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Shawn Yeager (yeagerinvestments)

Joined 15 years ago from Wisconsin

  • 57
  • 114
  • 50
  • A Spiritual or Prophetic Dream?

    A Spiritual or Prophetic Dream?

    9 years ago

    I had this dream four years ago, just after my first son was born. It's taken me this long to write it down and share it with others.

  • Job Interview Tips- Get That Job!

    Job Interview Tips- Get That Job!

    11 years ago

    Are you struggling to find that perfect job? You may be missing a few key components that employers seek out. Learn from an experienced employer how to get noticed!

  • Best Running Shoes for Flat Feet

    Best Running Shoes for Flat Feet

    11 years ago

    Do you suffer from running injuries because of flat or low arched feet? Finding the right support can be quite a task and when you start comparing running shoes, they can all look the same.

  • Best Running Shoes for High Arches

    Best Running Shoes for High Arches

    11 years ago

    Do you have suffer from constant running injuries due to having high arches? Check out this article on some tips to help without breaking the bank account.

  • Addiction Recovery and E-Mentoring

    Addiction Recovery and E-Mentoring

    11 years ago

    Are you searching for an online spiritually based support network? If so, we may be able to help. We provide members with access to their own personal mentor!

  • An Ode to Mom and Dad

    An Ode to Mom and Dad

    12 years ago

    Mom and dad, just because I have moved 9 hours from you doesn’t mean I love you any less. Yes, having a 1 year old son makes traveling more challenging, but it doesn’t mean I love you any less. You both have been so inspirational in my life and...

  • How to Live A Christian Life Everyday

    How to Live A Christian Life Everyday

    12 years ago

    This article conveys some basic yet powerful ways on how to live a Christian life. As believers we must focus on how we live and our actions towards others if there is hope for hearts to open. Living as a Christian is one of the most difficult ways to live because it requires great restraint and...

  • Motivational Interviewing Techniques to Help Indecisive People

    Motivational Interviewing Techniques to Help Indecisive People

    11 years ago

    Using Motivational Interviewing Techniques you can Help friends, family, children, co-workers and even supervisors move from indecision to strong commitments. I go over basic technique and implementation of this popular and poweful style of communication.

  • Authentic Happiness is Possible

    Authentic Happiness is Possible

    12 years ago

    The U.S. has become a culture of happiness seeking vampires. We constantly search for the next person, relationship, job, thing or anything else that can be used for pleasure and happiness. What many people fail to realize is that authentic, true...

  • Criminal Psychology-Experiences from the Field

    Criminal Psychology-Experiences from the Field

    12 years ago

    These are my experiences in the field of criminal psychology as a counselor, probation officer and now supervisor. I explain how criminal thinking and thinking errors perpetuate the criminal lifestyle and outline the best way a person will, if ever, change.

  • Principles for Overcoming Fear in Your Life

    Principles for Overcoming Fear in Your Life

    6 years ago

    I discuss how overcoming fear is essential to living a healthy and peaceful life. this powerful emotion can be harnessed to create courage and power in our lives.

  • Street Gangs: A Sociological Perspective

    Street Gangs: A Sociological Perspective

    6 years ago

    An explanation is given to why street gangs thrive in communities, some of the common traits shared by its members and possibly solutions to combat this growing epidemic.

  • Best Running Shoes for Shin Splints

    Best Running Shoes for Shin Splints

    12 years ago

    Looking for the best running shoes for shin splints? You've come to the right place. I will explain what to look for in a great running shoe and pitfalls to avoid.

  • The Occult: A Delicious Deception Into Darkness

    The Occult: A Delicious Deception Into Darkness

    12 years ago

    Take a journey into the occult where you'll see darkness for what it truly is. Magic, spells, and rituals entice the mind and engage the senses. See for yourself why deception and destruction follow the occult.

  • Stages of Change Model:How to Use Effectively

    Stages of Change Model:How to Use Effectively

    12 years ago

    It can be difficult to change a behavior about us we dislike. It can be confusing and overwhelming. The Stages of Change Model helps us see progress and this article will tell you how to use this model to effectively shape and change your behavior.

