Breaking Ends - Ripping Hair strands?

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  1. profile image0
    jennafawposted 14 years ago

    Know any way to cure that? I have such of a bad habit of looking for splits ends or just snapping the bad ends without even just going for a stop to the salon.

    1. double_frick profile image60
      double_frickposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        a good blend of coconut oil, olive oil and ylang ylang repairs my damaged hair extending the time between trimmings. smile

  2. Stimp profile image61
    Stimpposted 14 years ago

    This stuff is amazing:

    I use the intense conditioner in the blue tub and I have the oil for my ends on the days I'm flat ironing it or just hanging around the house.  Expensive but good.

    1. profile image0
      jennafawposted 14 years agoin reply to this


  3. wychic profile image84
    wychicposted 14 years ago

    It seems like everyone has their particular oils that work best for their hair, mine is jojoba in the summer and extra virgin olive oil in the winter when it needs something heavier. For existing splits, there's nothing that will repair them, but snapping them off will stretch and damage the strand even more. It's not hard to find some high-quality hair scissors for dusting (snipping off any split ends) and it's worked well for my hair thus far. If you'd like some ideas on good ways to take care of your hair and advice on your particular hair type, I've found TONS of great information on I have a hub on taking care of hair, and my profile pic is REALLY outdated...this is what my hair looked like in August of 2008, the most updated, now it's about the same but down past my butt...and been learning from LHC for like 8 years now.

  4. elayne001 profile image77
    elayne001posted 14 years ago

    I tried a great product called "wen"

    and it is really terrific however it is like shampooing your hair with conditioner because it does not suds up. So when I ran out, I just continued using other conditioners to "wash" my hair - you have to put in quite a bit and rinse it well and then do it again, but my hair seems so much more manageable. Another friend told me that when she shampoos her hair she adds a little bit of baking soda to the shampoo which cleans it more thoroughly and takes off any hair spray build up. Hope you find the right thing for your hair.

  5. yenajeon profile image70
    yenajeonposted 14 years ago

    I have the exact problem! What I have tried to do, is trim my damaged ends every weekend or every other weekend. My hair is now super healthy and grows so so fast because I keep trimming, its great.

    Plus I never split my hairs, because I cant. I also used a hair protection oil. Just buy a generic one from the drug store: Loreal has a good one=)


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