?)He and other governors along the gulf are NOT being listened to.

    I am NOT very politically savvy, but almost anyone living in the gulf states can tell you that not only should Obama have accepted immediate help from the Dutch( who offered) but PLEADED for ANY resources from anywhere. Could it be that they(Washington) were unaware of the seriousness  to our wetlands, beaches,and economy? I don't know, and don't claim to know.I am answering this question because I received an e-mail request to do so. I wish I was able to wax eloquent about the political accomplishments of Bobby Jindal, because I admire him greatly. I DO know that Mr. Jindal is a  very intelligent ,articulate man, whose concerns for speed in the cleanup were unheeded and he  was pretty much ignored by Obama. HE is MAD now, and rightly so.It is not only affecting the gulf states, but in someway or another, most of the nation. You will be hearing more from Mr. Jindal. You can "take it to the bank"...he knows what he's talking about!

  4. Thesource profile image67
    Thesourceposted 13 years ago

    I live in Louisiana too and have been a political observer for about 40 years.
    My observations suggest he would rather reward the corporations and the rich on the backs of the working class.

    As one who is trained in economics, I would give him a F grade.
    His economic decisions and actions are damaging to the state.
    He has objected to many economic recovery aids from the federal government during this recession.

    Louisiana has one of highest insurance rates in the country, Unemployment benefits which are beneficial  to economic recovery is so low in Louisiana that it will never cover a typical modest mortgage.
    He wants to worsen this situation.

    Education in Louisiana is in bad shape and his actions have made it worse. Health care, crime, crumbling infrastructure,  and poverty issues  have been made worse by him. He has taken care of oil companies and large corporations well, but the welfare hardworking workers, children and seniors has gone backwards with him.

    His actions are strictly on party lines and seem to respond well to the directions of powerful lobbyists. A governor should be more independent and should be able to think for himself what is good for his state like Schwarzenegger in California.

    Though as a governor, he should care for all including the business interest. He fails my spiritual test when he dumps the old, the working poor and the young in his state.


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