Are homosexual relationships considered unnatural?

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  1. yeagerinvestments profile image70
    yeagerinvestmentsposted 11 years ago

    Are homosexual relationships considered unnatural?

    Heterosexual couples create new life. That's how we perpetuate our species. That isn't possible with homosexual couples.

  2. jclaffee profile image68
    jclaffeeposted 11 years ago

    This is a loaded question! I think people's perspetive on homosexuality is largely derived from the nature vs. nurture debate. If you think that homosexuality is determined by genetics, meaning that the individual was "born that way", then unnatural is not really how one would describe their sexual perference, since it makes perfect sense to that individual and feels completely natural. However, if you hold to the concept that homosexuality is "learned" or a product of a certain enviornment or upbringing, then I think "unnatural" is very accurate.

    1. yeagerinvestments profile image70
      yeagerinvestmentsposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Looking at it from the perspective of procreation, a hetero couple can often times produce children naturally. Same sex couples cannot.

  3. bernard.sinai profile image77
    bernard.sinaiposted 11 years ago

    Personally, I think it’s unnatural because sex has a purpose and homosexuality does not fulfill that purpose. However, I believe every person has the right to choose their own sexuality so I can’t push my beliefs onto anyone.

    1. yeagerinvestments profile image70
      yeagerinvestmentsposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Great points and thank you for your comments.

  4. Uninvited Writer profile image80
    Uninvited Writerposted 11 years ago

    I am heterosexual, I have never had children. Does that make me less of a human, less natural?
    Many gay couples do have children through artificial insemination and do "perpetuate our species"

    1. yeagerinvestments profile image70
      yeagerinvestmentsposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      I didn't ask whether or not heterosexual couples that do not have children are natural or unnatural. Many gay couples of children through artificial means, not natural ones, right?

    2. Uninvited Writer profile image80
      Uninvited Writerposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      As do many heterosexual couples. Often the gay man is the natural father or the gay woman is the natural father.

    3. yeagerinvestments profile image70
      yeagerinvestmentsposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      The point is homosexual couples can only procreate via artificial means; unnaturally.
      A large percentage of heterosexual couples can procreate naturally, otherwise AI to produce children would be considered an unnatural means.

    4. Uninvited Writer profile image80
      Uninvited Writerposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Why did you ask this question if you had already made up you mind?

    5. yeagerinvestments profile image70
      yeagerinvestmentsposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Don't scurry away so soon. I didn't make up my mind, just simply stating facts.

    6. junkseller profile image78
      junksellerposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Homosexual couples can very easily reproduce naturally. They just need a third person.

  5. Volitans profile image68
    Volitansposted 11 years ago

    Homosexual activity is present in a wide variety of animal species besides humans. I'd say that makes it pretty natural.

    1. yeagerinvestments profile image70
      yeagerinvestmentsposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      So are we just animals?

    2. Silverspeeder profile image61
      Silverspeederposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Animals kill each other for food so is it OK to kill other humans for food then?

    3. Volitans profile image68
      Volitansposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      "Natural" is not a moral judgement. It is simply an adjective meaning "it occurs in nature."
      Wearing clothes, driving cars, and using computers are unnatural behaviors.
      Had the question been about morality, I'd have used different arguments.

  6. hi friend profile image60
    hi friendposted 11 years ago

    I think it is unnatural because the nature has defined only man-woman relationship for sex and the sexual organs are developed only for the same purpose.

    1. jlpark profile image80
      jlparkposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      The sex organs don't just have the one purpose - or there wouldn't be huge bundles of nerves involved with each that make it pleasure able - the clit, and the shaft of the penis. Also, the animal kingdom has the two genders, yet homosexuality.

  7. Emayordomo profile image80
    Emayordomoposted 11 years ago

    I believe that it is not natural because you need a man AND a woman to pro-create. This is the reason we are all here. A man's sperm and a woman's egg. Of course it is okay to have your own personal preference. But I don't think it makes it completely natural.

    1. yeagerinvestments profile image70
      yeagerinvestmentsposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Thank you for commenting.

  8. La geek profile image61
    La geekposted 11 years ago

    That is not  question every one knows that such kind of relationships are just but unnatural

    1. manatita44 profile image73
      manatita44posted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Who says. Do you embody God? Are you in 'Divine Marriage' or 'sweet communion' with the Lord? A pure heart is a peerless manifestation of God's divine reality: "Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God"

  9. Lifes 2nd Chances profile image73
    Lifes 2nd Chancesposted 11 years ago

    I think love is natural. I know both heterosexual and homosexual couples who have used artificial methods to have children. We are all children of God and I do not see the difference in sexual orientation. We all have the right to love and be loved, and if we choose to share that love with a child, regardless of means, it is a personal choice. If you take your comment to the next level, then you also must consider heterosexual couples who use atrificial methods to have children as un natural as well, and that is wrong.

    1. yeagerinvestments profile image70
      yeagerinvestmentsposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      We are children of God, but he has laws and rules, does he not? Heterosexual couples that use seemingly unnatural ways to procreate may be using unnatural methods, but the relationship is still natural.

    2. Lifes 2nd Chances profile image73
      Lifes 2nd Chancesposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      I believe God made all of us, and he makes no mistakes. :-)

  10. profile image53
    Paninanimateposted 11 years ago

    Homosexuality occurs in nature in chimpanzees.  Most homosexual men have the hypothalumus structure of a heterosexual female.  In this the homosexuality can be viewed as a birth defect, like hermaphroditism. Some homosexuality is by choice alone.

