There is a song for every heart that aches.
Being torn between people or decisions is not uncommon, but it is preventable.
Paying attention to your dreams and listening to what they're telling you can lead to great insights.
If you are thinking about a career as a paralegal, please note that these are my PERSONAL experiences and are in no way intended to stereotype a profession that is as old as I am.
Self-hatred is stifling and destructive. The first step back to self-love means forgiving transgressors (real and imagined). Learn how essential oils can help you 'let go' and find your way back to self-love and self-care.
The only lessons we haven't learned are the ones that keep repeating themselves.
We all have complexes. Some of us have complexes that become unhealthy. Learn what the complexes are and what causes them.
We all have complexes. We all have flaws. Sometimes they are dangerous. Learn how to distinguish some of the most subtle nuances in human behavior.
The future of HubPages is bright, but only if we make it that way!
Think and feel - that's what humans do! But whether we evolve or devolve, depends on our energy.
One of the USA's most impressive gorges, the Tennessee River Gorge astounds onlookers with beauty and history.
All videos and photos are the work of this author. Dedicated to my grandson, Sam, for his third birthday. Note: Song of the South was the first picture show I ever saw in a theatre! It is now banned.
Love isn't guaranteed despite the best beginning. Learn how ordinary blunders can destroy precious relationships and how to guard against it.
Nominated for Most Beautiful Article by HubPages in 2022.
What began as cathartic writing for me, turned into finding my voice. It seems that writing can begin as an inspiration to you and later becomes an inspiration to others. Writing is a good example of how a question becomes the answer instead and HubPages provides the tools to start the journey.
Conflict is inevitable. How we respond to it may not be as controllable as you might imagine. Learn some ideas to help navigate turbulence in relationships, both personal and professional, while learning trigger points that should be minimized.
Social media can be a slippery slope. Are we gaining or losing ground?
Some say discernment is a natural gift; you either have it or you don't. But properly taught, discernment can be easily learned.
We all know forests contain trees. But what else does a forest contain, and how do they support humankind?
Everyone's got something to share. Does it have to be niche' to be worthy?
Looking for inspiration to hike Mt. LeConte in Tennessee? Here is an interpretive photographic journal of my hikes there over the years. This should not be construed as a trail map.
Did you know the title you choose doesn't just peak interest, it affects who actually sees your article or blog? Internet search engines use different algorithms and while your title should generally read like a person searching for related content, subtle changes render BIG differences.
Are orbs just a fleck of dust in your camera lens or something paranormal? You decide.
Cheaha is located in the Talladega National Forest in Clay County, Alabama. While Talladega is more well known for its motorcar speedway, the roaring sounds of racing men are seldom heard in this pristine wilderness. Here are tips if you want to hike the different trails in the Cheaha Wilderness.
What exactly is a player, and how can you avoid falling into a relationship with one? This article will teach you all the warning signs you need to look for.
A collection of my favorite caving photographs, including Valhalla Cave, Alabama, and Stephen's Gap.
If you're looking for a remote weekend chock-full of waterfalls, hiking, and/or climbing, you'll like weekend trip 10.
Pine Mountain is the best kept secret in Alabama in my view. I'm proud to own a home there and share it's beauty and wonders. Above all, I appreciate them.
Here's a rundown of how I quickly fed a family three different dinner meals for about a hundred bucks.
I received a door prize for this one in a writing competition : ) Got the idea from a Facebook post and converged it with the topic.
I entered this flash fiction in a 750 word WOW contest but didn't place. I enjoyed writing it though & wanted to share. I doubt I'll ever have time to finish the sci-fi novel it deserves to become.
This was hard to write even a year after my mom's passing, but it would have been impossible had I not been there for her. In loving memory of Jacqueline Avalon Ratcliffe, 1935-2014.
If driving in traffic is your idea of risk-taking, this article isn't for you. But if you've ever had the desire to seek adventure and wondered why, read on to learn more.
Cabo is at the tip of the Baja Penninsula in Mexico. Though packed with tourists & resorts, if you go the right time of year, you will find the wonder of San Lucas is affordable and hassle-free.
These five tips can help you keep your desk in order and your head clear enough to manage an overwhelming work-load.
Find out whether it is legal to cover or quote a song and how to avoid copyright violations.
Common stressors of our age and how to cope with them.
It might surprise you to learn how many hikers die each year. Find out how and why hiking deaths happen and other statistics about the dangers of hiking.
Interesting laws concerning "lemon" purchases.
Purpose isn't always obvious but that doesn't mean you have to turn up every stone looking for it!
Are valuable words being lost in transmission? Synonomously: the lost art of letter writing.
Those fluffy pretties aren't as benign as they might seem. Clouds kill hundreds of thousands of people each year.
A short tribute to man's best friend.
A photo collection of natural wonders.
A peom about life after death.
A group of selected photographs demonstrate the quality of the beaches and wildlife along the "forgotten coast."
The frustrations that lace the decade have no end in sight. Ghost companies, fraud-based companies, telemarketing torture, and healthcare hell. It's all very real!
Have you ever wondered what keeps a man moving in a positive direction despite extreme obstacles?
Seven pointers on how to survive negativity and stay positive.
The history of mysogony and how women overcame it.
What do you do when emotional abuse is present in the workplace? Here are suggestions for identifying and overcoming workplace emotional abuse and tension.
A brief summary of the literary works of southern author, Walker Percy.
Learn the difference between the old South and the Deep South and get some lagniappe!
Understanding how composition, ISO and shutter speed affect your photographs.
This could be anyone's childhood. Instead, it was mine.
Heirs are often left dumbfounded at the intricacies of transferring property upon the death of a loved one. Find out how to benefit from a Transfer on Death Deed.
We need to restore the full meaning of that old word, duty. It is the other side of rights. ~ Pearl Buck
What is the law concerning photographic license and how to comply with it.
Find out how to search and find content hidden from view on the 'Deep; Internet.
A tribue to the music of Dan Fogelberg.
College is 30% education, but it's 70% something entirely more important.
How to recognize heat exhaustion or heat stroke and treat it.
How to recognize hypothermia and how to treat it.
Having Internet access is one thing – knowing how to effectively use it is another.
Here are methods to develop or maintain trust in a relationship.
Learn the relevance of your dreams and they secrets they reveal? They may mean more than you realize.
You don't have to take horse piss! The importance of hormone replacement therapy and the options available to women.
The key elements to surival in the wildnerness including threats posed by wildlife, threatening weather, and the many variables of mother nature.
Mississippi is the State most often mentioned in song. It's famous for the blues, the Mighty Mississippi, and literature. But what makes Mississippi so enchanting that it's written about, sung about, and talked about almost universally?
Are you a boss? Then this article is for you!
Understanding your lawyer's billing system translates to more efficient billing and services.
What to expect from a legal assistant and how to cultivate additional skills.
The importance of mentorship cannot be overstated, especially in times like these.
When should you stop trusting your doctor and start trusting yourself more? The answer might surprise you.
The real gift of believing is that it works.
Can a not-so-chance meeting become a second chance? This fictional narrative explains that what an absentee father regrets, a daughter must reconcile.