  • The Addictive Personality: Techniques to Conquer

    The Addictive Personality: Techniques to Conquer

    11 years ago

    Someone with an addictive personality is a person that engages in a compulsive habit, activity or behavior excessively which increases exponentially over a relatively short period of time. This definition is of course my own I developed after working with addicts for many years but may not apply to...

  • What is Time Management? 7 Tips for Working Parents

    What is Time Management? 7 Tips for Working Parents

    12 years ago

    What is time management? Here is an explanation along with some practical tips for working parents to live by. Enjoy your family more and have more time to do what you want.

  • Addictive Behaviors in Adults and The Effects on Families

    Addictive Behaviors in Adults and The Effects on Families

    11 years ago

    Are you seeking to know if your loved one is in the throws of addiction? I explain the behaviors addicts display and the effects on families. This article is for anyone in active abuse of drugs/alcohol or victims of an addict's behavior. There is help!

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    Chicago Gangs: Basic Education for Parents, Teachers and Community Members

    6 years ago

    Find basic information about the top 3 Chicago street gangs here. Videos are linked to watch more information about how these gangs operate in Chicago and other areas.

  • Invasive Lobular Carcinoma: A Family Member's Journey

    Invasive Lobular Carcinoma: A Family Member's Journey

    12 years ago

    This is an examination of the effects on families and communities from breast cancer; specifically Invasive Lobular Carcinoma since that is what a close family member has been diagnosed with.

  • The Best Calcium Supplement

    The Best Calcium Supplement

    12 years ago

    Have you been searching for a calcium supplement that will give you the support you need? You've come to the right place because I tell you the secrets of what to look for in the best calcium supplements.

  • Baby Fever: How to Treat an Infant with a Fever

    Baby Fever: How to Treat an Infant with a Fever

    12 years ago

    Are you new to parenting and your child has a fever? You will find information here to help reduce your baby's fever. The first thing to realize is that fevers are a normal part of a child's growth and development.

  • Best Isotonic Drinks with Electrolytes for Athletes

    Best Isotonic Drinks with Electrolytes for Athletes

    12 years ago

    As an athlete finding a great isotonic drink that can replace lost electrolytes is essential. I give you my top 3 choices that I use after an intense workout and hopefully you will benefit from them as well.

  • How to Write an Effective Relapse Prevention Plan for Adults

    How to Write an Effective Relapse Prevention Plan for Adults

    12 years ago

    Writing a highly effective relapse prevention plan is more of an art and should be taken seriously. I will teach you the proper way to craft an effective yet simple plan that will help you when needed. Keep it close to you at all times during the initial phase of your recovery.

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    Help! My Newborn Won't Sleep at Night: A Guide for New Parents

    18 months ago

    A newborn that won't sleep at night can be extremely frustrating. Know that you are not alone. This guide will help you and your newborn find ways to rest peacefully.

  • How to Deal with Anger Effectively

    How to Deal with Anger Effectively

    12 years ago

    Anger is a natural human emotion however many people use it as a tool manipulate, dominate and abuse others. This article will teach you ways to express anger and still get what you want without hurting others.

  • 5 Effective Ways to Deal with Stress

    5 Effective Ways to Deal with Stress

    11 years ago

    Finding positive ways to deal with stress can be time consuming. If you have 30 minutes a day, you can reduce your stress by following these tips.

  • 4 Tricks You can Teach Your Dog

    4 Tricks You can Teach Your Dog

    12 years ago

    There are many tricks to teach your dog but these 4 are an absolute necessity for any new dog owner! If you're looking for some simple, yet effective commands to teach your pooch, then you've come to the right place.

  • Loose Leash Walking: Your Dog's Freedom, Your Peace of Mind

    Loose Leash Walking: Your Dog's Freedom, Your Peace of Mind

    6 years ago

    Teaching your dog how to loose leash walk is a failry simple method for your pooch to learn but does take time, energy, patience and proper technique.

  • 3 Highly Effective Speed Workouts for Distance Runners: Does Speed Work Really Help?

    3 Highly Effective Speed Workouts for Distance Runners: Does Speed Work Really Help?

    12 years ago

    When selecting effective speed workouts for distance running, it's important to seek routines that incorporate intensity and simplicity. These types of workouts should be completed within about 30-40 minutes and used about 2-3 times per week.