    Some amphibians and fish can spontaneously change their sex as needed to procreate most efficiently.
    It may soon be possible for humans to do this to through radical gene modification, but laws will prevent this becoming a reality. So transsexuals will probably remain sterile.

    But the answer is homosexuality is natural yet abnormal.

    1. manatita44 profile image73
      manatita44posted 11 years agoin reply to this

      You point is valid . Still, a lot depends on what we want. Once aspiration for the Higher Life begins, then inner satisfaction is infinitely more important. I was influenced in that direction by a novelist.  Gay, perhaps, but a great devotee of God.

  11. manatita44 profile image73
    manatita44posted 11 years ago

    Yes. It has been that way for centuries, and even now, with so many more laws, some people are still against it.

    One can be heterosexual and still do similar forms of practices. Again, as we progress in the spiritual life, it is purity which becomes more important, a quality which can sometimes be found in same sex partners just as in heterosexuals.

    The Supreme will look at our hearts on the day of judgement. In the inner worlds we neither marry nor are given in marriage. I feel that the same love I show for the heterosexual, I should be showing to everyone else, sex or no sex preferences.

  12. OneFineG467 profile image60
    OneFineG467posted 11 years ago

    Sometimes a woman who might be interested in you but she might be having excessive male harmones within her that doesn't give you the satisfaction of being in a presence of a tender woman but more of a tough mauscline person but after getting repeatedly exposed to such person your brain gets registered to appreciate a male more like a female thus homosexual relationship starts for some...Even in homosexualty  one of the male might slightly be gentle and other one agressive which gives effect of male and female relationship..if both are equaly mauscline then will earn for a company of a woman than male. I have met a man who's body language appears feminine i asked him about his marriage he told me that he will not get married and prefers men with moustache he has expressedhimself about his identity and wish to be single for rest of his life .

  13. jlpark profile image80
    jlparkposted 11 years ago

    Firstly, to look at it a different way - you asked are they "considered unnatural".  By some people, yes.  By others, no.  Because, considering something means that the person 'considering' it is entitled to put their own opinion/spin on it.

    However, if you are asking "ARE they UNNATURAL" - then the answer, scientifically, no, they aren't unnatural.

    Homosexuality is present in many, if not all, of the animal kingdom - which, whether you like it or not, we are part of - whether you are a believer in God and Genesis, or a non-believer of God.  We are mammals, the only thing that differs between us and animals is the presence of a 'mind' - not a brain, but a mind  - a mind capable of thought. 

    But, sure, they aren't capable of procreating - but neither are many heterosexual couples - and yet, you aren't asking if they are unnatural.

    What is natural for one person isn't necessarily going to be natural for another.  Homosexuality seems natural for some, and heterosexuality for others.  I personally find heterosexual relationships unnatural for myself, because I'm not. But I don't think that heterosexuality itself is unnatural. The other comes perfectly natural to me, but not for everyone.  And vice versa.

    Oh, and one more thing - we are an over-populated planet - perpetuating the species is the LAST thing we need to be concerned about right now!

    1. yeagerinvestments profile image70
      yeagerinvestmentsposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Interesting views. I guess my point for discussion is same sex couples cannot naturally procreate, where heterosexual couples even though many are not able. Thanks for commenting.

    2. jlpark profile image80
      jlparkposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Actually, yes they can.  Given some of your other comments - the ways in which they can procreate are the same as straight couples using fertility assistance.  I can get pregnant, using sperm. Same as an infertile straight couple.

  14. stanwshura profile image72
    stanwshuraposted 11 years ago

    Are they *considered* unnatural by some?  Yes.  Are they unnatural?  Of course not!  They exist!  And not just in the human population.  Perhaps sexual intimacy serves other purposes besides procreation.  I mean, the human reproductive epidemic has us having recently passed the 7 billion mark. 

    Either we can evolve to asexual beings, or beings with no sexual function or ability/anatomical capability, or maybe homosexuality is as natural as ice ages, seasons, and opposable thumbs - each and all nature's responses to restore and ensure balance and ecological symbiosis.

    Seems a hell of a lot more preferable to war, famine and disease!

  15. CrescentSkies profile image64
    CrescentSkiesposted 11 years ago

    The problem here is the word "natural". How do you define it? Something found in nature?

    If you mean is homosexuality found outside of humanity then it's a perfectly natural thing! Some animal species have it as well.

    The thing people don't seem to get is that whether or not you're homosexual, bisexual, or not a choice. It's a birth defect caused by stress during pregnancy. I have nothing against homosexuals (as long as they don't hit on me after I ask them to stop) but i'm disgusted when I hear people talk about "turning their son straight"...ain't his choice.

    Genetically homosexuality is a huge disadvantage. Your genes die with you and will never pass on.

    1. yeagerinvestments profile image70
      yeagerinvestmentsposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      What evidence do you have to support the claim that homosexuality is a birth defect caused by stress during pregnancy?

    2. CrescentSkies profile image64
      CrescentSkiesposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Studies have shown that generations born during times of great stress have a greater rate of homosexuality. It's not perfect evidence (then again nothing's perfect in science) but it's a significant coincidence seeing how many times it's happened.

  16. Stephen Govoni profile image60
    Stephen Govoniposted 11 years ago

    Do you know why it is not Unnatural?  Because nature has created species without sex, it has created species that change sex at will, and species that simple change sex as they age.  Many of these species procreate, some without a partner at all!  I would say that's unnatural, but clearly it isn't because it exists in nature...

    To not accept something due to fear or misunderstanding is natural.  It takes a strong willed person to try and understand why something fits into this world.  It is easy to close your eyes and claim it makes no sense.


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