  • Half Marathon Training Schedule for Beginners

    Half Marathon Training Schedule for Beginners

    12 years ago

    Training for the half marathon is no easy feat and will test your limitations if you have not adequately prepared. Of course running any race should be fun and exciting but if you want to finish, then training with some vigor will help you complete the race strong. Beginners should take the time to...

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    Are American Staffordshire Terrier/Lab Mixes Good Pets?

    23 months ago

    If you’re thinking about getting an AmStaff mix and want more information about this breed, you have come to the right place. Below is a complete description of our AmStaff/Chocolate Labrador Retriever mixed dog that we have owned for many years.

  • Best Running Shoes for Knee Pain

    Best Running Shoes for Knee Pain

    6 years ago

    Finding the best running shoes for knee pain can be tricky, however this guide will give you the best ways to save money and help with knee pain. Knee pain to a new runner can signal panic at first and can cause mental stress especially if the newbie has never experienced the pain before. I can...

  • Best Shin Splints Treatment

    Best Shin Splints Treatment

    11 years ago

    If you are a runner like me then you’ve experienced this type of injury and believe me, it is not fun to deal with. It seems like I am prone to this injury and for a long period of time I didn’t understand what was causing it until recently. Before I get into the mechanics of treatment for this...

  • A Complete Guide to the 10K Race

    A Complete Guide to the 10K Race

    11 years ago

    Preparing for the 10K race is a fun experience. It will provide you with discipline as well as health benefits and who knows, maybe your family members will catch on as well and start running. Make sure before you run long distances to have a good pair of running shoes. They will protect you from...

  • A Guide for Running Long Distance Races

    A Guide for Running Long Distance Races

    11 years ago

    Training for a race is an exciting way to keep your body in shape and keep your mind motivated. The 5K run requires the least amount of training and most people can prepare for this in a matter of weeks. The 10K race takes more preparation and a consistent running schedule with increased mileage....

  • Official Modern Graco CarSeat Review

    Official Modern Graco CarSeat Review

    12 years ago

    We love the car seat and it travels pretty easily. It snaps into the base perfectly and remains sturdy. It’s easy to get out of the car and place in the stroller which is a nice feature. The straps can be adjusted to match your baby’s height as he/she grows. The harness is not too restrictive but...

  • 4 Benefits of Using Isotonix Vitamin D with K2

    4 Benefits of Using Isotonix Vitamin D with K2

    12 years ago

    If you've learned anything from this article, it should be that prevention is key to a healthy body. Isotonix Vitamin D with K2 is one simple and easy way to work on health maintenance. Even though we ingest this vitamin through dairy products, foods, and the sun, it is a fact that our foods do not...

  • Official Dr. Brown's Bottle Review

    Official Dr. Brown's Bottle Review

    11 years ago

    If you're looking for a bottle that helps prevent Colic and is simple to use, then you can't go wrong using a Dr. Brown's Bottle. With clearly marked units of measure, the simple pieces that fit together without ever leaking, and the natural looking nipple assembly, this bottle is hands down my...

  • 4 Benefits of Using Aloe Vera Juice

    4 Benefits of Using Aloe Vera Juice

    12 years ago

    There are many benefits for using aloe vera juice that can have a profound impact on the body. Digestion is really the system that sees the most benefit but that process is very complex and can be disrupted quite easily. This juice helps support a healthy digestive tract, promotes normal healing,...

  • How to Train for 5K Runs

    How to Train for 5K Runs

    11 years ago

    Training for your first 5K run is an exciting adventure! If you look at it like a chore, that's exactly what it will be and chances are you won't stick with it. If you're brand new to running or haven't been active in awhile, start out slow. Don't let the success of others bring you down because...

  • 4 Simple Ways to Lose 10 Pounds with Isotonix

    4 Simple Ways to Lose 10 Pounds with Isotonix

    12 years ago

    Losing 10 or more pounds isn't rocket science. You need 4 simple actions which include monitoring junk food intake, vitamins, physical activity, and get plenty of rest. These combined will take you to your goals and beyond.

  • 4 Reasons to Buy a Windows Phone

    4 Reasons to Buy a Windows Phone

    12 years ago

    Overall, this phone is a great tool for the busy professional, student or social media guru. Sometimes I wonder if I should have bought an iPhone or Android, but then I think about these features and the simplicity and my confidence returns. If you plan on buying a smartphone this year, consider...

  • Should LGBT People Be Allowed In Church

    Should LGBT People Be Allowed In Church

    14 years ago

     The purpose for this article is to ask my fellow Christians and pastors some serious questions regarding the LGBT culture. First off, what does LGBT stand for? Lesbian, gay, bi-sexual, and transgender people. For most of us this culture is not...

  • How To Pray Effectively

    How To Pray Effectively

    14 years ago

     I grew up in the church as my father was a baptist minister, so I heard all the time that we should trust in the Lord for all things. I believed this then and continue to believe it today, but I felt there was something missing. I felt like my...

  • How Your Business Can Succeed Online

    How Your Business Can Succeed Online

    14 years ago

     What I'm writing about today will hopefully give you some information about how you can build and grow your business on the internet. The web continues to grow and become increasingly complex, but the principles behind it remain constant. To...

  • Incredible Story Using OPC-3

    Incredible Story Using OPC-3

    15 years ago

      Testimony of Scott Rosenberry I was 18 years old when I was introduced to the life of drugs and alcohol, which led to having problems keeping a relationship. I went to rehab at the age of 21, had stayed off drugs for seventeen months, but...

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    What Is A Product Broker? A Review from an Online Product Brokerage Company

    12 years ago

     People ask me all the time what a product broker is. Well this should help explain it once and for all. A product broker is someone that finds the best possible deals for their customer by using a variety of sources. I personally love using the...

  • The Future of America

    The Future of America

    15 years ago

     Is America's future bright? Is it destined for failure? With the world's economy changing almost daily these questions seem to be on everyone's mind. Can the U.S. pick itself up out of the muddy hole of debt we have slipped into over the past 30...

  • Follow Me

    Follow Me

    15 years ago

    This Story is fiction. No part of it is true or taken from true events. My name is Tom, Thomas Porter and this is my story of death, destruction and grace. Why such a grim story you might ask? Well, I don't have an answer to that except to keep...

  • How To Start A Home Based Business

    How To Start A Home Based Business

    15 years ago

    With the state of our economy these days and unemployment rates skyrocketing, it's no wonder people are seeking other means of income. The growing trend in America is that people are no longer searching for jobs, but for work at home options to be...

  • How To Find Joy In A Broken World

    How To Find Joy In A Broken World

    12 years ago

    It is possible to find joy in this world. I explain in this article the difference between joy and happiness and how to pursue the long lasting peace of joy.

  • How To Stop Acid Reflux

    How To Stop Acid Reflux

    15 years ago

    Home Remedy For Acid Reflux Have you ever wondered what how to get rid of painful acid reflux symptoms? I know I have. I'm only 29 and I have struggled on and off with this problem for several years. Most of the time I think it's because I love...

  • Official Isotonix OPC-3 Review

    Official Isotonix OPC-3 Review

    6 years ago

    A review of one of the hottest and most effective anti-oxidants on the market. Discover how OPC-3 has helped millions of people with diabetes, asthma, migraines, arthritis and many other ailments.

  • How To Relieve Asthma symptoms With Isotonix OPC-3

    How To Relieve Asthma symptoms With Isotonix OPC-3

    14 years ago

    If you haven't tried Isotonix OPC-3 today, you should. It has helped me since I began using it. I have had problems with shortness of breath/asthma since I was little. I don't smoke and I exercise regularly. I have tried to deny having these...

  • Maintain Healthy Sperm Quality with OPC-3

    Maintain Healthy Sperm Quality with OPC-3

    15 years ago

    Don't take my word for it, try it yourself for 90 days. The reason I say 90 days is because it generally takes that long for your body to adjust and start repairing itself. If nothing else, use it as a supplement to your current diet because even though some of us eat the right foods and exercise...

  • Cashflow Positive Everytime

    Cashflow Positive Everytime

    15 years ago

    The purpose of this article is to provide new people to real estate investing a little bit of help. This particular type of investing can very risky. It is possible to lose your life savings on one deal if you're not careful and there's plenty of...


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